A farmer wanted words to go with the tune he was playing when he saw a frog sitting on the bank of the stream. The frog did something silly which gave the farmer the words for his song. The farmer went to the corner store to sing his song for people there.

It's July 1981, the Royal Wedding of Charles and Diana. In a small Welsh town where her fifteen-year-old daughter Tammy has organized a street party, Linda Caddock recently made redundant and married to wannabe singer and all-round dreamer Johnny, fears for the future. Neighbour Alan wants her to run off with him. But who will she choose?

A woman strangely breaks up with her boyfriend. But when her roommate comes home to spend a good time with her boyfriend, things can get insanely dangerous since she's on a breakdown of all sorts, leading to a descent of madness and tragedy.

The stooges are movers for an express company and on a rainy night are sent to move some junk, including a suit of armor, from a spooky old house. The armor is haunted by the ghost of Peeping Tom, who has no intention of leaving. The ghost foils the stooges attempts to take the armor, until Lady Godiva shows up and the two ride off together.

Once in his life, retired intelligence officer and respectable family man Nikolai Nikitin decided to go "left" ... What was his shock when in the girl he was offered in a brothel, he recognized ... his own granddaughter Varya, whom the pimps do not want to let go of their clutches. What to do? Run! Hiding from persecution, the heroes go straight from the brothel to Paris. If only I knew ... If only it were all!

Колежанска комедия за приключенията на Хайме Монтес, който напуска горещите си латино приятели от Аржентина, за да учи в Йейл, където не му остава време да прочете дори една книга. Единствената му цел в университета е да спечели вниманието на красивата госпожица Бредбъри. За да й се хареса Хайме обръсва традиционните си латино мустаци. Освен това се включва в училищния отбор и веднага става звездата в него.

A housemaid and a young son of the family she works for has to come to term with the inevitable parting as the end of the day is fast approaching.

Луната и два бухала празнуват настъпването на нощта с Дунавския валс. Въпреки тъмнината гората е изпълнена с живот. Нощните пеперуди танцуват около пламъците на горящите свещи, светулките прелитат наоколо и присветкват енергично, жабите си приглавят една на друга, тази вечер тишината е някъде далеч, в гората има парти. Поредната серия от изключително интересния експеримент на "Дисни" "Шантави симфонии", който студиото развива от 1929 до 1939г. В тези анимационни серии водещи са не нарисуваните фигури, а музиката и въз основата на мелодията, която звучи от екрана, рисунките придобиват своята форма.

During World War II, a group of 10 survivors from Madras get stranded in the ocean in a small boat, which unexpectedly stops and sinks mid-journey, and they are forced to take some drastic measures to save themselves.

An interactive and playful documentary about the 10 biggest fetishes amongst the british.