In a desolate war zone where screams of the innocent echo, on the very line between disaster and valor, 7 Maroon Berets will dance with death.

Heartbroken after his beloved leaves due to his polyamorous lifestyle, Baba Dez, a sacred sexual healer, manifests her back by doing Sex Magic with other women.

Seenu is the son of a municipality truck driver Bonala Bikshapati. Mallika is the daughter of a millionaire Somalinga Raju. Seenu and Mallika are classmates and fall in love. Irritated by this, Somalinga Raju puts Seenu in jail on false charges. The second half is all about how Seenu bids for a great escape and marries his ladylove.

A guy borrows his best friend's mobile phone in order to call a girl he recently met, but the phone recognizes the number being dialed, leading to a number of awkward and funny complications.

After the death of the CM, Rayudu steps up to take the new position and prevent other corrupt minds from it.

An aging woman and her nurse develop a friendship that inspires her to unearth unacknowledged longing and thus help her make peace with her past.

Architektka a reštaurátorka Shannon pomáha s vyšetrovaním starej vraždy, ktorá doteraz nebola objasnená. Keď pred dvadsiatimi rokmi zmizlo mladé dievča, mali všetci za to, že odišla do Kalifornie, aby sa stala herečkou a nikomu nechýbala ...

A dog leads its master to his kidnapped baby.

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.

A kindergarten teacher meets a novice magician and together they travel to another city to find love.

Počestný americký obchodník Harold Soyinka odchádza na služobnú cestu do Mexika s experimentálnou tabletkou marihuany. Keď prekročí mexické hranice, všetko sa zrazu zamotá. V pätách má nielen svojich obchodných partnerov, ale aj miestny drogový kartel a americký úrad pre boj s narkotikami DEA. Harold sa ocitne za tenkou hranicou, ktorá delí slušného občana od kriminálnika. V tejto neistej a nebezpečnej situácii sa snaží prežiť spôsobom, ktorý vyvoláva oprávnenú otázku - je skutočne v ťažkostiach bez nádeje na záchranu, alebo má, naopak, všetko pod kontrolou a bezpečne riadi svoju hru?

Just as the disheveled and alcoholic filmmaker Ismaël embarks on a difficult new film project, his life is sent into a tailspin. His wife Carlotta, presumed dead for 20 years, come crashing back into his life creating chaos in his work and his current romantic relationship with the starry-eyed astronomer Sylvia.

Bandleader and manager discover skater in Norway. They become rivals as she returns with them to America.

18 directors, 18 novels, 18 short stories about Moscow...