Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.

Pagal tikrą istoriją sukurtame filme „Paprasti angelai“ pagrindinis vaidmuo tenka Šeron Styvens, kovingai, bet sunkiai besiverčiančiai kirpėjai iš mažo Kentukio miestelio. Moteris atranda naują tikslą, kai sutinka Edvardą Šmitą, našlį, sunkiai besiverčiantį ir kovojantį dėl savo dviejų dukterų. Jauniausiajai Mišelei reikalinga kepenų transplantacija, todėl Šeron ryžtasi padėti šiai šeimai. Tai įkvepiantis pasakojimas apie tikėjimą, kasdienius stebuklus ir paprastus angelus, kurie mus supa.

Tikrais įvykiais paremta istorija pasakoja apie garsią Paryžiaus koketę Lili Dalenji, kuri negali leisti visuomenei sužinoti, kad susilaukė neįgalios dukros. Norėdama apsaugoti tiek ją, tiek save, moteris išvyksta į Romą, kur susipažįsta su diplomuota medike ir netradicine edukatore Marija Montesori. Pati priversta slėpti nesantuokinį sūnų, Marija puikiai supranta Lilį. Palaikdamos viena kitą, šios dvi atkaklios moterys pamažu išsikovoja deramą vietą pokyčių vengusiame, vyrų dominuojančiame pasaulyje.

It follows a young man who dreams of becoming a general and Ying Zheng, whose goal is unification.

When Karate champion Michael Rivers wins the last tournament of his career, shady businessman Ron Hall offers him the opportunity to fight in an illegal Kumite in Bulgaria against the world’s best martial artists. When Michael declines, Hall has his daughter kidnapped and, in order to rescue her, Rivers is left with no choice but to compete in the deadly tournament. Arriving in Bulgaria, he finds out that he is not the only fighter whose loved one was taken. Rivers enlists the help of trainers Master Loren, and Julie Jackson but will it be enough for him to win the tournament and save his daughter’s life?

With only 24 hours left to live, a private investigator follows a trail of confounding clues to uncover the disappearance of his childhood friend.

Ateitis, kurioje robotai gali pakeisti žmones, jau atėjo. Niko žmona guli ligoninėje, kritinės būklės, o jų namų priežiūrą perima aukštųjų technologijų humanoidas vardu Alice. Iš pirmo žvilgsnio Alice atrodo tobula tarnaitė - rūpinasi namais, padeda Nikui ir netgi stengiasi teikti emocinę paramą. Tačiau netrukus paaiškėja, kad jos bejausmis ir apskaičiuotas dirbtinis intelektas turi savo planų. Alice nenori būti tik laikinas pakaitalas – tarnaitė, ji trokšta tapti nuolatine šios šeimos dalimi. Šiam tikslui pasiekti ji yra pasirengusi daryti viską, netgi veikti prieš Niko ir jo šeimos valią. Šiame naujame pasaulyje, kur ribos tarp žmogaus ir mašinos vis labiau nyksta, Niko gyvenimas tampa pavojingai sudėtingas ir prasideda Alice mirtini žaidimai.

Hana spends twenty years suppressing a maleficent curse that was placed upon her bloodline, only to have a family member knowingly release it forcing her to kill or to be killed.

Ean has a critical mission to return to the future to save everyone. However, she becomes trapped in the distant past while trying to prevent the escape of alien prisoners who are locked up in the bodies of humans. Meanwhile, Muruk, who helps Ean escape various predicaments, is unnerved when he begins sensing the presence of a strange being in his body. Traveling through the centuries, they are trying to prevent the explosion of the haava.

Ming Wang is an impoverished Chinese prodigy who flees Communist China to become a pioneering eye surgeon in America. When tasked with restoring the sight of an orphan in India, who was blinded by her stepmother, Wang must confront the trauma of living through the violent uprising in his youth, the Cultural Revolution.

