Hoh XIl is the main habitat of the national first-class protected Tibetan antelope. Tibetan antelopes have been widely hunted by poachers because they can bring high profits. In just ten years, the total number of Tibetan antelopes decreased by two-thirds. On January 18, 1994, Sonan Dajie, deputy secretary of the Zhiduo County Party Committee of Qinghai, was shot to death during the arrest of 18 poachers. A year later, his brother-in-law and deputy secretary of the county party committee, Zaba Dorje, established the "Western Wild Yak Team," an armed, anti-poaching organization whose main purpose is to protect wild animals. Its effectiveness has been touted by environmental protection organizations at home and abroad, as well as relevant central ministries and commissions. However, just as Dhabal Dorje was preparing to "do a good job," in his own words, he was suddenly shot in the head at home and died.

In 1920s China, nineteen-year-old Songlian becomes a concubine of a powerful lord and is forced to compete with his three wives for the privileges gained.

Estetiškas budistinis pasakojimas „Pavasaris, vasara, ruduo, žiema... ir vėl pavasaris“ smelkiasi į ramybės ir aistros, kančios ir palaimos, gėrio ir blogio gelmes. Nuostabaus grožio gamtos kampelyje nufilmuotoje istorijoje pasakojama apie vienuolio gyvenimo ciklą - keturis metų laikus. Pavasarį jis yra vyresnio šventiko globojamas mažas berniukas, vasarą - žmogiškus jausmus pažinęs ir meilės ištroškęs paauglys, rudenį - trečią dešimtį pradėjęs ir rankas krauju susitepęs atgailaujantis jaunuolis, žiemą - mąstantis apie vienatvę ir ieškantis savo tikrojo pašaukimo vyras. Gamtos reiškinių niekas negali pakeisti, ir režisierius brėžia lygiagretę su žmogaus amžiumi.

Jun arrives in Hong Kong from mainland China, hoping to be able to earn enough money to marry his girlfriend back home. He meets the streetwise Qiao and they become friends. As friendship turns into love, problems develop, and although they seem meant for each other they somehow keep missing out.

Taking its title from an archaic Japanese word meaning "ghost story," this anthology adapts four folk tales. A penniless samurai marries for money with tragic results. A man stranded in a blizzard is saved by Yuki the Snow Maiden, but his rescue comes at a cost. Blind musician Hoichi is forced to perform for an audience of ghosts. An author relates the story of a samurai who sees another warrior's reflection in his teacup.

Filmmakers expose the horrifying mass executions of accused communists in Indonesia and those who are celebrated in their country for perpetrating the crime.

„Mėlyna“ – pirmoji legendinio režisieriaus Krzysztof Kieslowski spalvų trilogijos, kine įkūnijančios nacionalines Prancūzijos laisvės, lygybės ir brolybės vertybes, dalis. Netekusi savo talentingo kompozitoriaus vyro ir judviejų dukters automobilio avarijoje, Julie (aktorė Juliette Binoche), nors ir sugniuždyta, bando viską pradėti iš naujo. Toli nuo savojo per ramaus ir prisiminimų persmelkto užmiesčio namo, artimų žmonių, ji ieško laisvės anonimiškai ir visiškai nuo nulio pradėdama nepriklausomą gyvenimą Paryžiaus metropolyje. Ir muzika jos neapleidžia, lydi visos istorijos metu, atskleisdama savo gydančią galią ir grąžindama Julie į gyvųjų pasaulį.

A British Guianese engineer starts a job as a high school teacher in London’s East End, where his uninterested and delinquent pupils are in desperate need of attention and care.

Prieš du tūkstančius metų dabartinė Kinija buvo padalinta į septynias karalystes. Vienai iš jų vadovavo karalius Ying Zheng, kuris nusprendė barbariškais metodais užgrobti priešininkų žemes, suvienyti Kiniją ir tapti pirmuoju šios šalies Imperatoriumi. Savo protėvių svajones jis stengėsi įgyvendinti negailestingai žudydamas žmones (dėl žiauraus charakterio istoriniuose šaltiniuose Qin karalius yra vadinamas Kinijos Cezariu) ir taip įsigijo galybę priešų.

