Lisbela is a young woman who loves going to the movies. Leléu is a con man, going from town to town selling all sort of things and performing as master of ceremonies for some cheesy numbers, such as the woman who gets transformed into a gorilla. He gets involved with Linaura, a sexy and beautiful woman who happens to be the wife of the most frightening hitman of the place. The hitman finds out his wife's affair and goes after Leléu, who has to leave in a hurry. In another town, he meets and falls instantly in love with Lisbela, who is engaged to Douglas, a hillbilly who tries hard to pass for a cosmopolitan Rio de Janeiro dweller.

A school teacher discusses types of government with his class. His students find it too boring to repeatedly go over national socialism and believe that dictatorship cannot be established in modern Germany. He starts an experiment to show how easily the masses can become manipulated.

With one coin to make a wish at the piazza fountain, a peasant girl encounters two competing street performers who'd prefer the coin find its way into their tip jars. The little girl, Tippy, is caught in the middle as a musical duel ensues between the one-man-bands.

An ordinary man makes an extraordinary discovery when a train accident leaves his fellow passengers dead — and him unscathed. The answer to this mystery could lie with the mysterious Elijah Price, a man who suffers from a disease that renders his bones as fragile as glass.

After a group of friends graduate from Delhi University, they listlessly haunt their old campus, until a British filmmaker casts them in a film she's making about freedom fighters under British rule. Although the group is largely apolitical, the tragic death of a friend owing to local government corruption awakens their patriotism. Inspired by the freedom fighters they represent in the film, the friends collectively decide to avenge the killing.

Dance your way to a magical adventure with Barbie as Kristyn, a ballerina with big dreams! When she tries on a pair of sparkling pink shoes, she and her best friend, Hailey, are whisked away to a fantastical ballet world. There, Kristyn discovers she must dance in her favorite ballets in order to defeat an evil Snow Queen. With performances to the legendary Giselle and Swan Lake ballets, it's a wonderful journey where if you dance with your heart, dreams come true!

Kad komisārs Živs ir pārliecināts, ka uzveicis sen meklēto ļaundari, Fantomass nolaupa profesoru Lefēvru, kas viesojas Romā. Neiztiekot bez starpgadījumiem, komisāram ar īpašas ierīces palīdzību izdodas atbrīvot slaveno zinātnieku. Živs, Fandors un Elēna turpina dzīties pakaļ Fantomasam no zinātnes konferences gaiteņiem līdz vulkāna krāterim. Vai neģēlim izdosies aizlaisties?

A popular high school athlete and an academically gifted girl get roles in the school musical and develop a friendship that threatens East High's social order.

Rose, a rebellious half-vampire/half-human guardian-in-training and her best friend, Lissa -- a mortal, royal vampire Princess - have been on the run when they are captured and returned to St. Vladamirs Academy, the very place where they believe their lives may be in most jeopardy. Rose will sacrifice everything to protect Lissa from those who intend to exploit her from within the Academy walls and the Strigoi (immortal, evil vampires) who hunt her kind from outside its sanctuary.

Džims (Džeisons Bigs) un viņa draugi satiekas pludmales mājā pēc savas pirmās universitātes gada. Tur Džims cenšas uzlabot savas seksuālās prasmes ar Mišelu (Alisons Hennigana), savu bijušo izpūtēju no absolvēšanas balle. Tā laikā Kevins (Toms Iens Nikols) mēģina atgūt Viki (Tara Rīda), Ozs (Krisa Klaina) uztur attālinātu attiecību ar Hetaru (Mena Suvari), Finčs (Eddijs Kei Tomass) praktizē tantra praksi, un Stiflers (Šons Viljams Skots) ķeras pie savām jocībām un izpildījuma dzīvnieciskajām izpausmēm. Starp smiekliem, nekārtībām un kaitinošām situācijām draugi plāno rīkot savas dzīves lielāko ballīti.

Belle, the Beast, Lumiere, Cogsworth and the rest of those zany castle residents use their imaginations to embark on three magical, storybook adventures. This direct-to-video anthology serves as a "sequel" to Disney's animated hit film. In "The Perfect World," Belle and the Beast learn about forgiveness. In "Fifi's Folly," Lumiere's girlfriend is jealous of his bond with Belle. And in "Broken Wing," the Beast learns to be kind to an injured bird.

When the FBI hires her to go undercover at a college sorority, Molly Morris (Miley Cyrus) must transform herself from a tough, streetwise private investigator to a refined, sophisticated university girl to help protect the daughter of a one-time Mobster. With several suspects on her list, Molly unexpectedly discovers that not everyone is who they appear to be, including herself.

Katie, a college freshman, has been groomed from birth to continue her mother’s legacy with the Deltas. When Katie decides to pledge another house instead, an all-out sorority war commences.

Filmā „Hop” animācija apvienota ar aktierspēli. Tas ir komisks stāsts par darbu zaudējušo sliņķi Fredu, kas ar savu automašīnu nejauši notriec Lieldienu zaķi. Viņam neatliek nekas cits, kā par ievainoto rūpēties, līdz viņš atlabs. Fredam nākas sadzīvot ar patiešām neciešamu viesi, taču ar laiku gan viņš, gan Lieldienu zaķis saprot, ko nozīmē būt pieaugušiem.

Four different stories about italian football team’s supporter.

Legless Southern inventor Dr. Arliss Loveless plans to rekindle the Civil War by assassinating President U.S. Grant. Only two men can stop him: gunfighter James West and master-of-disguise and inventor Artemus Gordon. The two must team up to thwart Loveless' plans.

Fabio is in love with his colleague Linda, but she has never even seen him until he's mistaken for her boyfriend. Paolo and Mario leave for a luxurious vacation in Rio de Janeiro for Christmas, without knowing that their sons have booked a trip for the same low-cost destination and, for a problem of homonymy between fathers and sons, the two holidays are exchanged.

Jason ships out aboard a teen-filled "love boat" bound for New York, which he soon transforms into the ultimate voyage of the damned.

A macho type man becomes entangled with an independent-minded girl.