Uma impetuosa história de amor entre duas pessoas de diferentes origens e temperamentos, que são fatalmente incompatíveis, mas que estão destinadas a estar juntas. Tendo como pano de fundo a Guerra Fria nos anos 50 na Polónia, Berlim, Jugoslávia e Paris, o filme retrata uma história de amor impossível em tempos impossíveis.

Um inepto camponês Tcheco divide-se entre a ganância e a culpa quando um chefe da base nazista de sua cidade o nomeia "Supervisor Ariano" de uma loja de botões de uma idosa viúva judia. Humor e tragédia fundem-se na sarcástica exploração da cordialidade de um homem comprometido com o horror do regime totalitário. Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro.

Em 2032 quando os homens já não são inteiramente homens mas parcialmente máquinas, o que resta de humanidade nos humanoides que habitam a terra são o cérebro e a memória. Numa altura em que mesmo esses sinais de humanidade foram esquecidos há um deles que procura recuperar a humanidade perdida. A inocência...

A história de uma estrela infantil que, ao longo de uma década, tenta melhorar o relacionamento com o pai, um criminoso alcoólico. História vagamente inspirada na vida de Shia LaBeouf.

María e Jesús acabam de ser pais, mas a sua relação não está a atravessar o melhor momento. Estão a atravessar uma crise e têm vários problemas; o que nunca imaginariam, nem nos seus piores pesadelos, é que a compra de uma pequena mesa de café para a sala de jantar se tornará a pior decisão das suas vidas.

Internet sensation and old family friend of Aurora Teagarden, Poppy Wilson, has returned to Lawrenceton to start her new embroidery business. But not everyone is happy with Poppy's success when she turns up dead. To find the killer, Roe must follow the unsettling truths that lead her—into the path of the killer.

Aurora finds a member of her crime buff group, the Real Murders Club, killed in a manner that eerily resembles the crime the club was about to discuss. As other brutal "copycat" killings follow, Aurora will have to uncover the person behind the terrifying game.

Pietro is a revered teacher, Teresa his brilliant and precocious student. Their affair is both illicit and tempestuous. After one fight, Teresa suggests that each tell the other a secret, one so shameful or shocking that were it to be made public, it would destroy that person’s life. Time passes, Pietro’s stature as a writer grows and his family settles into the comfort of a bourgeois life. But he is haunted by the possibility that Teresa may one day reappear and tear apart his world with the secret she knows.

A stark portrayal of life among a group of heroin addicts who hang out in Needle Park in New York City. Played against this setting is a low-key love story between Bobby, a young addict and small-time hustler, and Helen, a homeless girl who finds in her relationship with Bobby the stability she craves.

Takumi and his daughter Hana live in Mizubiki Village, close to Tokyo. One day, the village inhabitants become aware of a plan to build a camping site near Takumi's house offering city residents a comfortable "escape" to nature.

A group of German construction workers set out for a foreign construction site in the Bulgarian province. The strange country awakens adventure feelings among the men. At the same time, they are confronted with their prejudices and mistrust. For two of the men, a nearby village becomes the stage for a competition for the recognition and favor of the village.

Hana spends twenty years suppressing a maleficent curse that was placed upon her bloodline, only to have a family member knowingly release it forcing her to kill or to be killed.

Bhairava, cansado dos confins opressivos de sua terra natal e da vida perigosa de um caçador de recompensas, anseia por uma existência mais confortável no Complexo. Sua busca por uma nova vida o envolve inadvertidamente com um grupo de rebeldes dedicados a libertar a humanidade das garras de forças malévolas.

A Catholic New Yorker falls in love with a girl and wants to marry her, but he struggles to accept her past and what it means for their future.

Walt is a lonely convenience store clerk who has fallen in love with a Mexican migrant worker named Johnny. Though Walt has little in common with the object of his affections — including a shared language — his desire to possess Johnny prompts a sexual awakening that results in taboo trysts and a tangled love triangle.

O astronauta Roy McBride viaja para lá dos limites do sistema solar para tentar encontrar o seu pai desaparecido e decifrar o mistério que ameaça a sobrevivência do planeta Terra.

When a mysterious "John Doe" wakes up in a morgue and wanders into a psychiatric ward, a devoted doctor and curious medical examiner must slowly uncover dark and sinister secrets about the man that reveal a more horrifying truth than they could have ever imagined.

Rahul and Riana meet each other for the first time, get drunk, and awake the next morning to find that they have gotten legally married to each other.

Um relacionamento íntimo entre um humano e um androide testa os limites da natureza humana.