In yet another hilarious caper, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and, of course, Scooby-Doo team up with the talented Harlem Globetrotters to solve a haunting that, apparently, involves the ghosts of Paul Revere and other Revolutionary War soldiers. A second episode features the gang and the Globetrotters heading to a deserted island for some relaxation, but they realize they are in for trouble when their ship sets sail with nobody at the wheel.


Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror is a television documentary film that premiered on the Canadian cable network Space on February 25, 2009. The hour-long documentary examines the experiences, motivations and impact of the increasing number of women engaged in horror fiction, with producers Donna Davies and Kimberlee McTaggart of Canada's Sorcery Films interviewing actresses, film directors, writers, critics and academics. The documentary was filmed in Toronto, Canada; and in Los Angeles, California and New York City, New York in the US.

  加美拉与卡欧斯决战后的冬天,北海道降下流星雨,其中一颗坠落在支笏湖南西方约一公里处,陆上自卫队第11师团随即派出化学防护小队,渡良瀬佑介二佐与花谷陆尉深入调查,发现到了是陨石坠落。   五天后,事件的原凶开始现身,札幌市地下铁的电车在隧道内被不明生物攻击,北海道札幌市的薄野出现巨大植物,巨大植物窜出一群体长3m,类似昆虫的甲壳类生物。   怪虫(Legion)与植物是与流星一起飞来的地球外物体,两者属共生关系,Legion会借由啃食硅酮并分泌氧气来制造植物(草体),在这种高浓度氧的环境下,地球生物绝对无法生存,自卫队决定用爆破处理草体。此时海上自卫队探测到加美拉往札幌飞去........


Moscowin Kavery (English: Moscow's Kaveri ) is a 2010 Tamil romantic drama film written and directed by cinematographer Ravi Varman, making his directorial debut, besides handling the cinematography. The film, which has lyrics written by Vairamuthu and music scored by Thaman, stars Rahul Ravindran and Samantha in the lead roles with Harshvardhan, Santhanam and Seeman essaying supporting roles. Releasing on 27 August 2010, after nearly three years of production, the film was ultimately panned by critics.



Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

A worn-out, aging shearer who once rained king of the high country, gets on the gear to keep up his numbers. But when the drugs take over he must learn what it really means to be a man, before he loses so much more than his country pride -- MAN.

美国总统(摩根·弗里曼 饰)在遭遇无人机恐怖袭击后身受重伤陷入昏迷,随行人员在多次爆炸中全军覆没,唯一的幸存者——总统多年贴身保镖迈克·班宁(杰拉德·巴特勒 饰)却成最大嫌疑犯,被 FBI 控告企图暗杀总统。班宁必须给自己洗刷冤屈,同时阻止真正的刺杀总统计划,在多方势力围追堵截下,走投无路的他只能寻求一名神秘人的保护……曾经的英雄保镖如今变为通缉犯,班宁将如何脱离险境、保护总统,破解背后的阴谋?

本片记录了从“格兰披治大奖赛”到“一级方程式汽车赛”的过程,记录了众多前任车手、现任车手、大赛组织者、车队老板、甚至他们的家人、女友等的生活 ······


Coulson和Sitwell两位神盾(S.H.I.E.L.D.)的探员坐在一起讨论他们如何去接近Thunderbolt Ross将军...

is a creative documentary-fiction film and a film that might expand your sense of reality. It is the story about a man who enters the virtual world Second Life to pursue his personal dreams and ambitions. His journey into cyberspace becomes a magic learning experience, which gradually opens the gates to a much larger reality.

宗教狂热份子丹尼尔在一次讲道中遭乱枪射杀,横尸太平间却奇迹似的死而复生,更遭莫名杀手一路追击。原来,丹尼尔是带有天使血统的半人半神,天堂的黑暗天使群起反抗上帝围剿人类,若菲尔更亲临人间直取丹尼尔的心脏,因为他,正是解救这场危机的唯一希望。 改邪归正的天使盖布瑞亚默默协助丹尼尔逃亡,但若菲尔挟持著丹尼尔女友紧追不舍,末世纪的预言就要成真,人间化为炼狱的翻搅梦魇不断浮现,人类的命运是福是祸,全仗著这背水一战……

Burt Gummer回到Pervection,Nev。,发现恐怖城已经成为一个主题公园,当模拟的巨型蠕虫攻击变得真实时,生存者必须再次对抗生物。在两个年轻的企业家的帮助下,Gummer将他对武器装备的印象深刻地反对最新最致命的一代肉食gr。。


