Zanskar is a remote kingdom in the northwest Indian Himalaya, where local people are snow-bound for six months of the year. About 10,000 Zanskaris live in the isolated valley. In winter, mountain passes are blocked, the summer Jeep road closes and buses stop. Two decades ago, three friends founded a ski school - to enable winter travel in the valley, improve quality of life, and to encourage young people to stay in Zanskar by helping establish a culture of mountain sports. The film tells the story of this friendship, the ski school and the development of skiing in the area. Along the way a bigger question is raised. Most recently, the federal government announced a major road building project that will provide year round access to Zanskar. How can Zanskar's wilderness be preserved? It is only a matter of time before the winter road is completed, and the "Big India" rushes in.

Camelia and Sarah in the last spring of the eighties...their last days of innocence a story told twice by 2 different girls or rather 2 similar girls.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

畠山家的兄弟信纲(池内博之 饰)和直光(小栗旬 饰)自幼感情笃深,直光又与大纳言家的女儿阿古姬(柴本幸 饰)两情相悦。某年,大纳言一家染病暴亡,只留下阿古姬一人。将军敕令,畠山家兄弟如有能娶阿古姬者,将继承大纳言的全部家产。直光童年曾收盗贼樱丸(田中圭 饰)为手下,樱丸从中作梗,令信纲和直光兄弟阋墙,相互厮杀。直光混乱中抢走阿古姬,逃亡途中再次遭到樱丸暗算,随后更遇到大盗多襄丸(松方弘樹 饰)。一番拚杀,多襄丸死在直光手下,却把名号留给对方。从此,翩翩公子变成了名震四方的盗贼……

NINO (10) is not feeling well. The fever rises as his senses are enhanced, and his eyes become dry. The thermometer takes five minutes to give its verdict, but they seem endless. Suddenly, as if swallowed by the sheets, Nino is lost. He must now face wars and volcanoes to return to his mother’s arms. It’s just a little fever…

贵族公子德武是当朝右丞相的庶子,不爱钻研经史子集,偏偏混在杂书堆里,看似笨手笨脚,实则聪颖过人。朝中左丞相赵明秀一直觊觎独占冰库,因而陷害了右丞相。为了帮父亲洗清污名,德武一计上心,打算盗取西冰库的藏冰。他联手被赵明秀整掉的原冰库管理者东秀,同时开始联络当时朝鲜境内的盗窃高手。   最后,他们集结了汉阳第一财主秀均、盗墓贼硕昌、制弹高手大贤、易容达人宰俊、神速马车夫哲洙、东秀的妹妹——潜水海女秀莲、智多星正俊、造谣高手南伊等,伺机而动,准备展开伟大而神奇的盗冰行动。他们的口号是——带着钱、金子、冰块儿一起随风而逝!

After Porky and Gabby oversleep yet again, their boss warns them that they'll be fired if they're late again...

Naseema, a village girl, and Ravi, a music teacher, fall in love. But Mammad, a ruffian, too has eyes on Naseema.

From the Ao vivo series, this album compiles the Sertanejo star's greatest hits recorded live. This is a live album by Brazilian pop singer Daniel.

This is the day when the lives of an intertwined group of people take a new direction. Everything they have taken for granted starts to change. While Anne and Ask's relationship succumbs to 'metal fatigue', Charlotte has to realise that her husband Carl may not be right for her. At the same time Bente has to decide if she is prepared to wait for ever for her lover, while her ex-husband Bjørn must face the pain of finally letting Bente go. The characters and their children are twirled around in an ever-increasing drama which peaks during the opening night of Hamlet. Anne is on stage as Ophelia, and the question remains: to be or not be responsible for one's own happiness.

Mayumi is sent to jail after brutally attacking her partner and his mistress. Sent to live in Cell 31, the women there couldn't be more different... they are very religious, sing hymns and discuss the Bible. A fight with a rival cell block starts a bloody and vicious war in the jail... one where the warden and guards seek vengeance on the women with brutal torture and sexual humiliation. When a new inmate arrives and Mayumi recognizes her, all hell breaks loose!

Lots of places connected through one object, the TV. In the beginning that’s just a coincidence, but as the rhythm of the music increases so does the connection.

Croatia’s achievement in coming 3rd at the 1998 World Cup in France was staggering. A nation barely established took on and beat the world’s powerhouse nations, coming within a whisker of lifting the trophy. But, this is much more than just a story about a talented football team, it is the tale of a nation emerging from the wreckage of the Balkan war and the disintegration of Yugoslavia to stand proudly as an independent country on football’s grandest stage.