Jules Winnfield ja Vincent Vega on palgamõrvarid, kes jahivad nende bossilt varastatud kohvrit. Lisaks tuleb Vincentil viia meelt lahutama bossi tähelepanuta jäänud naine Mia. Butch Coolidge on veteran-poksija, kellele makstakse kaotamise eest. Nende esmapilgul täiesti seoseta inimeste elud põimuvad sündmuste arenedes ootamatult koomilisel moel.

Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Maale tagasiteel olev kosmoselaev saab hädaabisignaali võõralt planeedilt. Asja uurima minnes ei leita eest ühtegi jälge inimtegevusest. Planeedilt leitakse ainult suures koguses kahtlase päritoluga suuremõõtmelisi munasi. Nad toovad ühe muna pardale ning avavad selle - esmapilgul surnuna tunduv muna sisu aga ärkab ning hüppab ühele meeskonnaliikmele otse näkku, tappes tolle. Olendit vigastades sööbib tema sisikond läbi mitme kosmoselaeva teki. Põgenema pääsenud külaline aga hakkab tohutul kiirusel arenema ning meeskonnal puuduvad vähimadki vahendid tema peatamiseks ning enesekaitseks.

Lõbus, häiriv ja üllatav kohtumine äärelinna Ameerikas läbi keskklassi ülemise paari Lesteri ja Carolyni, kelle abielu ja kelle elu aeglaselt lahti hargnevad. Carolyn vihkab oma meest, tütar põlgab teda ja ülemus kavatseb ta vallandada. Nii otsustab Lester oma elus mõnda asja muuta; vabamaks saades muutub ta õnnelikumaks, mis teeb tema naise ja tütre vihasemaks.

Peter Quill, still reeling from the loss of Gamora, must rally his team around him to defend the universe along with protecting one of their own. A mission that, if not completed successfully, could quite possibly lead to the end of the Guardians as we know them.

11-aastane Riley peab läbi tegema oma senise elu kõige suurema muutuse - kolima kodusest Minnesotast kaugele San Fransiscosse, kuhu neid viib isa uus töö. Kaugele seljataha jäävad kõik tuttavad kohad, sõbrad ja mälestused. Küll aga reisivad temaga tema "peakorteris" kaasa tema enda isiklikud Rõõm, Kurbus, Hirm, Vastikus ja Viha, kes kõik soovivad, et Rileyga läheks kõik hästi, tal oleks alati turvaline ja keegi ei teeks talle ülekohut. Peakorteris hakkavad aga asjad vägisi käest ära minema, kui Kurbus oma tundeid enam üldse vaka all ei suuda hoida, mis paneb omakorda Hirmu kangesti pabistama, Vastikuse nina kirtsutama ja Viha mõistagi pahuralt käiseid üles käärima. Kui tormiliselt arenenud sündmuste tõttu seni asju enam-vähem kontrolli all hoidnud Rõõm ühes Kurbusega end Riley pikaajalise mälu sügavatest soppidest leiab, peavad nad alustama pikka ja rasket tagasiteed peakorterisse, kus samal ajal Hirm, Vastikus ja Viha püüavad jooksvalt probleeme "lahendada".

Set in 1977, back when sex was safe, pleasure was a business and business was booming, idealistic porn producer Jack Horner aspires to elevate his craft to an art form. Horner discovers Eddie Adams, a hot young talent working as a busboy in a nightclub, and welcomes him into the extended family of movie-makers, misfits and hangers-on that are always around. Adams' rise from nobody to a celebrity adult entertainer is meteoric, and soon the whole world seems to know his porn alter ego, "Dirk Diggler". Now, when disco and drugs are in vogue, fashion is in flux and the party never seems to stop, Adams' dreams of turning sex into stardom are about to collide with cold, hard reality.

Chris and his girlfriend Rose go upstate to visit her parents for the weekend. At first, Chris reads the family's overly accommodating behavior as nervous attempts to deal with their daughter's interracial relationship, but as the weekend progresses, a series of increasingly disturbing discoveries lead him to a truth that he never could have imagined.

In 2257, a taxi driver is unintentionally given the task of saving a young girl who is part of the key that will ensure the survival of humanity.

Against formidable odds -- and an old-school diving instructor embittered by the U.S. Navy's new, less prejudicial policies -- Carl Brashear sets his sights on becoming the Navy's first African-American master diver in this uplifting true story. Their relationship starts out on the rocks, but fate ultimately conspires to bring the men together into a setting of mutual respect, triumph and honor.

This colorful adventure tells the story of an impetuous mermaid princess named Ariel who falls in love with the very human Prince Eric and puts everything on the line for the chance to be with him. Memorable songs and characters -- including the villainous sea witch Ursula.

Two lost souls visiting Tokyo -- the young, neglected wife of a photographer and a washed-up movie star shooting a TV commercial -- find an odd solace and pensive freedom to be real in each other's company, away from their lives in America.

When a team of mercenaries breaks into a wealthy family compound on Christmas Eve, taking everyone inside hostage, the team isn’t prepared for a surprise combatant: Santa Claus is on the grounds, and he’s about to show why this Nick is no saint.

Shallow, rich and socially successful Cher is at the top of her Beverly Hills high school's pecking scale. Seeing herself as a matchmaker, Cher first coaxes two teachers into dating each other. Emboldened by her success, she decides to give hopelessly klutzy new student Tai a makeover. When Tai becomes more popular than she is, Cher realizes that her disapproving ex-stepbrother was right about how misguided she was -- and falls for him.

Two middle-aged men embark on a spiritual journey through Californian wine country. One is an unpublished novelist suffering from depression, and the other is only days away from walking down the aisle.

During his acceptance speech for a lifetime achievement award, Nicolas Chauvin – a farmer-soldier, a veteran of the Revolutionary Army and the Napoleonic Wars, “father” of the chauvinism that bears his name – embarks on a monologue and recounts his life story. At the bend of a road, a spectral encounter shocks his (non-)existence.

During a snowy winter in the small fictional town of Knight's Ridge, Massachusetts, a group of lifelong buddies hang out, drink and struggle to connect with the women who affect their decisions, dreams and desires.

The story of Florence Foster Jenkins, a New York heiress, who dreamed of becoming an opera singer, despite having a terrible singing voice.

A successful businessman falls in love with the girl of his dreams. There's one big complication though; he's fallen hook, line and sinker for a mermaid.

The story centers on a group of gossipy, high-society women who spend their days at the beauty salon and haunting fashion shows. The sweet, happily-wedded Mary Haines finds her marriage in trouble when shop girl Crystal Allen gets her hooks into Mary's man.