Bruno Fioretti, known as "Mandrake", is an inveterate gambler who never misses a day at the horse racing track in Rome. He is doubly unlucky: he bets too much on one horse, and his wife is sleeping with his best friend because Mandrake is always at the track. Penniless and cuckolded, Mandrake decides to make one last bet.

Hrundi V. Bakshi, an accident-prone actor from India, is accidentally put on the guest list for an upcoming party at the home of a Hollywood film producer. Unfortunately, from the moment he arrives, one thing after another goes wrong with compounding effect.

An atypical family portrait, directed by 34-year old Stéphanie Argerich, the daughter of pianists Martha Argerich and Stephen Kovacevich. The filmmaker follows her mother in particular, during concerts and in moments of greater intimacy, searching for answers that might shed light on the private spaces of a family that has always lived in the limelight of the international stage, where gaiety and madness rub shoulders with an absolute and overwhelming passion: music.

Inspector Jacques Clouseau, smitten with the accused maid Maria Gambrelli, unwittingly turns a straightforward murder investigation into a comedic series of mishaps, testing the patience of his irritable boss Charles Dreyfus as casualties mount.

Various experiences of childhood are seen in several sequences that take place in the small town of Thiers, France. Vignettes include a boy's awakening interest in girls, couples double-dating at the movies, brothers giving their friend a haircut, a boy dealing with an abusive home life, a baby and a cat sitting by an open window, a child telling a dirty joke, and a boy who develops a crush on his friend's mother.

The major sub-plot circles around the youngest Griffin, Stewie, who has a near-death experience at a pool when a lifeguard chair falls on him, but he survives. After having a vision of being in Hell, he decides to change his ways, but this doesn't last long. While watching television, he and Brian spot a man that looks like Stewie. Brian is convinced that he is Stewie's real father, until Stewie learns that the man is actually himself as an adult, taking a vacation from his own time period. Baby Stewie visits thirty years later to discover that his adult self, going by the name Stu, is a single blue-collar middle-aged virgin working at a Circuit City-type store. Meanwhile, Peter and Lois are trying to teach their two older kids, Meg and Chris, to date. In the future, Chris, who hasn't changed much, is working as a cop and is married to a foul-mouthed hustler named Vanessa. Meg is now called Ron, since she had a sex-change after college.

A squad of National Guards on an isolated weekend exercise in the Louisiana swamp must fight for their lives when they anger local Cajuns by stealing their canoes. Without live ammunition and in a strange country, their experience begins to mirror the Vietnam experience.

Når en kjent fotballtrener blir drept og hans uvurderlige diamant, Den rosa panteren, blir stjålet, vekker det raseri i Frankrike. Heldigvis har inspektør Jacques Clouseau saken. Sammen med partneren Gilbert Ponton, sjangler han fra den ene ulykken til den neste, og han etterlater seg kaos fra Paris' bulevarder til New Yorks tøffe gater. Vil han forføre popstjernen Xania? Vil han forføre popstjernen Xania? Vil han skyve inspektør Dreyfus over kanten av stupet? Vil han fakke morderen og få igjen diamanten? Med inspektør Clouseau er alt mulig.

When scientists exploring the Amazon River stumble on a “missing link” connecting humans and fish, they plan to capture it for later study. But the Creature has plans of his own, and has set his sights on the lead scientist's beautiful fiancée, Kay.

De komiske geniene Blake Edwards og Peter Sellers møtes igjen i The Return of the Pink Panther. “Pink Panter-Diamanten” er stjålet, og tyven har kun etterlatt ett spor – en hvit hanske, kjennemerket til den verdenskjente juveltyven The Phantom. Selv om alle trodde han hadde trukket seg tilbake, blir han straks en av inspektør Clouseaus hovedmistenkte. The Phantom ønsker å renvaske seg, og forsøker å finne den virkelige tyven mens han setter Clouseau på sporet av en falsk ledetråd. Førstebetjent Dreyfus, sjefen til Inspector Closeau, får til slutt nok av Closeaus idiotiske påfunn, og bestemmer seg for å drepe ham for å bli kvitt ham en gang for alle!

Bernie works at a Las Vegas casino, where he uses his innate ability to bring about misfortune in those around him to jinx gamblers into losing. His imposing boss, Shelly Kaplow, is happy with the arrangement. But Bernie finds unexpected happiness when he begins dating attractive waitress Natalie Belisario.

An unemployed pot-smoking slacker and amateur drummer, Anthony Stoner ditches his strict parents and hits the road, eventually meeting kindred spirit Pedro de Pacas. While the drug-ingesting duo is soon arrested for possession of marijuana, Anthony and Pedro get released on a technicality, allowing them to continue their many misadventures and ultimately compete in a rock band contest, where they perform the raucous tune "Earache My Eye."

Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau is dead. At least that is what the world—and Charles Dreyfus—believe when a dead body is discovered in Clouseau's car after being shot off the road. Naturally, Clouseau knows differently and, taking advantage of not being alive, sets out to discover why an attempt was made on his life.

An art dealer wants to buy a Modigliani, which is tattooed on the back of an old soldier.

Gjør dere igjen klare for Craig og Day-Day. Denne gangen i forbindelse med familiens julefeiring. Til tross for at de to guttene omsider har flyttet hjemmefra, velger de å dra hjem til slekt og venner istedet for å feire julen i det slitte krypinnet de nå bor i. For ingenting er jo som å feire julen på tradisjonell måter med familien! Og for en kort periode er alt faktisk idyllisk... helt til Getto-Nissen bryter seg inn og stjeler samtlige presanger, og alt annet han kan få med seg.

Larry Burrows is unhappy and feels powerless over his life. He believes his entire life could have turned out differently had he not missed that shot in a baseball game when was a kid. One night he meets this mysterious man, who could change his fate by offering him that alternative life he always dreamed of. But as Burrows embarks on this journey of self discovery he realises that even this new life has its problems and drawbacks..

A romantic comedy about love and music.

Inspektør Jacques Clouseau - et navn som lammer forbrytere med skrekk overalt hvor det uttales - og alle andre også, for den saks skyld! Kanskje skyldes det at hans logiske evner er så utilstrekkelige, hans forståelse for det innlysende så flyktig, hans beherskelse av språket så kraftig begrenset, og hans fysiske koordineringsevner så totalt fraværende. Men om hans fremgangsmåter er uortodokse og ofte komplett uforståelige, er det slik at han alltid løser mysteriet - på sitt eget, spesielle vis. Han må løse mysteriet med hvem som tok livet av en berømt fotballtrener, og finne ut hvem som stjal den berømte rosa panter-diamanten.

Inspector Clouseau disappears, and the Surete wants the world's second best detective to look for him. However, Clouseau's enemy, Dreyfus, rigs the Surete's computer to select, instead, the world's WORST detective, NYPD Sgt. Clifton Sleigh. Sleigh obtusely bungles his way past assassins and corrupt officials as though he were Clouseau's American cousin.