The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 11–14, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro ventures to the south-southeast where he encounters a cowardly young man named Zenitsu Agatsuma. He is a fellow survivor from Final Selection and his sparrow asks Tanjiro to help keep him in line.

Pusto in strupeno industrijsko okolje v okolici Ravene slabo vpliva na duševno počutje žene in matere Giuliane. Mlada ženska svojo tesnobo skriva pred okolico, predvsem pred uspešnim in brezbrižnim možem Ugom. Ugov stari prijatelj Corrado se pojavi v mestu na službenem potovanju. Z Giuliano se takoj ujameta, saj je Corrado podobno občutljiv in osamljen kot ona. Z ljubezensko afero ublažita njeno tesnobo, vendar le začasno; njena depresija se hitro slabša.

Nekdanji študent arheologije Arthur, ki je pravkar prišel iz zapora in še vedno objokuje svojo pokojno dekle Beniamino, se ponovno poveže s svojo ekipo tombarolijev – razposajeno druščino roparjev grobov. Arthurja pa dragoceni artefakti ne zanimajo; išče legendarna vrata v podzemlje, da bi se znova združil s svojo ljubljeno Beniamine.

Trojica čarovnic prepriča škotskega lorda, da bo postal naslednji kralj Škotske, njegova ambiciozna žena pa ga podpira pri njegovih načrtih za prevzem oblasti.

Guests at a posh Berlin hotel struggle through worry, scandal, and heartache.

A stark portrayal of life among a group of heroin addicts who hang out in Needle Park in New York City. Played against this setting is a low-key love story between Bobby, a young addict and small-time hustler, and Helen, a homeless girl who finds in her relationship with Bobby the stability she craves.

When a bumbling New Yorker is dumped by his activist girlfriend, he travels to a tiny Latin American nation and becomes involved in its latest rebellion.

Following the disappearance of the glamorous and secretive Evelyne Ducat during a blizzard in the highlands of southern France, the lives of five people inextricably linked to Evelyne are brought together to devastating effect as the local police investigate the case.

Cachin's friends are back. After overcoming many adversities, an inheritance will put them to the test, facing funny situations and dark characters that will try to boycott one of their greatest dreams.

V tretjem filmu iz serije o Angeliki, je junakinja poslana na misijo, kamor jo pošlje kralj Ludvik XIV. Sama pa postane predmet govoric in obrekovanja.

A teenage skateboarder becomes suspected of being connected with a security guard who suffered a brutal death in a skate park called "Paranoid Park".

Forced collectivism, famines, errors and mistakes mark Stalin´s ruthless rise to dictorial power and only increase his madness until he even declares a chicken to be an English spy that should be liquidated.

V londonskem West Endu v petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja se načrti za filmsko različico gledališke uspešnice ustavijo, potem ko je bil umorjen ključni član ekipe. Ko se primera lotita vsega naveličan inšpektor Stoppard in ambiciozni novinec, policist Stalker, se znajdeta vržena v skrivnosti znotraj glamurozno umazanega gledališkega podzemlja, kjer na lastno odgovornost preiskujeta umor.

An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.

As teenagers, Blandine and Magalie were inseparable. Years passed and they lost sight of each other. As their paths cross again, they decide to take the trip together that they have always dreamed of. Direction Greece, its sun, its islands but also its galleys because the two former best friends now have a very different approach to holidays... and to life!

Nova pustolovščina Diabolika in njegove pomočnice Eve Kant proti vedno bolj bojevitemu inšpektorju Ginku. Diabolik se skoraj ujame v Ginkovo najnovejšo past, pri begu pa pusti svojo partnerko v zločinu Evo Kant. Zato besna Eva ponudi Ginku svojo pomoč...

Marc, a bipolar and paranoid filmmaker, cannot tolerate seeing his current project picked apart by his producers. The clips he’s been able to sneak a look at lead him to fear the worst. With his editor as an accomplice, he manages to spirit away the rushes to his aunt’s place in the Cévennes, to finish the film as he envisions it. Instead, its completion is constantly postponed, as he creates endless diversions and impasses, which alternate between the comic and the downright disturbing.

A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.