Før borgerkrigen i USA blir Salomon Northup, en fri svart mann fra New York, bortført og solgt til slaveri. Som slave blir Solomon utsatt for ufattelig grusomhet, men møter også uventet godhet. Han må kjempe både for å overleve og for å beholde verdigheten. I sitt tolvte år som slave møter han en kanadisk slavemotstander som kommer til å forandre livet hans for alltid.

A young woman’s quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tortured her as a child leads her and her best friend, also a victim of child abuse, on a terrifying journey into a living hell of depravity.

Josey Aimes flykter fra et brutalt ekteskap bare for å ende på en mannsdominert arbeidsplass der kvinner blir trakassert daglig. Hun bestemmer seg for å gjøre noe drastisk. Kampen mot overmakten kan bli historisk, med følger for hele USA. Hun tar med seg de to barna og kjører hjem til foreldrene sine i en liten gruveby nord i Minnesota. For å tjene noenlunde gode penger, begynner Josey å arbeide i jerngruven på stedet, en hjørnesteinsbedrift som har livnært generasjoner av arbeidsfolk. Tradisjonene har sementert et mannsdominert, røft miljø med inngrodd skepsis til kvinner som forlater kjøkkenbenken. Josey og de få andre kvinnene blir ikke bare behandlet nedlatende, men med åpenlys forakt. Kvinnene prøver etter beste evne å legge panser på følelsene i frykt for å komme på kant med kolleger og ledelse. Men Josey vil ikke la seg kue. Hun bestemmer seg for å gå til sak mot gruveselskapet. Oppstyret som følger vil endre livet til Josey og hennes nærmeste - og amerikansk rettspraksis.

Når den energiske forlagskonsulenten Margaret risikerer å bli utvist til hjemlandet Canada, erklærer den snartenkte sjefen at hun egentlig er forlovet med den undervurderte og intetanende assistenten Andrew. Han går med på å delta i bløffen, men stiller enkelte betingelser. Det usannsynlige paret reiser til Alaska for å møte hans noe merkelige familie, der har de fire dager på seg til å overtale Andrews familie og en skeptisk immigrasjonstjenestemann om at kjærligheten er ekte.

Med et populært bakeri, et nytt kjærlighetsforhold og en skilsmisse hun endelig har kommet over, lever Jane Adler et liv hun selv har staket ut ... helt til eks-mannen Jake bestemmer seg for å gjøre alt for å vinne henne tilbake. Meryl Streep, Steve Martin og Alec Baldwin spiller hovedrollene i dette morsomme blikket på ekteskap, skilsmisse og alt som befinner seg mellom det.

An ex-soldier, a teen and a cop collide in New Orleans as they hunt for the source behind a dangerous new pill that grants users temporary superpowers.

Doctor Knock is a former thug who has become a doctor and arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice to make his fortune according to a particular method. It will make the villagers believe that they are not as healthy as they might think. It is thus that he will find in each one an imaginary symptom, or not, and thus will be able to exercise his profession lucratively. Under his seductive looks and after gaining the confidence of the village, Knock is on the verge of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.

In the small town of Taperoá João Grilo and confusion Chicó live setting, addressing a sacristan and a humble baker. Everyone lives under the excesses of the bishop, the priest and the major. Until an attack on the city, all die at the hands of the bandit Severino and must stand trial in the sky, which puts everyone before God and the Virgin Mary.

Bli med på moroa når Little-familien adopterer en artig gutt som heter Stuart, som ligner på en mus. Mr. Og Mrs. Little forelsker seg i Stuart med én gang.

When a warlock threatens Wendy the Good Little Witch, she and her aunts hide out at a resort where Casper the Ghost is vacationing with his uncles. Although Casper and Wendy are told ghosts and witches don't get along, the two are kindred spirits! This spooky family-friendly adventure finds Casper and Wendy bridging the ghost-witch divide to battle the warlock who is intent on destroying Wendy.

The friends Curió, Boroca (Dedé Santana), Mexelete and Bateia they venture in search of gold in the mine of Serra Pelada. The area is controlled by the foreigner Von Bermann, whose orders are executed by the bully Bira. Thirsty of being able to, the foreigner smuggles the gold and he wants to take possession of the lands of the Brazilian Ribamar, that refuses to do business before the son's arrival Chicão. With the help of the four dabblers, the boy struggles with the thieves and it helps the father in danger.

Didi, Soró and Tatu in search food and water head for the town of Oróz. On their journey they find a Scarecrow, a man in a metal vat, and later are arrested by a Lion Sheriff.

In a television program Angelica (Angelica), the daughter of a businessman who aspires to be a singer, eventually earning his "crazy dream", which is recording a video clip at the top of Sugar Loaf in Rio de Janeiro, with the Domino Group . The father forbids it to go, so she runs away with her boyfriend to the Sugar Loaf. When her father learns commands Didi (Renato Aragão), Dede (Dede Santana), Mussum (Mussum) and Zechariah (Zechariah) to think in three days or call the police. Trying to find her, the quartet falls into a hole in the Sugar Loaf which is populated by strange creatures, some good, the Grunks, and some bad, the Barks.

Don Koch tries to renovate a rundown mansion with a sordid history for his growing family, only to learn that the house has other plans.

A black police detective must solve a strange case of a kidnapped boy and deal with a big racial protest.

After leaving their company Christmas Party together, David Hargrove and Emily Brandt’s impromptu first date takes an unexpected turn when their coworker, Corey, asks them to make a late-night stop at an ATM. What should be a routine transaction turns into a desperate struggle for survival when an unknown man appears outside the vestibule. With the wintry temperatures dipping below freezing, and the morning sunrise still hours away, they have no choice but to play the man’s deadly game of cat-and-mouse.

Baixo Astral, an evil spirit who lives in the sewers, and whose mission is to bring unhappiness to the world, sees Xuxa on TV asking children to fight for a better world. Threatened by those words, he declares war on her and devises a plan: helped by his allies Titica and Morcegão, he kidnaps Xuxo, her dog. Helped by Xixa (a gypsy caterpillar) and Rafa, a rebel teenager, Xuxa goes on a mission to get her dog back and save the world from Baixo Astral.

The friends Didi, Dede, and Zechariah Mussum sell crafts on the roadside when supreendidos a car chase. After an accident succor old Giovanni (Grey Wilson) who before dying reveals the hiding place of a fortune. It is money stolen from a bank in Italy for which it is offered a reward of five million dollars. With the help of Delegate Augusto (Gugu Liberato), the four go in search of money, a haunted castle..

A kind wanderer living around a circus, who also happens to work as a modern Robin Hood, must solve the mystery behind the kidnapping of a lost little girl he meets.

In this new adventure, Maluquinho is spending the holidays at the home of his grandfather Tônico (Stênio Garcia), an inventor who lives in a small community in the interior of Minas Gerais. His friends Junim (Samuel Brandão), Lucio (Cauã Bernard Souza), Bocão (João Romeu Filho) and Nina (Fernanda Guimarães) are coming to the city to help Maluquinho organize the circus for the centenary of the city. On this trip, they meet Tatá-Mirim, a small flame that ends up making the city believe that they are being invaded by the Capeta. So they end up living many adventures.