A World War I veteran’s dreams of becoming a master architect evaporate in the cold light of economic realities. Things get even worse when he’s falsely convicted of a crime and sent to work on a chain gang.

Dull and plain Catherine lives with her emotionally distant father, Dr. Sloper, in 1840s New York. Her days are empty — filled with little more than needlepoint. Enter handsome Morris Townsend, a dashing social climber with his eye on the spinster's heart and substantial inheritance.

The story of a donkey Balthazar as he is passed from owner to owner, some kind and some cruel but all with motivations beyond his understanding. Balthazar, whose life parallels that of his first keeper, Marie, is truly a beast of burden, suffering the sins of humankind. But despite his powerlessness, he accepts his fate nobly.

Takeo Goda is a high school student 2 m tall and weighting more than 100 kg. He has a righteous character. The male students adore him, but female students do not like him. All of the girls Takeo likes prefer his handsome friend Makoto Sunakawa.

Three years after the death of her beloved child, Elouise, Mara still feels her presence when she sits on the butterfly bedding in front of the jar with her ashes in it. Mara arranges a twelfth birthday party for Elouise, further alienating her from her husband, Richter, and remaining daughter, Hannah. Although Mara eventually vacates Elouise's room at the insistence of her husband, she does find a way to stay close to Elouise. Before long, however, Hannah discovers her mother's secret.

Iris is a shy and dowdy young woman stuck in a dead-end job at a match factory, who dreams of finding love at the local dancehall. Finding herself pregnant after a one-night stand and abandoned by the father, Iris finally decides the time has come to get even and she begins to plot her revenge.

Set during the early part of his reign, Ivan faces betrayal from the aristocracy and even his closest friends as he seeks to unite the Russian people. Sergei Eisenstein's final film, this is the first part of a three-part biopic of Tsar Ivan IV of Russia, which was never completed due to the producer's dissatisfaction with Eisenstein's attempts to use forbidden experimental filming techniques and excessive cost overruns. The second part was completed but not released for a decade after Eisenstein's death and a change of heart in the USSR government toward his work; the third part was only in its earliest stage of filming when shooting was stopped altogether.

Charlie is a former classical pianist who has changed his name and now plays jazz in a grimy Paris bar. When Charlie's brothers, Richard and Chico, surface and ask for Charlie's help while on the run from gangsters they have scammed, he aids their escape. Soon Charlie and Lena, a waitress at the same bar, face trouble when the gangsters arrive, looking for his brothers.

Told in flashback, Depression-era bum Dan McGinty is recruited by the city's political machine to help with vote fraud. His great aptitude for this brings rapid promotion from "the boss," who finally decides he'd be ideal as a new, nominally "reform" mayor; but this candidacy requires marriage. His in-name-only marriage to honest Catherine proves the beginning of the end for dishonest Dan...

A seasoned detective teams up with a novice cop to solve the mysterious murder of a world-class bone marrow transplant specialist.

Po poprave svojho milovaného manžela Peyraca žila Angelika istý čas medzi parížskou spodinou po boku svojho priateľa z detstva Nicolasa. Po jeho smrti a mnohých dobrodružstvách sa nakoniec rozhodla vydať za bratanca Filipa de Plessis-Bellieres. Jej nový manžel nečakane zomrie na bojovom poli a Angelika je vzápätí povolaná kráľom späť na dvor, aby splnila náročnú diplomatickú úlohu. Má presvedčiť perzského veľvyslanca Batchary-Beja k podpisu zmluvy o spolupráci s Francúzskom. Bej je však jej krásou okúzlený natoľko, že ju uväzní vo svojom paláci. Zo zajatia ju síce zachráni maďarský gróf Rákoczi, dohoda je však ohrozená a kráľ zúri. Angelika je zatknutá, ale ani kráľ neodolá jej kráse. Keď však vidí, že si jej náklonnosť nezíska, pretože medzi nimi stojí tieň Peyracovej smrti, prezradí Angelike, že to nebol on, kto zomrel na hranici. Život krásnej markízy dostáva nový zmysel a ona sa vydá hľadať svojho strateného manžela...

Celovečerný debut režiséra Martina Scorseseho rozpráva o konzervatívnej morálke v strete s moderným svetom. J.R. je mladý Italoameričan, neveľmi vzdelaný, zato však bystrý. Žije v uzatvorenej komunite "Malého Talianska" v New Yorku a väčšinu voľného času zabíja poflakovaním spolu s kamarátmi z miestneho gangu. Jedného dňa na trajekte spozná dievčinu, ktorá pochádza z odlišného sveta. Študuje na vysokej škole, zaujíma sa o literatúru, žije sama vo vlastnom byte. Hoci zázemie a výchova týchto dvoch mladých ľudí sú si vzdialené, ich sympatie postupne prerastú do lásky. Keď sa však J.R. dozvie, že jeho priateľka už nie je panna, nedokáže sa s tým vyrovnať a vzťah ukončí. Nepomôžu ani vyznania lásky a vysvetlenie, že v minulosti bola znásilnená. J.R., vychovávaný podľa zásad prísnej katolíckej morálky a vedený k úcte voči ideálu ženy-matky a ženy-panny, sa napriek vlastným citom nedokáže zbaviť predsudkov.

A Romance of the Three Kingdoms retelling using SD Gundams. (Source: Myanimelist.net)

Northern Spain, October 1944. Several groups of guerrilla fighters, former Republican soldiers exiled in France after the end of the Spanish Civil War, infiltrate the country in order to provoke a popular uprising against General Franco's dictatorship.

After completing his military training, young Léo, a taciturn soldier with family problems and secret addictions, is assigned to one of the units that patrol the streets of Paris in search of possible terrorist threats as part of Operation Sentinelle.

Marco Mazzetti, a driving instructor, lives with his wife Irène and their young son. After a series of nauseous dizzy spells he goes to the doctor and discovers that he is four-months pregnant. Marco then becomes internationally famous.

Antonio and Beba are a pair of panda bears besieged by the classic obstacles of a young couple. Their life together is defined by routine, until one day they are forced to live with their favorite singer.

A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.