Lõvikutsikas Simba otsib oma kohta suures eluringis. Kui tema lõvikuningast isa õnnetuses elu kaotab, haarab Simba salakaval onu võimu. Põgenema sunnitud noor lõvi kohtab mangust Timonit ja tüügassiga Pumbat, kellest saavad tema parimad sõbrad. Aga kord koidab päev, mil Simba nõuab tagasi lõvikuninga trooni, mis õigusega talle kuulub.

Kui Rooma imperaator Marcus Aurelius sureb otsustab ta, et võim Roomas peab minema kindral Maximuse ja senati kätte. Marcuse võimujanuline poeg ei saa sellega leppida ning laseb Maximuse pere tappa ja annab korralduse Maximus hukata, kuid ta suudab riigist põgeneda. Proximo orjastab ta ja teeb tast gladiaatori. Maximust hoiab elus ainult tema kättemaksu iha. Tema võimalus saabub, kui ta saadetakse Roomasse Colosseumisse suurele gladiaatorite võitlusele. Rooma jõudes alustab ta kohe oma kättemaksu plaani elluviimist.

Taiwan's very first BL rock and roll musical! Despite his best friend's protest, An, a gifted student, joins the rock music club just before the national high school rock band contest. But aside from the practice sessions, he also has to manage the pressure of the endless exams and the trouble that comes with being a teenager…all that is worth looking forward to, is the action – such as a kiss that was never meant to be, a burning desire that has been left unattended for far too long, and a realization that a person's sex – both biological and psychological –matters not in front love. In the sophomore year of high school, anything could happen – it is an unapologetic rock n' roll song, composed of passion and youth!

Püha graali, nõud, millest Jeesus jõi viimase õhtusöömaajal, ihkavad enda kätte saada nii USA valitsus kui ka natsid. Ameeriklased pöörduvad selleks taas Indiana Jonesi poole. Indiana teab, et tema isa Henry on aastaid seda otsinud ning tema päevikus on olemas ka vihjed selle leidmiseks. Kuid põhjus, miks valitsus just noorema Jonesi poole pöördus on lihtne - natsid röövisid ta isa.

Harry Potter naaseb Sigatüüka kooli, viiendasse klassi. Endale suureks üllatuseks, ei usu aga võlurite koolkond Lord Voldemordi ülestõusu. Harryl ei jää seega üle muud, kui koguda enda ümber salk noori võlureid ja hakata neid ise välja treenima, kaitseks mustade jõudude vastu.

Kolm aastat kestnud Kloonide sõda on jõudnud lõpusirgele. Veel on püüdmata vaid mõned üksikud separatistid, kuid siiski kujutavad nad Vabariigile tõsist ohtu. Senaator Padme Amidalal (Natalie Portman) on tõsiseid raskusi hoidmaks üksmeelsena niigi rahutut senatit, mille kõige suuremaks probleemiks on end valitsejaks nimetav kantsler Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). Palpatine võidab enda poolele ka teiste jedi'dega tülis oleva Anakini (Hayden Christensen), kellega koos nad Vabariigist Galaktikalist Impeeriumit hakkavad looma.

Indiana Jones on Hong Kongis sõlmimas vahetust kohalike gangsteritega. Kuid neil pole kavatsust Indianat sealt elusalt minema lasta. Lennukiga põgenedes on ta sunnitud lennukist koos kaaslastega lahkuma. Maandudes väiksesse külla, näitab sealne hõimupealik enda rikutud küla. Pealiku väitel on neilt varastatud võlukivid, millega läksid kaasa ka külaelanike lapsed. Juhuslikult avastab Indiana küla all oleva koopa, mis viib läbi keerdkäikude vanasse kaevandusse.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

In stifling Edwardian London, Wendy Darling mesmerizes her brothers every night with bedtime tales of swordplay, swashbuckling and the fearsome Captain Hook. But the children become the heroes of an even greater story, when Peter Pan flies into their nursery one night and leads them over moonlit rooftops through a galaxy of stars and to the lush jungles of Neverland.

A beautiful princess born in a faraway kingdom is destined by a terrible curse to prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep that can only be awakened by true love's first kiss. Determined to protect her, her parents ask three fairies to raise her in hiding. But the evil Maleficent is just as determined to seal the princess's fate.

The beautiful princess Giselle is banished by an evil queen from her magical, musical animated land and finds herself in the gritty reality of the streets of modern-day Manhattan. Shocked by this strange new environment that doesn't operate on a "happily ever after" basis, Giselle is now adrift in a chaotic world badly in need of enchantment. But when Giselle begins to fall in love with a charmingly flawed divorce lawyer who has come to her aid - even though she is already promised to a perfect fairy tale prince back home - she has to wonder: Can a storybook view of romance survive in the real world?

The creators of Wallace & Gromit bring you an exciting and original story about a group of chickens determined to fly the coop–even if they can’t fly! It’s hardly poultry in motion when Rocky attempts to teach Ginger and her feathered friends to fly…but, with teamwork, determination and a little bit o’ cluck, the fearless flock plots one last attempt in a spectacular bid for freedom.

Against his father Odin's will, The Mighty Thor - a powerful but arrogant warrior god - recklessly reignites an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.

When a virus leaks from a top-secret facility, turning all resident researchers into ravenous zombies and their lab animals into mutated hounds from hell, the government sends in an elite military task force to contain the outbreak.

Checco, an uneducated but self-satisfied fellow from Milan, who has always dreamed of becoming a police officer, fails his entrance exam for the third time. It must be said that at the oral examination Checco said that the reason why he wanted to join the police was benefits in kind and cronyism! But the young man has connections and he soon finds himself a security agent at the Milan Cathedral. Of course the bumbling idiot proves a living catastrophe! Spotted by Sufien, an Arab terrorist who is preparing an attack against the cathedral, Checco appears as the perfect sucker. To manipulate him, he sends his charming sister Farah to him, with the mission to seduce him...

After a former elite agent rescues a 12-year-old Chinese girl who's been abducted, they find themselves in the middle of a standoff between Triads, the Russian Mafia and high-level corrupt New York City politicians and police.

Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.

After the defeat of their old arch nemesis, The Shredder, the Turtles have grown apart as a family. Struggling to keep them together, their rat sensei, Splinter, becomes worried when strange things begin to brew in New York City.

Pinhead is set loose on the sinful streets of New York City to create chaos with a fresh cadre of Cenobitic kin.

The fledgling romance between Nick, a playboy bachelor, and Suzanne, a divorced mother of two, is threatened by a particularly harrowing New Years Eve. When Suzanne's work keeps her in Vancouver for the holiday, Nick offers to bring her kids to the city from Portland, Oregon. The kids, who have never liked any of the men their mom dates, are determined to turn the trip into a nightmare for Nick.