Apleistame Niujorko daugiabutyje gyvena maištinga paauglė Šarlotė. Ją „užkniso“ visas pasaulis, ypač tėvai, kurie dabar visai neturi jai laiko ir visą dėmesį skiria, ką tik gimusiam kūdikiui. Vieninteliai dalykai, kurie Šarlotei dar suteikia laimės, tai komiksai ir visokie maži šlykštūs padarėliai. Kaip tik toks vienas, ką tik apsigyveno jos kambaryje, stiklainyje. Mergina mažytį mielą voriuką paslapčia šeria gyvais tarakonais ir puikiai leidžia laiką besišnekučiuodama su savo naujuoju aštuonkoju draugu, tačiau šis ima augti neįtikėtinu greičiu, kol nebetelpa į stiklainį ir pabėga. Tuo tarpu ima paslaptingai dingti kaimynų augintiniai, o vėliau ir patys kaimynai. Milžiniško dydžio monstras medžioja savo aukas po vieną, neria gleivėtus tinklus, o aukai į juos papuolus lėtai čiulpia jų kraują tol, kol užgesta gyvybė. Netrukus namo gyventojai bei Šarlotės šeima supranta, kad jie atsidūrė spąstuose, ir juos persekioja gigantiškas voragyvis, labai mėgstantis žmogieną...

The Imjin War reaches its seventh year in December of 1598. Admiral Yi Sun-shin learns that the Wa invaders in Joseon are preparing for a swift withdrawal following the deathbed orders of their leader Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Determined to destroy the enemy once and for all, Admiral Yi leads an allied fleet of Joseon and Ming ships to mount a blockade and annihilate the Wa army. However, once Ming commander Chen Lin is bribed into lifting the blockade, Wa lord Shimazu Yoshihiro and his Satsuma army sail to the Wa army’s rescue at Noryang Strait.

Set in the 1970s and '80s, a man of many talents and an aspiring filmmaker come together in their shared ambition of making it big in the magical world of cinema. As they struggle with a burning desire to prove themselves, can their friendship survive the test of time?

As John T. Wrecker continues his task of protecting a group of refugees from a virus, the threat of something new and even more dangerous grows ever closer in the form of monstrous mutants.

Criminal mastermind Mason is about to execute the score of a lifetime when his lover and key member of his crew, Decker, takes the team down and reveals she’s an undercover Interpol agent. Heartbroken, Mason escapes and retires from the life of crime until his younger brother Shawn is out of his league taking on a big bank heist all on his own. Mason has no choice left but to come to the rescue, while Interpol brings Decker in hoping to unnerve him. Before the SWAT teams storm the bank, Mason must use every tool in his arsenal to not only escape with the prize, but also the love of his life.

In a post-apocalyptic future, mankind is color blind. A brilliant scientist suddenly dies, leaving his precious briefcase-filled with a highly-addictive synthetic drug that allows people to see colors again-to Ana, a mere 12-year-old girl. Possession of the briefcase makes her the target of a doctor with wicked plans for the drug, and her only hope to escape his pursuit relies on the aid of the dead scientist's two devoted bodyguards. Together, their epic, perilous journey pivots on a tremendous secret: Ana herself could be the key to salvaging a world in ruins.

Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape. But its first practical test goes horribly wrong, leaving the military no choice but to release the imprisoned giant ape to stop the colossal robot before it destroys downtown Chicago.

Couple Jin-goo and Joo-hee have been experiencing a lover's slump after their marriage. Meanwhile, a new couple in the neighborhood, Hyun-jin and Yoo-jeong came to the other couple's house to introduce themselves. They're attracted with each other's husbands and wives, and in the end, crosses the line that is not supposed to be crossed within neighbors. After that day, two couples' passion intensifies...

A group of people inside an underground complex which possesses high tech computers which tracks world events consider all options as nuclear war is at hand, air supplies may last only eight days and Biblical prophesy unfolds.