Light, color, and correlated sound. A program for the human nervous system.

In the sixth installment of the Gabriel's Inferno series, Julia deals with the aftermath of Gabriel's departure, while Gabriel goes on a journey of self-discovery. Will they reunite and be able to repair what is broken?

In the middle of October 1998, Tomoe Enjou is attacked by bullies from his old school and saved by Shiki Ryougi. He asks her to hide him at her place and admits that he killed someone. Several days after the incident there are still no broadcasts about the murder as if it didn't happen.

'Monster Cop' Ma Seok-do investigates an illegal online gambling business led by a former STS Baek and an IT genius CEO Chang. Ma proposes an unexpected alliance to Jang and begins hunting down the criminals.

Tai jaudinanti ir nuoširdi drama, kurioje pasakojama apie Šiaurės Airijoje globos namuose gyvenantį Antrojo pasaulinio karo veteraną Artį Kraufordą, kuris ką tik neteko žmonos. Per 75-ąsias Normandijos išsilaipinimo operacijos metines Artis nusprendžia slapta pabėgti iš globos namų ir leidžiasi į sunkią bet įkvepiančią kelionę į Prancūziją, kad atiduotų paskutinę pagarbą geriausiam draugui ir rastų drąsos susidurti su savo praeities vaiduokliais.

Ateityje, kai Marsą teraformuoja ir kolonizuoja geriausia, ką gali pasiūlyti žmonija, du labai skirtingi koledžo studentai sujungia jėgas ir įslenka į erdvėlaivį į raudonąją planetą, kad galėtų susivienyti su savo svarbiais žmonėmis.

James Bowen finds himself the target of an animal welfare investigation that threatens to take away his beloved cat, Bob, at Christmas.

After a high-ranking North Korean official requests asylum, KCIA Foreign Unit chief Park Pyong-ho and Domestic Unit chief Kim Jung-do are tasked with uncovering a North Korean spy, known as Donglim, who is deeply embedded within their agency. When the spy begins leaking top secret intel that could jeopardize national security, the two units are each assigned to investigate each other.

Ancient Korea, 1506. The tyrannical King Yeonsan-gun of Joseon is overthrown by his half-brother Jung-jong, whose reign begins with a blood bath. Over the years, traitors plot against him, sinking the kingdom into chaos. In 1528, frightened rumors come to royal palace, regarding a mysterious creature, known as Monstrum by the peasants.

Shibuya, Tokyo, is bustling with the Halloween season. A wedding is being held at Shibuya Hikarie, where Detective Miwako Sato of the Metropolitan Police Department is dressed in a wedding dress. While Conan and the other invited guests are watching, an assailant suddenly bursts in, and Detective Wataru Takagi, who was trying to protect Sato, is injured. Takagi survived and the situation was settled, but in Sato's eyes, the image of the grim reaper that she had seen when Detective Matsuda, the man she had been in love with, had been killed in a series of bombings three years ago, overlapped with Takagi's.

On a hot summer day in Oslo, the dead mysteriously awaken, and three families are thrown into chaos when their deceased loved ones come back to them. Who are they, and what do they want?

Erik Blake has gathered three generations of his Pennsylvania family to celebrate Thanksgiving at his daughter’s apartment in lower Manhattan. As darkness falls outside and eerie things start to go bump in the night, the group’s deepest fears are laid bare.

A matriarchal witch passes on her sinister inheritance to her grand-daughter, triggering the most horrific curses.

The upper torso of a female, claws her way around Japan searching for her lower half. The person's lower half was severed in a train accident in Hokkaido. Anyone that hears of this story will see Teke-Teke's upper half walking aimlessly around the countryside within three days.

Sužeistą miško prižiūrėtoją, per įprastą misiją, išgelbsti du vyrai, gyvenantys miške. Tai, kas iš pradžių yra sveikintinas gelbėjimas, tampa įtartinas, nes sūnus ir jo išdavikas tėvas atskleidžia keistą atsidavimą miškui.

Four married couples find out their marriage is invalid because it was officiated by a fraudulent priest and have to decide what to do next.

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Netolimoje ateityje privatus detektyvas Deividas Karmaiklas yra pasamdomas Marlono Veidto, eksentriško verslininko, kad surastų jo dingusią dukterį. Deividas dirba kartu su Džeine, labai pažengusia androide kad atskleistų paslaptį.

A suburban family drives their new gadget, The Alpha Home Assistant, to a killing rampage after mistreating and abusing it, leading to a full A.I. uprising…