For the first short film for one of five consecutive record-breaking No. 1 hits from "Bad," Michael Jackson and director Martin Scorsese created an epic 18-minute tale of urban and racial challenges in the 1980s. "Bad" was named the second greatest of Michael's short films by Rolling Stone in 2014.

Itseoppineen kantonilaisen katukokin ja Ranskassa opiskelleen keittiömestarin välinen kilpailu saa yllättävän käänteen, kun he osallistuvat maailmanlaajuiseen kilpailuun.

Elena is a woman of a certain age, living in a chic Moscow apartment with her wealthy businessman husband Vladimir. While Vladimir is estranged from his daughter, he does not mask his contempt for Elena's own child, who seems to be in constant need of financial assistance. When Vladimir suddenly falls ill and his volatile, nihilistic daughter comes back into the picture, Elena must hatch a plan for her own survival.

Payton becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux, a wealthy man facing his final months. As they become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his dreams and a pregnancy that could squander them all.

Rick Penning lives life just like he plays rugby; fast, hard-hitting and intense. When life on the edge lands him in jail, prison ward Marcus Tate offers him a chance to get back in the game by playing for his rival, Highland Rugby. Reluctantly Rick joins the team where he must adopt the grueling training schedule that Coach Gelwix enforces, or finish out the season behind bars.

In an English boys' boarding school, social hierarchy reigns supreme and power remains in the hands of distanced and ineffectual teachers and callously vicious prefects in the Upper Sixth. Three Lower Sixth students, Wallace, Johnny and leader Mick Travis decide on a shocking course of action to redress the balance of privilege once and for all.

Rodolphe Burger is a free musician, complex but accessible, without taboos, he mixes with others without ever losing himself on the road. He is a man who shares everything, including the stage. Including his friends and they are numerous, poets, writers, rockers, painters and philosophers.

Brewster, an aging minor-league baseball player, stands to inherit 300 million dollars if he can successfully spend 30 million dollars in 30 days without anything to show for it, and without telling anyone what he's up to... A task that's a lot harder than it sounds!

The story of a Jewish family living in Hungary—through three generations—rising from humble beginnings to positions of wealth and power in the crumbling Austro-Hungarian Empire. The patriarch becomes a prominent judge but is torn when his government sanctions anti-Jewish persecutions. His son converts to Christianity to advance his career as a champion fencer and Olympic hero, but is caught up in the Holocaust. Finally, the grandson, after surviving war, revolution, loss and betrayal, realizes that his ultimate allegiance must be to himself and his heritage.

Oiko logos takes place in an ecosystem which is totally silent. But the inhabitants use sounds as a basic nourishment and therefore they have to travel to other ecosystems to collect sounds. In the film we see how particular sounds affects the life of the ecosystem.

Glasgow’hun sijoittuva elokuva kertoo pakistanilaissyntyisen Casimin ja irkkuneito Roisinin rakkaustarinan. Katolisessa koulussa musiikkia opettava Roisin saa pian huomata, että suhde muslimiin aiheuttaa ongelmia työuralla. Casim joutuu kohtaamaan perheensä perinteet ja vaateet sekä tekemään lopulta valinnan rakkautensa ja perheensä välillä. Elokuva palkittiin Berliinissä, ja se pokkasi myös César-palkinnon parhaan filminä EU-maissa. SP

Dramatization depicting the events surrounding Adolf Hitler's last weeks in and around his underground bunker in Berlin before and during the battle for the city.

Steve Andersson ei ole aina ollut täydellinen isä. Se olisikin vaikeaa, sillä hän joutui vankilaan ajettuaan pakoautoa jalokiviryöstön yhteydessä. Kärsittyään rangaistuksensa Steve pääsee vapaaksi juuri ennen joulua, mikä tarjoaa hänelle täydellisen tilaisuuden korjata välit poikansa, Tomin, kanssa. Se ei ole helppoa kolmen vuoden poissaolon jälkeen, mutta hän aikoo tehdä kaikkensa voittaakseen Tomin luottamuksen. Eräänä iltana Steve saa puhelun Tomilta; autotallissa on vanha mies, joka sanoo olevansa joulupukki. Hän on kolaroinut rekensä, kadottanut poronsa ja tarvitsee apua päästääkseen kotiin. Tilanne muuttuu entistä pahemmaksi, kun "pukki" pidätetään epäonnistuneen poronpelastusyrityksen jälkeen. Steve ei luota mieheen täysin, mutta auttaa tätä Tomin vuoksi. Heidän on löydettävä kadonnut poro, autettava tonttuja, pelastettava pukki vankilasta ja pakoiltava Steven ehdonalaisvalvojaa. Onnistuvatko he pelastamaan joulun ajoissa?

Ms. Isabel Archer isn't afraid to challenge societal norms. Impressed by her free spirit, her kindhearted cousin writes her into his fatally ill father's will. Suddenly rich and independent, Isabelle ventures into the world, along the way befriending a cynical intellectual and romancing an art enthusiast. However, the advantage of her affluence is called into question when she realizes the extent to which her money colors her relationships.

Ranskalainen poliisivirkailija Marek saa tehtäväkseen soluttautua marokkolaiseen huumejengiin. Huumeita kuljetetaan tuunatuilla ja erittäin nopeilla urheiluautoilla Marokosta Gibraltarinsalmen yli Espanjaan, mistä matka jatkuu hengästyttävällä vauhdilla pitkin Ranskan maanteitä. Salakuljettajat voi pysäyttää vain yhdellä tavalla: Go Faster!

In 17th century Spain Diego Alatriste, a brave and heroic soldier, is fighting in his King's army in the Flandes region. His best mate, Balboa, falls in a trap and, near to death, asks Diego to look after his son and teach him to be a soldier.

Married couple Jack and Terry Linden are experiencing a difficult period in their relationship. When Jack decides to step outside the marriage, he becomes involved with Edith, who happens to be the wife of his best friend and colleague, Hank Evans. Learning of their partners' infidelity, Terry and Hank engage in their own extramarital affair together. Now, both marriages and friendships are on the brink of collapse.

Charleston is a 1977 Italian comedy film written and directed by Marcello Fondato. It reprises the style of the film The Sting.

May, a self help author with all the answers, suddenly finds herself stalked by a masked man who mysteriously reappears every night. Even when she kills him. May struggles to get help from the people around her as she fights to stay alive. Is this paranoia, or is she doomed to accept her new reality?

Cherry Fallsin pikkukylä on oikea rauhan tyyssija, kunnes mielipuolinen sarjamurhaaja alkaa vainota kylän teinejä. Kolmannen murhan jälkeen paljastuu karmea totuus: Kaikki uhrit ovat neitsyitä! Kun sana leviää, kylän teinit pyrkivät pois tappolistalta keinolla millä hyvänsä. Myös seriffin tytär Jody on edelleen neitsyt ja päättää hoitaa asian pois päiväjärjestyksestä. Ja konstit ovat monet.