Through stories, Memorial Day ceremonies and his letters, Ami was always a present absence for his nephew Shaked, the film's director. Following his grandmother's declining health, Shaked applies to the Defence Ministry for nursing care. His claim is rejected. Their refusal leaves him confused. Fifty years after Ami's death, a shocking truth is unveiled.

A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.

On the eve of May Day, dark elemental forces begin to disturb the village of Devil's End as the Master summons the demon Azal: unexplained murders, a stone gargoyle come to life, and a nigh-impenetrable infernal energy dome. With the Master fully prepared to destroy the Earth, the Doctor and UNIT - aided by a benevolent practitioner of witchcraft - battle the wicked rites of a secret science wielded by an alien from another world.

A troubled mortician embarks on an odyssey for truth about life and death.

Ji-seok's libido wanes whenever he stands in front of a woman. One day, while sleeping alone in his friend's house, drunk Hye-eun mistook Ji-seok for Dong-cheol and then ran off. Ji-seok spent the hot night first, and Dong-cheol directed and watched it. Hye-eun later became angry after learning that she was with Ji-seok, but she happened to know his problem. In the end, she continues the relationship to help Ji-seok.

Linguist, intellectual and activist, Noam Chomsky discusses and reflects on the state of world events including the War in Iraq, September 11th, the War on Terror, Media Manipulation and Control, Social Activism, Fear, and American Foreign Policy in both large forums and in small interactive discussions with other intellectuals, activists, fans, students and critics. Interwoven, is Dr. Carol Chomsky, Noam's wife and manager who reflects on what drives Noam and what life is like with him. Other candid reflections about Noam Chomsky and his thoughts, work and influece are offerred by others throughout the film.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Young unlucky screenwriter Yasha starts a relationship with a beautiful young model. But having flown to the island of Crete to meet her parents, he suddenly falls in love with her mother, who is married to a not too faithful husband.

Three gay men each find themselves in modern relationship issues through three separate coincidences. Wyatt learns that his best friend Logan is unknowingly falling in love with his ex, while Jason is shocked to learn the owner of the pool he's cleaning is the man he fell in love with over a one-night stand eight years earlier. Finally, therapist Peter Lesh has become dangerously obsessed with his client Lex who tells him he's just met the man of his dreams.

A negyvenes éveiben járó, középosztálybeli Fabien egyik napról a másikra elveszíti munkáját. Úgy tűnik, felesége nyomására kénytelen lesz feladni azt az apartmanját, ahol anyja él. Igen ám, de a kedves mama foggal-körömmel ragaszkodik a lakáshoz, mi több, épp arra készül, hogy összekösse életét egy férfival, akit nem rég ismert meg. Fabien félig csodálkozva, félig irigykedve konstatálja, hogy sokáig elhanyagolt édesanyja még mindig képes a szerelemre, mi több, szexuálisan is aktív, miközben az ő élete sivár és szürke. Ezen változtatni kell!

Dr. Jennifer Kessler, a fiatal, tehetséges doktornő nem tette még túl magát férje halálán. De szívesen fogadja szimpatikus kollégája, Dr. Montgomery közeledését. Bár a magánéletre nem marad sok ideje, a kórház újonnan épített, hipermodern szárnyában ugyanis egymást követik a tisztázatlan halálesetek. A páciensek abban mind megegyeznek, hogy középkorúak, jó fizikai állapotban levőek voltak, és nem régen vettek részt kivizsgáláson, ahol mindent rendben találtak náluk, míg egyszer csak minden szervük felmondta a szolgálatot. Amikor Jennifer egy kedves betege is erre a sorsra jut, megelégeli a tehetetlen szemlélődést, és elhatározza, megfejti a titokzatos halálesetek okát...

During the Taisho Period (early 1920's) a monastery of warrior monks was split apart between two factions. One of these factions was led by the Chief Abbot and his protege, Shinkai. When Shinkai intercedes in a fight between a rival priest and some ruffians it leads to his expulsion from the order. This story introduced us to the character of Shinkai, a "Karate Priest" and his long running feud with Ryotatsu, his greatest rival. There are touches of humor as Shinkai breaks all the commandments of a priest, including fighting, gambling, and running after women. All this leads to an awesome conclusion as he must destroy a gang of yakuza aided by corrupt priests. The fighting is fast and furious as Ryotatsu waits to see if Shinkai can live long enough to face him in the ultimate test! /Winterheart of CG

In spite of his blustering manner and his refusal to listen to what the patients have to say, Dr. Doppelsieder is highly respected in the Upper Bavarian town of Bayrischzell, because he (almost) always has the right remedy and effective advice ready for the sick. The only person he can't help is Pfundtner, the rich Guldenhof farmer. He wants a remedy that, after seven daughters, will finally help him and his wife to the longed-for farm inheritance.

The irrepressible Ratones Paranoicos, Argentina's most enduring rock band, are featured in vintage concert and backstage footage as their story's told.

A small comedy drama about the life and sex adventures of an amorous window cleaner, in the hip and swingin' London of the '60s.

Priti, a British-born Indian woman in the West Midlands, reports a violent incident in the street.