Lucas is a young man who lives with his religious aunt Lourdes in a quiet country town. He helps his aunt by holding religious meetings with the ladies of the area, in the living room, playing biblical songs on the keyboard. This quiet life will end as soon as the charitable aunt communicates the arrival of another nephew, Mario, just out of jail. The clash of reality between the cousins ends up causing unusual situations, and an unexpected attraction among the boys.

Film je priredba knjige Charlesa Brandta I Heard You Paint Houses in prikazuje s kriminalom prepojeno življenje Franka Sheerana, “izvršilca dolžnosti” mafijske družine Bufalino ter skrivnostno izginotje sindikalca Jimmyja Hoffe, ki naj bi ga Sheeran leta 1975 tudi ubil.

Film je postavljen v Hollywood, v dobo jazza v dvajseta leta 20. stoletja, med prehodom iz nemih v zvočne filme, vključuje pa odlično igralsko zasedbo. Zgodba o prevelikih ambicijah in nezaslišanem presežku sledi vzponu in padcu številnih likov v obdobju nebrzdane dekadence, skrajne pokvarjenosti in razuzdanosti.

The opening of the new tunnel, which took ten years to build, coincided with a series of serious cataclysms. The lives of 160,000 people depend on the actions of two people, a father and a son.

Dežela nomadov je v najširšem registru, še preden je film o 61-letni učiteljici in vdovi, ki živi življenje na ameriški cesti, zgodba o kapitalizmu. In kapitalizem med drugim rad daje posamezniku občutek, da ima svoje življenje pod nadzorom, da ima izbiro. Ker kot vemo, bi bilo življenje brez izbire dolgočasno in strogo. In ljudje lahko v razvitem kapitalizmu izbirajo tako rekoč o vsem. Kaj bodo delali, kaj bodo jedli, kaj bodo oblekli ter kje in kako bodo živeli. A ko ima posameznik pred sabo neskončno izbiro, ta postane pritisk in prisila. Postane to, čemur Barry Schwartz pravi tiranija izbire. A v Deželi nomadov ne gledamo filma o ljudeh, ki imajo izbiro, pač pa film o ljudeh, ki nimajo izbire. In slišimo o neki drugi tiraniji, o tiraniji dolarja. Osiveli srednji razred, ki si ne more privoščiti upokojitve, a si z delom tudi ne more privoščiti nepremičnine. In prav zaradi manka izbire ta skupnost – ne plemenska, razredna – tava po neskončnih ameriških cestah.

Za najboljši prijateljici Becky in Hunter je smisel življenja v premikanju mej in premagovanju strahu. Ko se povzpneta na več kot 600 metrov visok radijski stolp, se zgodi nepričakovano - na vrhu obtičita brez možnosti poti navzdol. Njune plezalske sposobnost so s tem postavljene pred največjo preizkušnjo, saj se morata na vrtoglavi višini boriti za preživetje v nemogočih vremenskih razmerah in pomanjkanju zalog.

Ko je Nora priča nasilju nad Abelom, ki ga izvajajo drugi otroci, je želela o tem povedati očetu, vendar jo Abel prisili, da ostane tiho. Nora, ujeta v konflikt med zvestobo in dolžnostjo poskuša najti svoje mesto razpeto med svetom otrok in odraslih.

Adapted from the bestselling novel by Madeleine St John, Ladies in Black is an alluring and tender-hearted comedy drama about the lives of a group of department store employees in 1959 Sydney.

Lena is a talented midwife and gynaecologist, her husband Serezha is an actor at a provincial drama theatre. They are close and gentle with each other, but there is no sex. Lena suspects that Serezha has an affair, but she worries quietly and does not reveal her jealousy. Instead of sorting out her relationship with her husband, Lena starts to betray him with chance acquaintances. Gradually Lena’s parallel life gets out of control and changes her original life.

Ko kapitan ameriške mornarice Queeg pokaže znake duševne nestabilnosti, ki ogroža varnost ladje in posadke, ga prvi častnik Maryk razreši poveljevanja zaradi česar je pred vojnim sodiščem obtožen upora. Greenwald, skeptični odvetnik, nerad zagovarja Maryka in postaja vse bolj zaskrbljen, ko se sojenje nadaljuje ter se sprašuje, ali je šlo za pravi upor ali za preprosto pogumno dejanje skupine mornarjev, ki niso mogli zaupati svojemu nestabilnemu vodji.

French Basque Country, year 1609. The men of a small fishing village have gone to sea. Judge Rostegui, who has been charged by the king with ridding the country of the devil's wiles, arrests Ana and her friends and accuses them of witchcraft.

Zgodba se dogaja leta 1862 na podeželju Irske in pripoveduje o mladem dekletu po imenu Anna, ki nenadoma neha jesti, a je kljub temu po mesecih posta še vedno živa. Trdi, da vso hrano, ki jo potrebuje, črpa od boga in svoje vere. Ko Annina zgodba začne pritegniti pozornost tako lokalne skupnosti kot širšega sveta, je sestavljena komisija, ki naj preišče ta na videz čudežni primer. Lib Wright, angleška medicinska sestra, je poslana, da opazuje družino in Anno. Je to morda nova svetnica, ki »živi od nebeške mane«, ali pa so na delu še bolj zlovešče sile?

Set in the glamour of the New York and Paris art scenes, gallery owner Brooke Gatwick and her newscaster husband Owen Shore, face temptation, jealousy, twists and mystery when two seductive newcomers enter their lives.

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi facility in Japan risk their lives and stay at the nuclear power plant to prevent total destruction after the region is devastated by an earthquake and tsunami in 2011.

Follows the lives of three families who live in a three-story building in a Roman neighbourhood.

Ambitious overachiever Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly, she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being set for victory, Hanna refuses to give up and decides to win him back. But to get there means having to win something much more important, love and desire for herself and who she is.

A disgraced parole officer is indebted to a local gang leader and forced to pull off a series of dangerous drug heists within twelve hours in order to pay the $2 million dollars he owes, rescue his kidnapped pregnant wife, and settle a score with the city's corrupt police chief, who is working with the gang leader and double-crossed him years ago.

Two people, a man and a woman, wake up naked and with their abdomens attached to each other.

Picking up directly where the previous film left off, the story follows Riley, one of the last people to come in contact with Samantha, as he scrambles to track down those responsible for the outbreak before the highly contagious disease not only consumes his body, but the world as we know it.