Two little league teams take on their coaches' sibling rivalry, and end up in battle in a place the baseball world never expected: in the outfield of the Home Run Derby.

Paremta tikrais faktais istorija apie airių-italų kilmės amerikietį Henrrį Hillą, buvusį mafijos nariu. Įvykiai sukasi ne tik apie jį, bet ir apie du nestabilios būsenos jo draugus Jimmy Conway ir Tommy De Vito, kurie iš paprastų nusikaltėlių palaipsniui tampa žudikais.

„Kopa“ yra vadinama geriausiu niekada nesukurtu filmu. Alejandro Jodorowsky prie jo scenarijaus praleido daugiau kaip dešimtmetį. Tai turėjo būti dvylikos valandų kelionė po skirtingas visatas ir skirtingus kinematografinius stilius, kelionė po genialumą ir beprotystę. Bet tam visuomet pritrūkdavo pinigų. Dabar A. Jodorowsky prieš kameras pasakoja apie tai, ko kino pasaulis neteko. Arba apie tai, nuo ko buvo išgelbėtas.

Los Andželas. Šeštasis praėjusio amžiaus dešimtmetis. Miesto mafijos bosui Mikiui Koenui atsidūrus už grotų, mieste nusirito žmogžudysčių banga. Aukos - artimiausi Koeno bendražygiai. Akivaizdu, jog kažkas aktyviai veržiasi į laisvą mafijos tėvo vietą. Pagrindinis vaidmuo šioje istorijoje tenka Los Andželo policijai.

Hollywood, 1927: As silent movie star George Valentin wonders if the arrival of talking pictures will cause him to fade into oblivion, he sparks with Peppy Miller, a young dancer set for a big break.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

Šis kultiniu tapęs filmas yra sukurtas pagal Patricios Highsmirth romaną „Riplio žaidimas“. Džonatanas yra įsitikinęs, kad jau greitai mirs nuo kraujo ligos. Džonatano draugas iš Amerikos, kaubojus Riplis, nusprendžia pasinaudoti jo liga. Riplis supažindina jį su gangsteriais. Šie pasiūlo Džonatanui tapti profesionaliu žudiku ir taip užtikrinti savo šeimai palikimą. Juk jis greitai mirs, tad neturi ko prarasti. Riplio planas buvo patikėti Džonatanui atlikti visą purviną darbą, tačiau viskas ima keistis, kai vyrai susidraugauja.

1961 metai. Jaunuolis Levinas Deivisas - folko muzikantas, kaip ir kiekvienas menininkas, trokštantis šlovės ir pripažinimo, tačiau, kaip žinia, ne visų kelias į šlovę rožėm klotas. Su gitara ant peties, jaunasis Levinas blaškosi po Grynvičo folko muzikos pasaulį bandydamas rasti vietą po saule, tačiau norint iškilti Levinui teks įveikti ne tik šaltą Niujorko žiemą, bet ir kliūtis, kurias jis pats susigalvojo.

When a massive, gilled monster emerges from the deep and tears through the city, the government scrambles to save its citizens. A rag-tag team of volunteers cuts through a web of red tape to uncover the monster's weakness and its mysterious ties to a foreign superpower. But time is not on their side - the greatest catastrophe to ever befall the world is about to evolve right before their very eyes.

When a childless couple--an ex-con and an ex-cop--decide to help themselves to one of another family's quintuplets, their lives become more complicated than they anticipated.

Set in a future world. Japan has created a great medical technology that controls ethics, health, and social interaction to create a perfect world. Three young girls attempt to stand up to this by committing suicide, but it doesn't work. Years later, Tuan, one of the girls who attempted suicide must prevent a crisis that threatens this "perfect" world.

„Oskarą“ pelniusioje biografinėje juostoje pasakojama apie paskutinius vienos ryškiausių Holivudo ikonų Judy Garland gyvenimo metus. Judy Garland išgarsėjo vos septyniolikos suvaidinusi Dorotę filme „Ozo šalies burtininkas“. Holivudo legenda dirbo iki pat paskutinių gyvenimo metų ir net neįtarė, kad pasirodymas Londone gali būti jos paskutinis.

Jed, an airline pilot, is resting in a hotel when he notices Nell, a young woman babysitting for a wealthy couple. As Jed gets to know Nell better he realises that the woman is not as stable as perhaps she should be.

Talented but self-centered trumpeter Bleek Gilliam is obsessed with his music and indecisiveness about his girlfriends Indigo and Clarke. But when he is forced to come to the aid of his manager and childhood friend, Bleek finds his world more fragile than he ever imagined.

Narumi is on bad terms with her husband, Shinji, when, one day, Shinji goes missing. He comes back a couple of days later, but he seems like a totally different person, and he is now gentle and tender. He goes for a walk every day. Meanwhile, journalist Sakurai covers the story of a family that was brutally murdered, when an unexplained phenomenon takes place. Shinji Kase tells his wife that he came to Earth to invade.

Aspiring New York City artist John Hollar returns to his Middle America hometown on the eve of his mother’s brain surgery. Joined by his girlfriend, eight months pregnant with their first child, John is forced to navigate the crazy world he left behind.

After the British company’s officer Clive takes over the kingdom of Mirza, Princess Zafira and Khudabaksh aka Azaad form a band of rebel pirates who swear to defeat the English officer and win their freedom back. The British Company in return, hire the wily thug Firangi track Azaad’s gang and thwart his plans.

A grown man is still caught in the crossfire of his parents' 15 year divorce. He discovers he was unknowingly part of a study on divorced children and is enlisted in a follow-up years later, which wreaks new havoc on his family.

In this rousing sequel to Kickboxer, Tong Po broods about his defeat at the hands of Kurt Sloan. Po and his managers resort to drastic measures to goad Kurt's brother into the ring for a rematch.