Patients and those working in an isolated mental hospitals are murdered, one by one, by a madman lurking in the corridors

When tragedy strikes his remarkable robot and the beautiful girl next door, lonely teenage genius Paul tries to save them by pushing technology beyond its known limits into a terrifying new realm.

Svojevrsna kuga uzrokovana biološkim ratom usmrtila je sve osim grupice od nekoliko stotina deformiranih ljudi koji sebe nazivaju - obitelj. Oni su postali osjetljivi na svjetlost, te psihotični i podložni ubojstvu. Vjeruju kako je znanost i tehnologija ta koja je kriva za sve. Dr. Neville, kao posljednji predstavnik znanosti i starog svijeta mora umrijeti!

Marie is a vampire with a thirst for bad guys. When she fails to properly dispose of one of her victims, a violent mob boss, she bites off more than she can chew and faces a new, immortal danger

Godine 1943. američka ratna mornarica provodila je testove s namjerom da savezničke brodove učini nevidljivima neprijateljskim radarima. Međutim, u listopadu te godine zbio se nevjerojatan fenomen koji je doveo do trenutačnog prekida testiranja. Naime, brod usidren u philadelphijskoj luci doslovno je nestao, a dvojica članova posade, David Herdeg i Jim Parker, našli su se u budućnosti - u 1984. godini. Tamo postaju meta policijske potjere, a pomoć im pruža slučajna namjernica Allison Hayes.

A medieval tale with Pythonesque humour: After the death of his father the young Dennis Cooper goes to town where he has to pass several adventures. The town and the whole kingdom is threatened by a terrible monster called 'Jabberwocky'. Will Dennis make his fortune? Is anyone brave enough to defeat the monster?

An aspiring teenage cartoonist and his friends come to the aid of a singer trying to save her family property from developers.

Three girls go on the road and run into trouble with the people who give them rides.

A man with a wife and daughter also has a son with another woman. When he dies this little secret is revealed to the wife. She then sets out to make her and her son suffer by trying to throw them out of the house he bought for them but now it legally belongs to his wife. And at the same time, wanting to ensure her son's future, she sues his estate for her son's education fund. While they are butting heads, they both discover that they were both deceived by him.

Roper, a hostage negotiator catches a murderous bank robber after a blown heist. The bank robber escapes and immediately goes after the man who put him behind bars.

Radnja filma događa se u bliskoj budućnosti kada su roboti dobrim dijelom zamijenili ljude u obavljanju raznih poslova. Naravno, ponekad se i roboti pokvare i otkažu poslušnost. Tada u pomoć priskaču specijalci kao što je Jack.

An aspiring opera singer finds herself transported back to Victorian-era London -- and into the arms of a reclusive, disfigured maestro determined to make her a star.

After freezing up under pressure in the emergency room, Dr. Cahill decides to spend a few months unwinding on a little Maine island where he immediately gets off on the wrong foot with the locals. Meanwhile, a body has washed up on shore infested with a strange type of carnivorous cockroach. But when Dr. Cahill tries to warn the townsfolk of the danger, they are naturally skeptical. Will they realize the truth before it's too late?

Whitley Strieber (C. Walken) pisac je iz New Yorka koji u skladnom braku sa suprugom Anne (L. Crouse) ima sina Andrewa (J. Carlson). Jednog dana Whitley s obitelji i prijateljima Alexom (A. Katsulas) i Sarom (T. Hanauer) odluči provesti nekoliko dana u kući za odmor daleko od velegradske gužve. Na granici sna i jave Whitley i ostali ukućani dožive traumatični susret s izvanzemaljcima što kasnije svi zaborave. Kada se pri sljedećem posjetu prirodi ovo iskustvo ponovi, Whitley je siguran da je doživio nešto nevjerojatno. Sumnjajući u vlastito psihičko zdravlje, odluči potražiti pomoć od psihijatrice dr. Janet Duffy (F. Sternhagen).

A group of parapsychologists, as well as a skeptical cop, are terrorized by a Satanic ghost in a bed-and-breakfast.

A police officer suspended and now accused of murder is forced to join forces with his court-appointed attorney to assemble the pieces of a deadly puzzle to find the missing link before time runs out.

A top surgeon is besotted with a beautiful woman who once rebuffed him. Unable to come to terms with life without her, he tries to convince her that they need each other. She has other ideas, but a horrific accident leaves her at his mercy.

Year 2038: The mineral resources of the earth are drained, in space there are fights for the last deposits on other planets and satellites. This is the situation when one of the bigger mining corporations has lost all but one mineral moons and many of their fully automatic mining robots are disappearing on their flight home. Since nobody else wants the job, they send prisoners to defend the mining station. Among them undercover agent Stone, who shall clear the whereabouts of the expensive robots. In an atmosphere of corruption, fear and hatred he gets between the fronts of rivaling groups.

Unaware that it's plagued by a host of supernatural phenomena, a mother and her daughter, still reeling from a car crash which claimed the life of Roger Cobb, move into the hold family homestead to start a new life.