Created for Disney's 100th anniversary, the short features Mickey Mouse corralling a gallery of legendary Disney characters for a group photo.

Volisas ir jo lojalus šuo Gromitas atidarė kepyklėlę ir susidūrė su keista žmogžudyste. Bet, kai Volisas įsimyli, Gromitui tenka vienam spręsti bylą.

A letter is addressed to three wives from their "best friend" Addie Ross, announcing that she is running away with one of their husbands - but she does not say which one.

Animacinė muzikinė pasaka V. Hugo romano motyvais apie geraširdį Kvazimodą ir žaviąją Esmeraldą. Kuprotas skambintojas varpais Kvazimodas įsimyli gražiąją čigonę Esmeraldą ir ateina jai į pagalbą, kai ji apkaltinama žmogžudyste. Miesto vadovo nekenčiami čigonai persekiojami ir kasdien patiria patyčias. Jų skausmą supranta tik visų niekinamas kuprius, kuriam likimas žiauriai sužalojo kūną. Kvazimodas išgelbėja Esmeraldą, o ji nelieka skolinga. Mergina atveria visiems miestelėnams akis ir Kvazimodas pagaliau jaučiasi mylimas ir gerbiamas.

Island farmer Banana Joe helps the local community by trading his bananas for goods. When gangsters arrive with plans to construct a banana processing plant, Joe kicks them out, but the mob boss discovers that Joe is operating without a license. After the mob tips off the authorities and Joe's boat is impounded, he ventures into a big city for the first time to seek help.

Pramuštgalviai kartu su šeima išvyksta atostogauti į Paryžių. Kelionę apkartina pasirodžiusi itin valdinga, vaikų nekenčianti verslininkė, su kuria tėvas Stju ketina susituokti! Kaip pramuštgalviams seksis atgrasyti Stju nuo vedybų?

Paris, 1482. Today is the festival of the fools, taking place like each year in the square outside Cathedral Notre Dame. Among jugglers and other entertainers, Esmeralda, a sensuous gypsy, performs a bewitching dance in front of delighted spectators. From up in a tower of the cathedral, Frollo, an alchemist, gazes at her lustfully. Later in the night, Frollo orders Quasimodo, the deformed bell ringer and his faithful servant, to kidnap Esmeralda. But when the ugly freak comes close to her is touched by the young woman's beauty...

Unlucky in love, chemist Paul Matthews visits gypsy Madame Rosa for help. Quickly realizing he is a hopeless nerd, she gifts him with Love Potion No. 8, which makes anyone who wears it irresistible to the opposite sex for four hours. Paul and animal psychologist coworker Diane Farrow decide to test it on themselves. The awkward pair suddenly find themselves alluring to anyone they approach, but soon realize they are most attracted to each other.

When Littlefoot grandfather falls ill, The dinosaurs only way to cure him is a flower in the forbidding land of mist which hold unexpecting perils and danger.

As a newly crowned princess, Cinderella quickly learns that life at the Palace - and her royal responsibilities - are more challenging than she had imagined. In three heartwarming tales, Cinderella calls on her animal friends and her Fairy Godmother to help as she brings her own grace and charm to her regal role and discovers that being true to yourself is the best way to make your dreams come true.

The boyfriend of an abducted woman never gives up the search as the abductor looks on.

Į naują namą su mama gyventi persikėlusi Chloja entuziazmu netrykšta. Visi draugai liko toli, vienintelis vaikas naujoje vietoje – erzinantis kaimynų berniukas Liamas. Namas didžiulis, nejaukus ir, lyg to būtų maža, tiesiog prikištas kvailai atrodančių sodo nykštukų. Susierzinusi Chloja šiaip ne taip prisiverčia galvoti apie jos laukiančią naująją mokyklą, tačiau mergaitės mintis greitai nutraukia tie patys netikėtai atgiję sodo nykštukai. Atsipeikėjusi nuo pirmojo išgąsčio, Chloja išsiaiškina, kad sodo nykštukai save vadina gnomais, o jų darbas – saugoti namą ir visą planetą nuo piktų, bet juokingų ir varles primenančių padarų. Jie ateina iš kito pasaulio per portalą, atsiveriantį keistajame name. Netrukus, prasidėjus tų padarų atakai, Chloja kartu su gnomais ir netgi erzinančiu kaimynų berniuku ryšis ginti savo naujųjų namų ir viso pasaulio!

Džimis Neutronas yra genijus, protu gerokai pranokstantis visus savo draugus, tačiau, kai reikia būti "kietam", berniukas niekuo nesugeba išsiskirti. Vis dėlto išaušta ir jo didžioji diena. Ateiviai pagrobia visus Žemės tėvus ir Džimiui tenka vadovauti vaikams ir išgelbėti pagrobtuosius.

The first wedding anniversary of Princess Odette and Prince Derek is distracted by field fires set by Knuckles. His master Clavius, wants to conquer the world, and he needs to capture a giant orb to do that. Clavius kidnaps Queen Uberta and Odette with Derek have to save her.

Šiame nuotaikingame filme mažieji žiūrovai sutiks jau mylimus herojus Mauglį, lokį Balu, panterą Bagirą, smauglį Ka ir pamatys jų naujausius nuotykius džiunglėse. Berniukas Mauglis nusprendžia iškeisti civilizuoto kaimo patogumus į laukines džiungles. Pasirodo, čia ir tyko pavojai – piktasis tigras Širchanas jau seniai laukia progos atkeršyti Maugliui.

LAPD detective Mike Dooley and his dog, the German Shepherd Jerry Lee, have been successfully partnered for ten years, but Jerry’s advancing age has Dooley’s superiors suggesting retirement and they are forced to work with a younger K-9 team: female cop Sergeant Welles and her disciplined Doberman Zeus.

When news of John Smith's death reaches America, Pocahontas is devastated. She sets off to London with John Rolfe, to meet with the King of England on a diplomatic mission: to create peace and respect between the two great lands. However, Governor Ratcliffe is still around; he wants to return to Jamestown and take over. He will stop at nothing to discredit the young princess.

After being falsely accused of stealing the budget for their annual cocktail cruise, three very different fraternity brothers are kicked out of their dorm. In order to clear their name and to secure their future careers, the three dress up in drag and pledge the sorority next door where they learn a few valuable - and hilarious - lessons about themselves and the female species.

A group of teenagers fear for their lives in the swamps of Louisiana, chased by Mr. Jangles, a man possessed by 13 evil souls, and now relentless in his pursuit of new victims.

Until now, Zak Gibbs' greatest challenge has been to find a way to buy a car. But when he discovers an odd wristwatch amidst his father's various inventions and slips it on -- something very strange happens. The world around him seems to come to a stop, everything and everybody frozen in time. Zak quickly learns how to manipulate the device and he and his quick-witted and beautiful new friend, Francesca, start to have some real fun.