A student tries to fix a problem he accidentally caused in OZ, a digital world, while pretending to be the fiancé of his friend at her grandmother's 90th birthday.
Thirty years ago, aliens arrive on Earth. Not to conquer or give aid, but to find refuge from their dying planet. Separated from humans in a South African area called District 9, the aliens are managed by Multi-National United, which is unconcerned with the aliens' welfare but will do anything to master their advanced technology. When a company field agent contracts a mysterious virus that begins to alter his DNA, there is only one place he can hide: District 9.
Adventure awaits 12 year old Brendan who must fight Vikings and a serpent god to find a crystal and complete the legendary Book of Kells. In order to finish Brother Aiden's book, Brendan must overcome his deepest fears on a secret quest that will take him beyond the abbey walls and into the enchanted forest where dangerous mythical creatures hide. Will Brendan succeed in his quest?
Zgodba o brivcu Benjaminu, čigar ženo in hčerko si poželi zlobni sodnik. Benjamin pristane v ječi, a mu uspe po dolgih letih pobegniti, ob vrnitvi v rojstni kraj pa si želi le maščevanja.
Women enter and exit a science fiction author's life over the course of a few years after the author loses the woman he considers his one true love.
A rag doll fights a monster that has been stealing the souls of his people.
Potem ko se družinskemu ljubljenčku Sparkyju pripeti usodna nesreča, se mladi učenjak Victor loti znanstvenega poskusa, da bi oživil svojega najboljšega prijatelja. Svojo domačo stvaritev skuša prikriti pred svetom, a ko Sparky pobegne, se morajo Victorjevi sošolci, učitelji in sokrajani soočiti z dejstvom, kako pošastne posledice ima lahko umetno življenje.
Dante journeys through the nine circles of Hell -- limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery -- in search of his true love, Beatrice. An animated version of the video game of the same name.
When Rango, a lost family pet, accidentally winds up in the gritty, gun-slinging town of Dirt, the less-than-courageous lizard suddenly finds he stands out. Welcomed as the last hope the town has been waiting for, new Sheriff Rango is forced to play his new role to the hilt.
Stari prijatelji iz prazgodovine se soočajo s številnimi novimi izzivi, saj pod mrzlo ledeno skorjo odkrijejo povsem nov svet, ki mu vladajo dinozavri. Ob raziskovanju nenavadnih bitij se čemerni mamut Manfred z družico Eli pripravlja na prihod prvega potomca, kar pri prijatelju - sesljajočem lenivcu Sidu vzbudi starševske občutke. Toda njegova akcija prisvojitve dinozavrovih jajc ne ostane neopažena, zato se trop znajde v smrtni nevarnosti.
Uporniškega Sama od otroštva spremlja skrivnostno izginotje očeta Kevina, toda nenavaden klic iz očetove nekdanje pisarne Sama pripelje do izjemnega odkritja. Kevin je dve desetletji preživel v videoigrici, ki jo je ustvaril, in v kateri se je sedaj znašel tudi Sam. Da bi preživel v surovem svetu futurističnih gladiatorskih spopadov, Sam združi moči z očetovo zaupnico Quorro, toda navidezna resničnost ponuja večje in nevarnejše izzive, kot si je Sam kadarkoli predstavljal.
A prequel to the first two Underworld films, this fantasy explains the origins of the feud between the Vampires and the Lycans. Aided by his secret love, Sonja, courageous Lucian leads the Lycans in battle against brutal Vampire king Viktor. Determined to break the king's enslavement of his people, Lucian faces off against the Death Dealer army in a bid for Lycan independence.
In this modern take on Edmond Rostand's classic play "Cyrano de Bergerac," C. D. Bales is the witty, intelligent, and brave fire chief of a small Pacific Northwest town who, due to the size of his enormous nose, declines to pursue the girl of his dreams, lovely Roxanne Kowalski. Instead, when his shy underling Chris McConnell becomes smitten with Roxanne, C.D. feeds the handsome young man the words of love to win her heart.
Drugo nadaljevanje legendarne komedije zmešnjav z Louisom de Funèsom. Žandarji iz Saint-Tropeza so povabljeni v New York na policijsko konferenco. Njihov predstavnik je Cruchot. Na letalo pa se brez dokumentov vtihotapi tudi Cruchotova hči Nicole, ki želi obiskati New York. Mladenko, ki je v Ameriki nezakonito, reši novinar, ki želi o njej napisati senzacionalno zgodbo. Njen oče jo poskuša izslediti in pri tem ameriško velemesto obrne na glavo.
In the year 2019, a plague has transformed almost every human into a vampire. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the fractured dominant race plots their survival; meanwhile, a researcher works with a covert band of vampires on a way to save humankind.
Prijazna Susan na poročni dan doživi strmoglavljenje meteorja, ki jo spremeni v velikanko. Odpeljejo jo na poseben oddelek za pošasti, kjer ji družbo delajo nori znanstvenik v žuželčjem telesu, samovšečni manjkajoči člen med ribo in sesalcem, brezmožganski želatinasti stvor in gigantska žuželka. Čeprav se zdi, da človeštvo zavrača nenavadne spake, je prav Susan s svojimi novimi prijatelji edina, ki lahko Zemljo reši pred invazijo zlobnega Nezemljana in njegove vojske klonov.
When successful businessman Sam Treadwell finds that his android wife, Cherry model 2000 has blown a fuse, he hires sexy renegade tracker E. Johnson to find her exact duplicate. But as their journey to replace his perfect mate leads them into the treacherous and lawless region of 'The Zone', Treadwell learns the hard way that the perfect woman is made not of computer chips and diodes.
A 6th-century Scandinavian warrior named Beowulf embarks on a mission to slay the man-like ogre, Grendel.
Helena, a young woman on a deep space mission, has been alone for 20 years. Her parents abandoned ship after a technical malfunction made it impossible for all three of them to reach their intended destination. Alex, an isolated engineer, is about to enter her life and turn her world upside down.
When a Harvard-educated CIA agent is killed during an operation, the secret agency recruits his twin brother.