A stage director and an actress struggle through a grueling, coast-to-coast divorce that pushes them to their personal extremes.

An IRS agent with a fateful secret embarks on an extraordinary journey of redemption by forever changing the lives of seven strangers.

Nadarjenemu programerju Calebu zmaga na računalniškem tekmovanju prinese srečanje z briljantnim izumiteljem Nathanom v njegovem skrivnostnem laboratoriju sredi divjine. Caleb navdušen spozna, da je Nathan uspel ustvariti prvega robota z umetno inteligenco Avo. Nadobudni mladenič mora preveriti njene sposobnosti, ob analizah in pogovorih pa se nanjo nenadejano naveže, kar zamegli njegovo objektivnost. Toda Nathan nadaljuje s svojimi skrivnimi načrti in Caleb kmalu ne ve več, komu lahko zaupa?

Though Kevin has evidenced 23 personalities to his trusted psychiatrist, Dr. Fletcher, there remains one still submerged who is set to materialize and dominate all the others. Compelled to abduct three teenage girls led by the willful, observant Casey, Kevin reaches a war for survival among all of those contained within him — as well as everyone around him — as the walls between his compartments shatter apart.

A lighthouse keeper and his wife living off the coast of Western Australia raise a baby they rescue from an adrift rowboat.

Denmark, 2014. A former police officer asks Carl Mørck, head of Department Q, to find out who brutally killed his young twins in 1994. Although a local inhabitant confessed and was convicted of murder, Carl and his partner Assad soon realize that there is something in the case resolution that is terribly wrong.

Film opisuje resnično dogajanje okoli škandala t.i. „pentagonskih dokumentov“ oziroma okoli tega, kakšno vlogo so v tem škandalu odigrali ameriški časniki. Zgodba se osredotoča na objavo dokumentov iz Pentagona v Washington Postu, s pomočjo katerih so novinarji tega časopisa leta 1971 razkrili resnico o vietnamski vojni. Dotični dokumenti so niz uradnih zapisov ameriškega obrambnega ministrstva, ki jih je novinarjem takrat predal vojni analitik Daniel Ellsberg. Dvakratni oskarjevec Tom Hanks nastopa v vlogi urednika Washington Posta Bena Bradleeja, dobitnica treh oskarjev Meryl Streep pa v vlogi založnice časopisa Kay Graham, ki je prevzela vodenje sodnega spora z ameriško vlado za časa predsednikovanja Richarda Nixona.

Emerald Green is the stunning conclusion to Kerstin Gier's Ruby Red Trilogy, picking up where Sapphire Blue left off, reaching new heights of intrigue and romance as Gwen finally uncovers the secrets of the time-traveling society and learns her fate.

A live-action adaptation of Disney's version of the classic tale of a cursed prince and a beautiful young woman who helps him break the spell.

September, 1945. Sebastian impatiently waits for the return of his friend Angelina, whom he has not seen for two years. When the plane carrying the young woman to her small village in the Alps is reported to have crashed in the mountains, Sebastian is convinced that Angelina is still alive. Along with his faithful dog Belle, Sebastian embarks on the most dangerous adventure of his life.

Afraid her husband will fall back with his ex girlfriend after they're assigned to work together, Adriana and her sister set sail to the U.S. to go after him to stop this from happening.

Ingrid je neuravnovešena zalezovalka, ki všečke zamenjuje za pomembna razmerja, dneve pa preživlja na družbenih omrežjih, kjer sledi osebnostim, ki jim zavida. Ko začne slediti zvezdnici Instagrama Taylor, postane obsedena z njenim, kot sklepa po fotografijah, popolnim življenjem. Ko se Taylor preseli v Los Angeles, se Ingrid vsili v njen vsakdan. Dekleti postaneta najboljši prijateljici, toda njun odnos je kmalu postavljen pred preizkušnjo, prijateljstvo pa postane podobno nočni mori.

Oskarjevka Alicia Vikander v novi celovečerni različici zgodbe o neustrašni raziskovalki Lari Croft, ki smo jo spoznali v istoimenski seriji videoiger in ki jo je na velikem platnu prvič upodobila Angelina Jolie.

All the people in this countryside area, can count on Jean-Pierre, the doctor who auscultates them, heals and reassures them day and night, 7 days a week. Now Jean-Pierre is sick, so he sees Natalie, a young doctor, coming from the hospital to assist him. But will she adapt to this new life and be able to replace the man that believed to be irreplaceable?

Režiser sage o Harryju Potterju predstavlja novo akcijsko različico večne zgodbe o džungelskem bojevniku Tarzanu in njegovem boju za pravico in svobodo. Postavni Tarzan je po srečanju s srčno izbranko Jane zapustil divjino in se vrnil v Veliko Britanijo, kjer je prevzel vlogo uglednega aristokrata. Ko ga zaprosijo, naj se vrne v Kongo, kot trgovski odposlanec, ne sluti, da je zakorakal v spletko pohlepnega in maščevalnega belgijskega oficirja Leona. Ko se v smrtni nevarnosti znajde tudi Jane, mora Tarzan v sebi najti svoje divje korenine in na pomoč poklicati vse svoje živalske prijatelje.

A young mother and her twin sons move into a rural house that's marked for death.

Two garbage men find the body of a city councilman in a trash can on their route. With help from a supervisor, the duo must solve the case and find the man's killer while hiding the body from the cops.

LAPD detective Mike Dooley and his dog, the German Shepherd Jerry Lee, have been successfully partnered for ten years, but Jerry’s advancing age has Dooley’s superiors suggesting retirement and they are forced to work with a younger K-9 team: female cop Sergeant Welles and her disciplined Doberman Zeus.

The worst teachers of France landed in England for an ultra-secret mission. With Boulard, the King of the Dunces, they are parachuted in the best school of the country, and they will apply their famous methods on the future of the nation.