One by one, a flock of small birds perches on a telephone wire. Sitting close together has problems enough, and then comes along a large dopey bird that tries to join them. The birds of a feather can't help but make fun of him - and their clique mentality proves embarrassing in the end.

It's very human and nice story about lofty princess (her father is amiable but incapable - unforgettable performance of S. Neumann) and good, nice, kind and well-principled young king (prince) who tries to make tender her calm heart to get married with her. After being refused (she's very capricious), he conclude to make her better. He start to work as a gardener at her castle (in secret) and successively bring she to her senses...The story continues when already reformed princess and the young king (she learn about his real identity later) have to take refuge from troops, that princess father (old king) has sent (of course he took a bad and mean counsellors advice). They have to take shelter by several ordinary and poor families, which are always very friendly and give them a help... Of course the tale has happy end.

An official adaptation of the award winning game "Papers, Please" by Lucas Pope.

Gwen has just discovered, that she's the final member of the secret time-traveling Circle of Twelve. Now she has to juggle with constant trips to the past, her relationships with Gideon and figuring out dark secrets surrounding the Circle.

Filmas yra pirmojo tęsinys, kai Yagami Light 'padeda' L ieškoti Kiros. Tada atsiranda antras Kira - Amane Misa, naivi žvaigždė iki ausų įsimylėjusi Kira. Ji susiranda Light'ą ir jo manipuliuojama padeda "medžioti " L, t.y. sužinoti jo tikrąjį vardą ir įrašyti jį į Death Note.

Filmo veiksmas rutuliojasi aplink Merry, šokančia ir dainuojančia paauglę, kuri gyvena savame muzikos pasaulyje. Ji šiuolaikinė pelenė, bet ar ji sutiks savo svajonių princą?

Photographs by my father Giacomo Mazzola and a video depicting Sironi’s painting Mountains: a gesture of remembrance in three chapters.

Stuck in a traffic jam, Dante and Randal discuss the prospect of a flying car.

High school is almost over and four friends are going their separate ways as they go to college. But they have one more chance to spend some time together: Inspection 12, their favorite band, is playing one last concert in Jacksonville, FL.

The film follows a trio of varsity baseball players as they enter their senior year of high school and navigate difficult choices on and off the field.

Kuomet Liza, Hunteris ir Mitčelas sužino apie slaptus dukterų planus išleistuvių naktį atsisveikinti su nekaltybe, jie imasi vykdyti misiją, turinčią bet kokia kaina sujaukti atžalų planus! Apsiginklavę tikslu apsaugoti savo mažąsias mergaites, tėveliai pradeda operaciją „Seksui ne!“, kurioje nėra vietos net lengvam flirtui! Tačiau ir paauglės pasirodo esančios ne iš kelmo spirtos – merginos nė neketina keisti savo planų, tad kuri komanda savo misiją įvykdys pirmoji?

An unfortunate highschooler finds an ancient book that summons Allentown's deadliest maniacs back from the dead.

Gruodžio mėnuo Marselyje. Artėja šv. Kalėdos. Todėl mieste pastebimai padaugėjo Senelių Šalčių, kurie rūpinasi ne tik dovanų išnešiojimu. Policininkui Emiljenui jie jau atsibodo. Jaunuolis turi įtarimų, kad po raudonais kostiumais ir dirbtinėmis barzdomis gali pasislėpti nusikaltėlių gauja, kuri pasinaudos šventine ramybe ir sukels Marselyje didžiulį chaosą. Netikėtai ir nelauktai Emiljeno nuojauta pasitvirtina. Marselio policija vėl ant kojų ir ant ratų, nes šį kartą nusikaltėliai išsiskiria ypatingu originalumu ir neapsakomu įžulumu. Kaip visuomet, įvykių sukuryje visai netyčia atsiduria taksistas Dainel, kuris vis tobulina savo automobilį technikos naujovėmis ir dar neatsisako minties kada nors tapti "Formulės 1" bolido pilotu.

Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.

A group of environmentalists arrives at a faraway tropical delta where toxic waste is being dumped. However the water also hides a giant crocodile. The corrupt local officials don't help much either.

A pair of losers working at department store plan to rob the place after it closes. When a bunch of kids show up begging for a story, the men launch into an improvised version of Aladdin.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.