4 TV Episodes Spectacle!
Three girls drive around Hollywood without paying much attention to the road.
Skupina ľudí príde na návštevu do honosného sídla, všetci sú spoločensky oblečení. Služobníctvo odišlo, v dome ostal len majordóm. Po večeri, ako sa večer vyvíja, by niektorí už aj chceli odísť – no nedá sa. Hostia sa z neznámej príčiny nevedia dostať z miestnosti, kde sa nachádzajú. Čas plynie, hodiny sa menia na dni... Hostia sa postupne začínajú odhaľovať – predovšetkým spoločensky. Už sa neschovávajú za maskami, ktoré si zvyčajne nasadzujú v spoločnosti, na povrch sa derú ich najskrytejšie túžby, ale aj temné pudy. Buñuelov film je ostrou satirou a výsmechom buržoáznym inštitúciám (v tomto prípade rodiny a celej spoločnosti), pokryteckej morálke a hodnotám.
A woman recalls her childhood growing up in the North of Spain, focusing on her relationship with her father.
School for fairies Alfea celebrates the inauguration of the new school year when the party is interrupted by Icy, Darcy and Stormy, the perfidious Trix. The Winx without Bloom, are forced to remedy the confusion created by the witches who, having ruined the party, steal a powerful and mysterious object. Meanwhile, Bloom is on Domino, which is experiencing the best moments of his new life as a princess. He finally found his parents and Sky asks her to marry him. But not all gold that glitters, the three Witches are Ancestors in fact come back to haunt Stella, Aisha, Tecna, Musa, Flora and Bloom. Moreover, Erendor, Sky's father, forbids his son to marry the princess of Domino. A dark secret lies in the realm of Eraklyon and now that Sky, the legitimate ruler of the kingdom, as known.
A Short claymation version of Jurassic fight club's first episode.
“The Crocodiles” are back and they are in for quite an adventure! Frank is seriously hurt and needs a liver donation. In order to save him, the gang needs to get Frank’s brother out of prison. Their plan is risky and the stakes are high.
Lina Cruzová je bystrá latinskoamerická roztlieskavačka z východu Los Angeles, ktorá prestúpi do noblesnej strednej školy v západnom Los Angeles po tom, čo si jej ovdovelá matka vezme bohatého muža a Lina sa ocitne v neznámom prostredí na novej strednej škole. Okrem toho, musí sa postaviť Avery, snobskej kapitánke roztlieskavačiek, aby sa kvalifikovala na miesto vo svojom novom tíme s pomocou svojej novej nevlastnej sestry Skylar a jej bývalých spoluroztlieskavačiek, ktoré si zavolá na pomoc. Superkočky sú späť!
Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.
Jody convinces his parents to allow him to adopt a young deer, but what will happen if the deer misbehaves?
A black comedy that follows three generations of a family, who come together for the funeral of the patriarch - unveiling a litany of family secrets and covert relationships.
V tejto modernej prerábke legendárneho filmu sa Jeremy, bývalá basketbalová hviezda, ktorej kariéru zabrzdili zranenia, zdráhavo spojí s Kamalom, kedysi sľubným hráčom, ktorý si cestu hore zahatal sám. Bojujúc s náročnými vzťahmi, finančnými problémami a vnútornými spormi sa títo dvaja veľmi odlišní pouliční basketbalisti spoja pre poslednú šancu splniť si sny.
Amateur filmmaker Kemal Mutlu captures scenes of everyday life with plans of making a film. He lives with his housemate Nuri in a small flat in Istanbul. One day,Nuri's friend from orphanage, Izzet, comes to visit unannounced. Just out of prison, Izzet's colorful character grabs Kemal's attention, and he decides to make a film about him. Unfortunately, it soon turns out that underneath his friendly exterior, Izzet is a psychopath. When he is refused entry into a bar, he gets in by force and kidnaps actress Oznur Kula. Kemal is happy to have found an actress to star in his film, however things soon get out of control as Izzet's sick plans unfold.
Five hapless inner-city low-lifes attempt to burgle a pawnbroker's safe, but end up being plagued by bad luck.
Cindy Campbellová úspešne ukončila štúdium a momentálne pracuje ako televízna redaktorka a moderátorka. V rámci investigatívnej žurnalistiky sa stretne s neuveriteľnými prípadmi: objaví tajomné kruhy v obilí, stretne sa s mimozemskými tvormi, rieši problém so smrtiacimi videokazetami, vidí deti so zvláštnymi očami a v jej okolí dokonca dôjde k incidentu s Michaelom Jacksonom! A aby toho nebolo málo, dozvie sa, že ona je tá vyvolená, ktorá musí pomôcť americkému prezidentovi zachrániť Spojené štáty a samozrejme celý svet pred inváziou zlých a škaredých votrelcov z vesmíru.
New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?
Directed by Matt Walsh, a co-founding member of world-renowned comedy troupe Upright Citizens Brigade, High Road showcases a totally improvised script about Glenn “Fitz” Fitzgerald (James Pumphrey), a young man whose loyalties are split among his band, his girlfriend Monica(Abby Elliottt) and selling drugs. After his band breaks up, Fitz finds himself dealing drugs out of his garage and bonding with 16-year-old neighborhood kid Jimmy (Dylan O’Brien). As his former band mates (Zach Woods, Matt L. Jones, Lizzy Caplan) begin finding success and one of his drug deals goes awry, Fitz hits the road with Jimmy. Amid car chases, guns, broken bones, sassy cabbies and a suspicious doctor (Horatio Sanz), Fitz has to navigate their way to safe harbor--and he doesn’t even know about the surprise Monica has in store for him back home!
Hillary and Bonnie meet one morning by the side of the road. They become fast friends, share their secrets, and, on a rising wave of frenzy, later that afternoon, murder an old woman. They did it, they say later, for fun.
Torrente, bývalý policajt, je späť a v ešte lepšej forme ako predtým! Tentoraz sa ujme úlohy ochrankára a poradí si s ňou po svojom. Hoci sa Torrente nepodobá na klasických hrdinov, jeho činy sú o to zábavnejšie!