The landowner (Agha) of the Haraptar village marries off his old father with the young and beautiful Kiraz. But on the nuptial night, his father dies and everthing starts to go bad for the Agha. Due to the long drought and provocations of Kekec Salman (big brother of Kiraz), the peasants steal the crops and run away to Istanbul. Without the peasants and crops, Agha is also forced to sell the village and move to Istanbul. But he cannot keep up with the big city life and consumes all his money and belongings. Agha's wife and relatives leave him during this downfall.

Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D is a cinematic attraction at Universal Studios Japan, as part of "Universal Jump Summer". The attraction features a new installment in the Dragon Ball series, which primarily depicts a CG animation of Goku vs. Frieza, presented as a 4D attraction. The event was held from July 1 to September 4, alongside similar attractions based on One Piece and Death Note.

Animated series about the adventures of a parrot Kesha, "the hero of our time." The action is concentrated in the city and its surroundings. Kesh lives in the apartment of Vova, a schoolchild, but because of his hot-tempered, arrogant character, he periodically runs away and gets into trouble, eventually returning to Vovka with a confession. The humor of the series is based on the eccentric behavior of Keshi, on recognizable realities, as well as on the multiple quotations used by the parrot.

In 1914, the Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa invites studios to shoot his actual battles against Porfírio Diaz army to raise funds for financing guns and ammunition. The Mutual Film Corporation, through producer D.W. Griffith, interests for the proposition and sends the filmmaker Frank Thayer to negotiate a contract with Pancho Villa himself.

A teenager named Noriko Shimabara runs away from her family in Toyokawa, to meet Kumiko, the leader of an Internet BBS, She becomes involved with Kumiko's family circle, which grows darker after the mass suicide of 54 high school girls.

D. stalks Sandra but she doesn't know it. She does think that D. is a documentary filmmaker having her be in film about conquering fear. Little does she know that D. is not who he claims to be, and far worse.

Teenager Jones has opted not to go to college and is instead renting a room in a boarding house to work on his writing skills. Soon, Jones finds himself dividing his time between two women: a young actress named Lisa and a photographer named Jane. After Jane's ex-boyfriend arrives to help her recover from a car accident, Jones begins to understand just how much he cares for her.

Gregorio i Ingrid, dvoje su najsposobnijih špijuna koje je svijet ikada vidio. Radeći za međusobno suprotstavljene strane, istovremeno dobivaju zadatak ukloniti jedno drugoga. Dolazi do sučeljavanja koje završava pred oltarom. Suprotno svim očekivanjima, špijunski par povlači se iz službe preuzevši na sebe najteži i najodgovorniji zadatak podizanje obitelji. Devet godina kasnije miran obiteljski život uzburka afera u kojoj bez traga i glasa nestaju redom svi njihovi kolege iz špijunskih dana.

In France, terrorist groups and intelligence agencies battle in a merciless war everyday, in the name of radically opposed ideologies. Yet, terrorist and secret agents lead almost the same lives. Condemned to secrecy, these masters of manipulation follow the same methods. Alex and Al Barad are two of them. The former is the head of the D.G.S.E.'s (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure, the French equivalent of the CIA or the MI6) counter-terrorism unit while the latter reigns over a terrorist network, and both fight using the most ruthless of weapons: human beings.

Zadnji put kada smo ih vidjeli, mali Cortezovi su se upravo priključili obiteljskom poslu, špijuniranju, kako bi vratili otete roditelje. Pomoću raznoraznih elektroničkih smicalica u stilu Jamesa Bonda, malo sreće i lukavosti, djeca su pokazala kako mogu biti jednako dobri agenti kao i odrasli. Sada su Carmen i Jun punopravni članovi kontraobavještajne zajednice, pa dobivaju svoj prvi samostalni zadatak, koji će se pretvoriti u bjesomučnu utrku s ludim znanstvenikom s tajanstvenog vulkanskog otoka i njegovim čudnovatim stvorenjima.

Učitelj na očevu sprovodu sazna da ima polubrata, koji mu se pridruži na putovanju preko čitave zemlje do nasljedstva koje žele preuzeti.

Katkad se najčudesniji superjunaci nalaze upravo u vašim snovima. To je otkrio desetogodišnji Max (Cayden Boyd), usamljeni dječačić izgubljen u vlastitom svijetu mašte u koji bježi od svakidašnjih prepirki s roditeljima (David Arquette i Kristin Davis), školskih nasilnika i nimalo zabavnih ljetnih praznika. Ali kad Max shvati da su guba likovi, vrhunske pustolovine i nevjerojatne tajne moći iz njegove mašte možda mnogo stvarniji nego što se itko usudi vjerovati, cijeli se njegov svijet promijeni.

U obitelji Newton sve bi bilo u najboljem redu da svaki dan nered ne radi njihov kućni ljubimac. To je, naravno, bernardinac Beethoven koji tatu Richarda (J. Reinhold) izluđuje raznoseći smeće po kući, a mamu Beth (J. Sweeney) uništavajući njezine putne kovčege. I dok ljutita Beth namjerava Beethovena poslati na farmu izvan grada, njezino dvoje djece Brennan (J. Pichler) i Sara (M. Gallo) smišljaju kako Beethovena naučiti lijepom ponašanju. To im neočekivano pođe za rukom kada se živahni pas zamijeni sa svojom slikom i prilikom Michelangelom iz bogataške obitelji Sedgewick. Michelangelo je, naime, iznimno miran i dobro odgojen pas te se Newtonovi nađu u čudu koliko se Beethoven promijenio. Isto pomisle i Sedgewickovi kada im se u kuću useli nemogući Beethoven...

Talented rookie race-car driver Jimmy Bly has started losing his focus and begins to slip in the race rankings. It's no wonder, with the immense pressure being shoveled on him by his overly ambitious promoter brother as well as Bly's romance with his arch rival's girlfriend Sophia. With much riding on Bly, car owner Carl Henry brings former racing star Joe Tanto on board to help Bly. To drive Bly back to the top of the rankings, Tanto must first deal with the emotional scars left over from a tragic racing accident which nearly took his life.

Noora, who lives in a small coastal community, finds a packet of drugs while trying to save a seal cub abandoned by its mother.

With his 20th reunion looming, Dan can’t shake his high school insecurities. In a misguided mission to prove he’s changed, Dan rekindles a friendship with the popular guy from his class and is left scrambling to protect more than just his reputation when a wild night takes an unexpected turn.

A sick person talks about a parking garage that is also his house and him.

Marissa Cortez Wilson naizgled ima sve. Udala se za novinara koji otkriva špijune, ima bebu i pomajka je dvoje iznimno inteligentnih blizanaca. U stvarnosti - iznimno joj je teško pokušavati biti mama Rebecci i Cecilu, jer je oni ne žele u svom životu. Osim toga, njezin suprug ne bi prepoznao špijuna ni da živi s njim - što je u ovom slučaju i činjenica jer je Marissa bivša tajna agentica. Stvari se mijenjaju kad Marissu ponovno aktiviraju u službu kad sudbini svijeta zaprijeti strašni Timekeeper.