Christina wants to take revenge on her blind sister, who wants to take a prize in a popular music television show. She comes up with an evil joke in which she gives out a stage play organized by her friends for a real shoot in the Ostankino television studio. The sister believes what they are trying to convince her of, and Christina's rally becomes more and more like a mockery.

The opening of the new tunnel, which took ten years to build, coincided with a series of serious cataclysms. The lives of 160,000 people depend on the actions of two people, a father and a son.

An urban legend says that lighting fireworks at an abandoned airfield will beckon the "summer ghost," a spirit that can answer any question. Three teenagers, Tomoya, Aoi, and Ryo, each have their own reason to show up one day. When a ghost named Ayane appears, she reveals she is only visible to those "who are about to touch their death." Compelled by the ghost and her message, Tomoya begins regularly visiting the airfield to uncover the true purpose of her visits.

Modelo Prison. Barcelona, 1977. Manuel, a young accountant, imprisoned and awaiting trial for embezzlement, faces a sentence of 6 to 8 years, a disproportionate punishment for the crime committed. Together with his cellmate Pino, he joins forces with COPEL, a collective fighting for the rights of ordinary prisoners and amnesty. A war for freedom breaks out that will bring the Spanish prison system to its knees. If things are changing outside, they’ll have to do the same inside. A tale of friendship, solidarity and freedom, inspired in true events.

When Nora witnesses Abel being bullied by other kids, she rushes to protect him by warning their father. But Abel forces her to remain silent. Caught in a conflict of loyalty, Nora will ultimately try to find her place, torn between children’s and adult’s worlds.

After defeating Frieza, Goku returns to Earth and goes on a camping trip with Gohan and Krillin. Everything is normal until Cooler - Frieza's brother - sends three henchmen after Goku. A long fight ensues between our heroes and Cooler, in which he transforms into the fourth stage of his evolution and has the edge in the fight... until Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan.

A man forced to bear power and stripped of humanity. A woman skeptical of happiness. Takeshi Hongo, an Augmentation made by SHOCKER, and Ruriko Midorikawa, a rebel of the organization, escape while fighting off assassins. What’s justice? What’s evil? Will this violence end? Despite his power, Hongo tries to remain human. Along with freedom, Ruriko has regained a heart. What paths will they choose?

Jessica živi u trošnoj kući na selu s dvoje male djece. Ne može si priuštiti ni takav stan, pa se odlučuje preseliti, o čemu obavještava svog bivšeg dečka koji je iznenada došao u posjet. On, potaknut prijateljem narkomankom, izgubi živce i zaključa Jessicu u smočnicu - sada će ona morati pokazati svoju domišljatost kako bi se izvukla iz ove situacije i spasila djecu.

While settling into married life with Akiko, Ryu is brought into a case involving a woman named Katsuragi Aoi, a member of a pickpocketing ring with most of her teammates murdered from unknown masked vigilantes that Ryu fought as Accel. As the details of the case begin to unravel, Ryu is framed and Akiko believes that he may not be faithful to her. As the clock ticks down, Ryu must solve the case, clear his name, and save his marriage before everything comes to an explosive end!

Prodded by the rebellious Brisa, puberty is awakening in twelve-year-old Celia. Quickly, the two become allies against the rigid rules of authority in the Catholic girls’ school. However, questions about the right bra, cool bands and sexy clothing cannot hide the urgent search for their own identity.

Ean has a critical mission to return to the future to save everyone. However, she becomes trapped in the distant past while trying to prevent the escape of alien prisoners who are locked up in the bodies of humans. Meanwhile, Muruk, who helps Ean escape various predicaments, is unnerved when he begins sensing the presence of a strange being in his body. Traveling through the centuries, they are trying to prevent the explosion of the haava.

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

Darcy i Tom okupljaju svoje ljupke, ali vrlo tvrdoglave obitelji za vjenčanje na udaljenoj destinaciji. Odnosi među njima nisu baš sjajni. I ako to nije bila dovoljna prijetnja slavlju, iznenada se svi zajedno nađu u životnoj opasnosti kada je cijela ekipa s vjenčanja uzeta za taoce. Darcy i Tom moraju spasiti svoje voljene – ako se prije toga međusobno ne poubijaju.

Four friends from a sleepy little village in Punjab share a common dream: to go to England. Their problem is that they have neither the visa nor the ticket. A soldier alights from a train one day, and their lives change. He gives them a soldier's promise: He will take them to the land of their dreams. What follows is a hilarious and heartwarming tale of a perilous journey through the desert and the sea, but most crucially through the hinterlands of their mind. Not recommended for watching; it's a headache.

Nakon što pljačka zalagaonice krene po zlu, pljačkaši uspijevaju napustiti grad, uzimajući zaposlenicu za taoca. Skrivajući se od progona, kriminalci i njihova žrtva nađu se na udaljenoj farmi, gdje ih dočeka nešto mnogo opasnije od njih samih.

Sally je vozačica kamiona koja živi za tri stvari: sebe, cestu i svog zatvorenog brata Dennisa. Ta povezanost brata i sestre prouzročila je njezinu umiješanost u krijumčarenje ilegalnog tereta kako bi spasila brata od zatvorske bande. Kada Sally otkrije da je njezin posljednji paket Leila, 12-godišnja djevojčica, njezina motivacija i savjest su izazvani jer istovremeno pokušava spasiti brata, ali i djevojčicu. Uz FBI i trgovce ljudima koji je prate u stopu, svako je stajalište za njih opasno po život.

Brent Weinbach is weird. In this show, Brent attempts to adjust his quirky personality so that he can fit in with the world around him, which would be valuable to his career as a comedian and entertainer. Through an absurd and abstract discourse, Brent explores the ways in which he can appeal to a broader, mainstream audience, so that ultimately, he can become successful in show business.

Scientists trying to solve the environmental crisis of pollution devise a way to send the collected garbage into space via rocket ships. When this garbage starts to land on alien planets, the outraged aliens head to Earth for revenge. King Shakir and his family must do their best to protect the world from alien destruction.

Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.

Tijekom Hladnog rata, SSSR je razvio hiperagresivne morske pse. Ne mogavši ​​ih ubiti, vojni čelnici SSSR-a lansirali su morske pse na Mjesec. Desetljećima kasnije tim američkih astronauta stiže na Mjesec, a njihova misija je popraviti modul pronađen na tamnoj strani. Tamo, međutim, susreću i ruske "mjesečeve" morske pse koje je nemoguće ubiti. Morat će se boriti za svoje živote ako se žele vratiti na Zemlju u jednom komadu.