Neuveriteľný príbeh a fantastický vývoj Belly Baxterovej, mladej ženy, ktorú priviedol späť k životu skvelý a neortodoxný vedec. Aby uspokojila svoju túžbu po poznaní a zážitkoch, uteká za búrlivým dobrodružstvom naprieč kontinentmi. Zbavená predsudkov svojej doby odhodlane bojuje za rovnosť a oslobodenie.

Five high school students from different walks of life endure a Saturday detention under a power-hungry principal. The disparate group includes rebel John, princess Claire, outcast Allison, brainy Brian and Andrew, the jock. Each has a chance to tell his or her story, making the others see them a little differently -- and when the day ends, they question whether school will ever be the same.

Súrodenci Mario a Luigi snívajú o tom, že sa im podarí viesť najlepšiu inštalatérsku firmu v New Yorku, čo sa im zatiaľ celkom nedarí. Možno práve preto sú ochotní vrhnúť sa do úloh, ktoré sú zjavne nad ich sily. Ich ochota ísť do toho po hlave sa im nevyplatí v momente, keď vlezú do podozrivo vyzerajúcej obrovskej zelenej rúry a o pár sekúnd neskôr sa už nekontrolovateľne rútia “niekam”. Na druhom konci rúry ich čaká fantastický svet, ktorého obyvatelia práve riešia existenčný problém. Odporný jašter Bowser, kráľ jedného z kráľovstiev, sa rozhodol násilím ovládnuť všetky ostatné kráľovstvá. Konkrétne si vyhliadol Hubové kráľovstvo, ktorého vládkyňu, princeznú Peach, by si rád vzal za ženu.

Príbeh mladej ženy Kyi, ktorú v detstve opustila celá jej rodina a až do dospelosti vyrastala sama v nebezpečných močiaroch Severnej Karolíny. Celé roky sa šírili v pokojnom mestečku Barkley Cove strašidelné historky o „Dievčati z močiara“, ktoré izolovali Kyu od miestnej komunity. Keď sa v Kyinom živote objavia dvaja mladí muži z mesta, začne sa postupne otvárať novému, neznámemu svetu. Lenže vo chvíli, keď v mestečku dôjde k vražde jedného z nich, miestna komunita ju bezdôvodne označí za hlavnú podozrivú...

Romina, a controlling lawyer, wants her daughter's affection. She offers rent for a recovering alcoholic's dog in exchange for a fake boyfriend role. Unexpectedly, it might turn real.

Epická bitka pokračuje! Filmový Monsterverse sa rozrastá o pokračovanie explozívneho súboja medzi Godzillou a Kongom úplne novým dobrodružstvom, ktoré postaví všemocného Konga a obávanú Godzillu proti kolosálnej neobjavenej hrozbe ukrytej v našom svete, ktorá ohrozuje ich existenciu - a tiež našu vlastnú. Film odhalí históriu týchto titánov a ich pôvod, rovnako ako aj tajomstvá Dutej Zeme a ďalších miest, pričom odhaľuje mýtickú bitku, ktorá pomohla sformovať tieto výnimočné bytosti a navždy ich spojila s ľudstvom.

Po sa pripravuje na to, aby sa stal duchovným vodcom svojho Údolia mieru, no zároveň potrebuje niekoho, kto zaujme jeho miesto Dračieho bojovníka. Ako taký vycvičí nového cvičenca kung-fu na mieste a stretne sa s darebákom menom Chameleon, ktorý pričaruje zloduchov z minulosti.

When the tenacious young sailor Jessica Watson sets out to be the youngest person to sail solo, nonstop and unassisted around the world, many expect her to fail. With the support of her sailing coach and mentor Ben Bryant and her parents, Jessica is determined to accomplish what was thought to be impossible, navigating some of the world’s most challenging stretches of ocean over the course of 210 days.

Long before Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson became a reality TV star, he fell in love with Miss Kay and started a family, but his demons threatened to tear their lives apart. Set in the backwoods swamps of 1960s Louisiana, 'The Blind' shares never-before-revealed moments in Phil's life as he seeks to conquer the shame of his past, ultimately finding redemption in an unlikely place. This stunning cinematic journey chronicles the love story that launched a dynasty, the turmoil that nearly brought it crashing down, and the hope that rose from the ashes to create a foundation for generations to come.

When her baby is diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder, a widowed first-time mom races against time to find a donor, only to uncover a labyrinth of deceit that leads her back to the fertility clinic where her son was conceived.

A brilliant counterterrorism analyst with a deep distrust of AI discovers it might be her only hope when a mission to capture a renegade robot goes awry.

Diagnosed with a terminal illness, a single mother encounters a suave bachelor as she grapples with the future of her headstrong six-year-old.

A teenager struggles to pick up the pieces of her shattered world in this emotional and bittersweet coming-of-age drama about those who are left behind.

A teenage girl is raised underground by a robot "Mother", designed to repopulate the earth following an extinction event. But their unique bond is threatened when an inexplicable stranger arrives with alarming news.

Rodolphe Burger is a free musician, complex but accessible, without taboos, he mixes with others without ever losing himself on the road. He is a man who shares everything, including the stage. Including his friends and they are numerous, poets, writers, rockers, painters and philosophers.

Desperate for money and running out of options, Marine veteran Brian Brown-Easley holds several people hostage inside a bank, setting the stage for a tense confrontation with police.

Sun-young and Jun-young are living together. However, they have been unable to pay the rent for several months and listen to the pinzan from the landlord. Eventually, after worrying, he goes to Jun-young's father's house and asks for help. But there, the father's new lover, Ji-young, greets them. Sun-young and Jun-young are unable to borrow money and live in the house for the time being. But after that day. Jun-young's father Dae-woong's eyes keep seeing Sun-young's short mini skirt. Ji-young is interested in Jun-young, who is young and manly…

Comedian Katt Williams lets loose in real time as he hits the stage for Netflix's second livestreamed stand-up event.

Richard and Alice quarrel on an exotic vacation because Richard wants to get a divorce. They decide to fly home early, but their small plane crashes on a deserted island, forcing Richard and Alice to wait together for rescue.

I Soliti Idioti return to the cinema ten years after the second film and many things have changed in the world. We will see the most beloved characters compete with the contemporary, with the same cynical and amused eye that distinguished the previous episodes. This new adventure focuses on a current and universal theme: the family.