Saban, Ramazan and Bayram are sailors in an Ottoman Navy and Hüsamettin is their commander. Hüsamettin's aide Ramazan, Saban who is foster son of Hüsamettin's sister and Bayram who is married to Hüsamettin's niece stays at Hüsamettin's family residence. Hüsamettin's sister thinks Ramazan is her foster son Saban when she realizes her mistake she introduces Ramazan to her brother as her son in law Bayram since she was afraid of Hüsamettin's short-tempered character. Things get complicated when real Saban and Bayram come to the residence. Now Saban has to be Ramazan and Bayram has to be Saban. Meanwhile, a gulyabani (a ghoul from Turkish folklore) haunts the residence.

Bohemian Rhapsody je biografski film, ki slavi Queen, njihovo glasbo in izjemnega frontmana Freddieja Mercuryja, ki je z kljubovanjem in razbijanjem stereotipov postal eden najbolj ljubljenih zabavljačev na planetu. Skozi stičišče kultnih pesmi in prelomnega zvoka film spremlja tudi meteorski hiter razvoj in vzpon skupine, vključno z eksplozijo istega meteorja v času, ko je Freddiejevo življenje uhajalo izpod nadzora, pa tudi zmagoslavno vrnitev na koncert v Live Aidu, ko je Mercury. ob pogledu na lastno usodno bolezen je skupino popeljal v enega najpomembnejših in najbolj očarljivih nastopov v zgodovini rock glasbe.

When Lou Bloom, desperate for work, muscles into the world of L.A. crime journalism, he blurs the line between observer and participant to become the star of his own story. Aiding him in his effort is Nina, a TV-news veteran.

A love story between a poor man and a rich girl. The rich girl's father tries to prevent their marriage and he declares a war against the poor boy's family.

Scenarist in režiser Guy Ritchie nam v začetku leta 2020 prinaša prefinjeno in sofisticirano akcijsko komedijo Gospodje, ki sledi ameriškemu izseljencu Mickeyu Pearsonu (Matthew McConaughey), ki je v Londonu ustvaril visoko donosen imperij marihuane. Ko se po okolici razširi beseda, da Mickey želi za vedno izplačati celoten posel, mnogi hitro sprožijo spletke, sheme, podkupovanja in izisljevanja v upanju, da bi del posla ukradli izpod njegovih rok. Ta skoraj legendarna ekipa vsebuje imena, kot so Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell, Hugh Grant, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong in Eddie Marsan.

Australian good girl Sandy and greaser Danny fell in love over the summer. But when they unexpectedly discover they're now in the same high school, will they be able to rekindle their romance despite their eccentric friends?

In a gritty and alternate 1985, the glory days of costumed vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government crackdown. But after one of the masked veterans is brutally murdered, an investigation into the killer is initiated. The reunited heroes set out to prevent their own destruction, but in doing so they uncover a sinister plot that puts all of humanity in grave danger.

Peter Parker je mlad in sramežljiv študent, ki je živel s svojo teto Majo in stricem Benom od smrti njegovih staršev, ko je bil zelo mlad. Peter je zaljubljen v svojo lepo sosedo, a zaradi pomanjkanja karizme v srednji šoli ne postane zelo priljubljen. Nekega dne ga ugrizne pajek, ki je bil gensko spremenjen, naslednji dan odkrije, da ima nenavadne moči: ima moč in okretnost pajka. Pustolovščine Spider-Man, ki temeljijo na znanih stripih Stan Leeja in Stevea Ditka, so pometale ameriško blagajno in podrle rekordne posnetke njegovega prvega vikenda: 114 milijonov dolarjev, kar je prvič v zgodovini uspelo prebiti 100 milijonov dolarjev ovire na običajen konec tedna.

A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the house, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her.

Altruistic Jane finds herself facing her worst nightmare as her younger sister announces her engagement to the man Jane secretly adores.

Hired by a powerful member of the Russian mafia to avenge an FBI sting that left his brother dead, a psychopathic hitman known only as The Jackal proves an elusive target for the people charged with the task of bringing him down: a deputy FBI director, a Russian MVK Major, and a jailed IRA terrorist who can recognize him.

Barney Ross leads a band of highly skilled mercenaries including knife enthusiast Lee Christmas, a martial arts expert Yin Yang, heavy weapons specialist Hale Caesar, demolitionist Toll Road, and a loose-cannon sniper Gunner Jensen. When the group is commissioned by the mysterious Mr. Church to assassinate the dictator of a small South American island, Barney and Lee visit the remote locale to scout out their opposition and discover the true nature of the conflict engulfing the city.

Keloglan (Bald Boy) is a dreamer but his only ability is talking, one day The Sultan announces a tournament and best warrior of the land will win his daughter, Keloglan wants to join the tournament to make his dreams come true but didn't know how to fight so he begins a travel to learn fighting from famous warrior Master Ali Cengiz.

The Newton family live in their comfortable home, but there seems to something missing. This "hole" is filled by a small puppy, who walks into their home and their lives. Beethoven, as he is named, grows into a giant of a dog... a St Bernard. Doctor Varnick, the local vet has a secret and horrible sideline, which requires lots of dogs for experiments. Beethoven is on the bad doctor's list.

Newly appointed CEO of Robinson Tech, Wes Robinson, is looking for new ideas to boost the company's sales. Vivian Blair, a program developer, shares a dating algorithm she has been working on called My Perfect Match. Wes sees potential and an opportunity to turn the company around and launches the service. When the pair is challenged to use My Perfect Match themselves to find love, this algorithm shows some interesting results.

When Erik Stifler realizes that he's the only Stifler family member who might graduate high school a virgin, he decides to live up to his legacy. After some well-meaning advice from Jim's dad, Erik's ready to take his chances at the annual and infamous Naked Mile race, where his devoted friends and some uninhibited sorority girls will create the most outrageous weekend ever.