Sam loves scary movies, especially the ones with Dracula. This year, instead of writing to Santa for Christmas, Sam writes to Dracula, telling Dracula that he wants to be a real vampire on Halloween this year. Sam is in for quite a surprise as the most famous of all vampires himself responds.

Multishow ao Vivo: Vanessa da Mata is a live album and DVD from Brazilian singer Vanessa da Mata, produced by the channel Multishow. Multishow ao Vivo was recorded live at the historic town of Paraty, and brings in the repertoire songs that marked the career of da Mata.

Mystery Inc. is summoned to investigate occurrences in a haunted villa, where a black knight terrorizes anybody who tries to get close to treasure hidden by the former owner of the building.

The gang goes on a trip to check on Velma's younger sister, Madelyn. She's been studying stage magic at the Whirlen Merlin Magic Academy, where apparently there have been sightings of a giant griffin. The gang decides to investigate.

It's horror on the high seas when Scooby-Doo and the gang take a creepy cruise into one of the world's most mysterious places, the Bermuda Triangle! If Scooby, Shaggy and the gang can't solve this mystery, they may have to walk the plank.

The mystery begins when Shaggy and Scooby win tickets to "WrestleMania" and convince the crew to go with them to WWE City. But this city harbors a spooky secret - a ghastly Ghost Bear holds the town in his terrifying grip! To protect the coveted WWE Championship Title, the gang gets help from WWE Superstars like John Cena, Triple H, Sin Cara, Brodus Clay, AJ Lee, The Miz and Kane. Watch Scooby and the gang grapple with solving this case before it's too late.

During the holiday season, when the animals of the Central Park Zoo are preparing for Christmas, Private, the youngest of the penguins notices that the Polar Bear is all alone. Assured that nobody should have to spend Christmas alone, Private goes into the city for some last-minute Christmas shopping. Along the way, he gets stuffed into a stocking

Shrek challenges Donkey, Puss in Boots and his other fairy tale character friends to spend the night in Lord Farquaad's haunted castle, telling scary stories to see who can resist becoming scared and stay the longest.

Balto and the other sled dogs are feeling dejected because the mail that used to be delivered by dogsled is now being delivered by airplanes. But when a mail plane crashes in the mountains, the dogs come to the rescue.

It's a beautiful day in Slottsskogen, Gothenburg idyllic city park, when suddenly the unthinkable happens - gunfire amidst all people. Two gangsters shooting game against each other and a large police operation starts. The conflict grows rapidly to involve several gangs from Gothenburg underworld. GSI switched to try to identify a new thread which proves to be both larger and better armed than any other. The only clue is a tattoo on one of the killed gang members.

Wendy Wu se gândește la un singur lucru: cum să devină regina balului de anul acesta. Dar sosirea unui tânăr și misterios călugăr chinez pe nume Shen îi dă lui Wendy toată lumea peste cap.

În vacanța de primăvară, lui Cody și lui Zack li se propune să se alăture Proiectului Gemini la un centru de cercetare ce folosește tehnologii de ultimă oră pentru a studia dinamica dintre gemeni.

An alcoholic former horse-trainer perceives in a fifteen-year-old boy a unique gift of horsemanship and makes it possible for the boy to conceive his dream and pursue it.

La șase luni după evenimentele îngrozitoare din jurul casetei video misterioase, jurnalista Rachel Keller s-a retras într-un orășel numit Astoria împreună cu fiul ei Aidan. Ea a acceptat un loc de muncă la un ziar local și este fericită să dedice ceva timp creșterii fiului ei. Dar groaza pare să o urmărească până aici. Pentru că în apropiere, o adolescentă moare într-un mod misterios asemănător cu cel pe care îl investigase ea înainte. Ea merge cu mașina la locul crimei și se strecoară în mașina funerară, unde află că mortul are o față îngrozitor de distorsionată, ca și victimele anterioare. Cele mai mari temeri ale ei devin realitate atunci când fiul ei are și viziuni îngrozitoare și se îmbolnăvește brusc. Colegul ei de muncă Max o sprijină în cercetarea ei.

Still mourning the death of her mother a few years back, Alice McKinley finds her life seriously disrupted when her father Ben buys a store and moves her and her older brother Lester to a new town.

Amicii lui renunță la excursia anuală a băieților și stau acasă cu familia, așa că ursul Boog pleacă pe cont propriu și se alătură unui circ ambulant.

Sleepy New Haven California is a small town with a big problem. A sixty foot slithering horror has arrived and shattered the town's tranquillity on it's path of death and destruction... Growing violent and more savage with each attack the gigantic creature soon becomes an unstoppable feeding machine raging beyond control of it's creator, leaving only the stripped bones of it's victims in it's wake.

A comedic look at the life of Steve Jobs.

The Singer Duke Mitchell meets Sammy Petrillo in this parody of Martin & Lewis. They arrive on a jungle island, where a mad scientist played by Bela Lugosi makes human experiments.