Viskas prasideda nuo banalaus svetimavimo. Pagal Harukio Marukamio apsakymą sukurtame filme teatro aktorius ir režisierius Jusukė važinėja ryškiai raudonu „Saab", vairuojamu tylenės Misaki, pagal neįprastą metodą stato A. Čechovo „Dėdę Vanią" ir ieško atsakymo, kodėl žmona jį išdavė. Kanuose aukščiausią kritikų įvertinimą Auksinę Palmės šakelę už scenarijų pelnęs filmas žaidžia ir derina grupės "The Beatles" dainų tekstų eufemizmus, marukamiškus veiksmo posūkius ir šiuolaikinės Japonijos dvasią.

In 9th century China, a corrupt government wages war against a rebel army called the Flying Daggers. A romantic warrior breaks a beautiful rebel out of prison to help her rejoin her fellows, but things are not what they seem.

A woman married to the brutal and infertile owner of a dye mill in rural China conceives a boy with her husband's nephew but is forced to raise her son as her husband's heir without revealing his parentage in this circular tragedy. Filmed in glowing technicolour, this tale of romantic and familial love in the face of unbreakable tradition is more universal than its setting.

In the horror of 1944 Auschwitz, a prisoner forced to burn the corpses of his own people finds moral survival trying to save from the flames the body of a boy he takes for his son, seeking to give him a proper jewish burial.

When a young girl's mother doesn't meet her after school, she tries to navigate the streets of Tehran by herself.

Takada, a Japanese fisherman has been estranged from his son for many years, but when the son is diagnosed with terminal cancer his daughter-in-law, Rie, summons him to the hospital. Through a series of obstacles and relationships, he is brought unexpectedly closer to both an understanding of himself and of his son.

Love makes a bad relationship between father and son all the more rancorous in this drama from Hungarian director Viktor Oszkar Nagy. A convict (Janos Derzsi) returns home after a long stretch in prison to a less than enthusiastic welcome; his son (Tamas Ravasz), now in his late teens, was left to fend for himself and tend the family farm on his own after his dad went away, and the youngster blames his father for his mother's untimely death. The father wants to mend his relationship with his son, but the young man makes no secret of his contempt for his dad, and only grudgingly allows him back on the farm.

Naktimis kurdamas knygą, o dienomis priverstas dirbti, rašytojas Roris desperatiškai bando išgarsėti. Išvykęs medaus mėnesio į Paryžių sendaikčių krautuvėlėje jis netikėtai įsigyja senovinį segtuvą-lagaminą, o ten randa rankraštį. Susižavėjęs radiniu jis nusprendžia perrašyti knygą, kad galėtų pajusti kiekvieną šio jį sužavėjusio teksto žodį. Radusi kompiuteryje knygą žmona priverčia Rorį išleisti ją kaip savo. Pagaliau rašytojas išgarsėja ir sulaukia taip trokštamo pripažinimo. Bet gyventi su svetima šlove nėra taip jau lengva, kaip atrodė...

Crown Prince Wu Luan is in love with Little Wan but left heartbroken when she marries his father, the emperor. The emperor's brother, Li, kills him and Wu Luan tries to avenge his father's death.

1916. Julien Delaunay is reported missing in action during the Great War. His wife, Julie, refuses to believe he is dead. 1919. When a photo of an amnesic drifter appears in the press, Julie immediately recognizes him as her beloved husband. They are reunited and, little by little, she helps him to fall in love with her again. Until another woman claims to be the man’s real wife…

Follows 20-year-old Drea, who reluctantly takes a job babysitting for a professor of a college she hopes to attend. Struggling to entertain the professor's children Trissy and Jake, along with her own little brother Phillip , Drea takes them on a hike, unaware that mysterious alien critters have crash-landed and started devouring every living thing they encounter.