Desmitgadīgais Augusts Pulmens, kas piedzima ar nopietnu sejas defektu un slimības dēļ līdz šim ir mācījies mājās, pirmoreiz dosies uz skolu, lai uzsāktu mācības vietējās skolas 5. klasē. Augija vienaudžiem nebūs viegli pieņemt citādo un aiz neparastās ārienes ieraudzīt to stipro, drosmīgo un labsirdīgo zēnu, ko pazīst viņa mīlošā ģimene. Lai gan Augijs pūlēsies būt tāds pats kā citi skolēni, viņš tikai vēlreiz apliecinās, ka ir īpašs, un ne jau neparastā izskata dēļ.

Mia ir topošā aktrise, kas piestrādā kafejnīcā, pasniedzot latte kafijas filmu zvaigznēm. Viņas mīļotais ir Sebastians, džeza mūziķis, kas mēģina savilkt galus, uzstājoties ar koncertiem šaubīgos un noplukušos bāros. Panākumiem pieaugot, jaunais mīlnieku pāris saskaras ar lēmumiem, kas sāk graut viņu mīlestību. Sapņi, pie kuriem viņi strādājuši tik smagi, nu viņus var izšķirt!

Merlins ir klaunzivs, kurš plēsēju uzbrukumā zaudējis visu savu ģimeni. Vienīgais, kas viņam atlicis, ir dēls Nemo. Merlins nebeidz brīdināt dēlu par to, cik okeāns ir bīstams, taču mazais nebēdnis vēlas iepazīt pasauli. Jau savā pirmajā skolas dienā viņš nav gana piesardzīgs - Nemo tiek noķerts un ieslodzīts akvārijā. Viņa tētis kopā ar savu jauno, izklaidīgo draudzeni Doriju ir gatavs šķērsot visu okeānu, lai tikai atrastu savu dēlēnu.

Ieguvis savu jauno veidolu, kareivis Džeiks Sallijs kļūst par vadoni un uzņemas aizsargāt savu ģimeni un jaunos draugus no alkatīgajiem Zemes biznesmeņiem, kad tie ar līdz zobiem apbruņotu armiju atgriežas uz Pandoru.

Lara Jean's love life goes from imaginary to out of control when her secret letters to every boy she's ever fallen for are mysteriously mailed out.

Using raw, firsthand footage, this documentary examines the disappearance of Shanann Watts and her children, and the terrible events that followed.

Pirms viņa kļuva par Brīnumsievieti, viņa bija Diāna, Amazoņu princese, kura bija audzināta un trenēta, lai kļūtu par neuzvaramu kareivi. Augusi noslēgtā paradīzes salā, viņa līdz šim nevienu cilvēku no ārpasaules nav satikusi. Viss mainās brīdī, kad jūras malā tiek izskalots amerikāņu pilots, kurš viņai izstāsta par milzīgu karu starp neskaitāmām valstīm, kurš var sagraut visu pasauli.

The true story of Kurt Warner, who went from a stockboy at a grocery store to a two-time NFL MVP, Super Bowl champion, and Hall of Fame quarterback.

Superintendent Maigret is sent to Antibes to elucidate the murder of William Brown, a rich Australian who regularly disappeared to indulge in formidable drinking binges. In his footsteps, Maigret makes the rounds of bars until discovering the Liberty Bar, its welcoming patroness La Grosse Jaja and its equivocal clientele. It is without a doubt here that the key to the murder is to be found.

After getting in a car accident, a woman is held in a shelter with two men, who claim the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack.

Remember that really cute girl/guy who said they'd call – and didn't? Maybe they lost your number. Maybe they're in the hospital. Maybe they're awed by your looks, brains or success. Or maybe... They're just not that into you.

High school senior Tara is so painfully shy that she dreads speaking to anyone in the hallways or getting called on in class. But in the privacy of her bedroom with her iPod in hand, she rocks out -- doing mock broadcasts for Miami's hottest FM radio station, which happens to be owned by her stepfather. When a slot opens up at The SLAM, Tara surprises herself by blossoming behind the mike into confident, "Radio Rebel" -- and to everyone's shock, she's a hit!

Star race car Lightning McQueen and his pal Mater head overseas to compete in the World Grand Prix race. But the road to the championship becomes rocky as Mater gets caught up in an intriguing adventure of his own: international espionage.

Fred works for a company that creates alibis for cheaters until Clio, the daughter of one of his client, falls in love with him.

Pushed to the breaking-up point after their latest 'why can't you do this one little thing for me?' argument, Brooke calls it quits with her boyfriend Gary. What follows is a hilarious series of remedies, war tactics, overtures and undermining tricks – all encouraged by the former couple's friends and confidantes …and the occasional total stranger! When neither ex is willing to move out of their shared apartment, the only solution is to continue living as hostile roommates until one of them reaches breaking point.

A couple on a deep-wilderness hike become hopelessly lost within an aggressive black bear's territory.

In an alternate world, humanity and vampires have warred for centuries. After the last Vampire War, the veteran Warrior Priest lives in obscurity with other humans inside one of the Church's walled cities. When the Priest's niece is kidnapped by vampires, the Priest breaks his vows to hunt them down. He is accompanied by the niece's boyfriend, who is a wasteland sheriff, and a former Warrior Priestess.

A highly fictionalized dramatization of the sex scandal that shook Massachusetts prep school Milton Academy in the 2004-05 school year.

On a remote Irish farm, five people become unwilling participants in an experiment that goes nightmarishly wrong.

Kate and Joe have longed to be parents and are considering in vitro options... when Danica, a child Kate gave up 17 years ago, appears on Facebook. Danica comes to live with them, but she's not their real child. She's an impostor who will do anything, even kill, to get the mother's love she never had.