At a Bandung high school, charming and rebellious Dilan vies for the affections of shy new student Milea.

Kada Kevinova mnogobrojna obitelj u potpunoj strci odjuri na aerodrom odakle leti u Pariz, gdje će provesti tri dana božićnih praznika, nitko ni ne sluti kako su za sobom ostavili zaspalog dječaka. Majka primijeti neprisutnost Kevina tek u zraku nasred Atlantskog oceana, a sva njezina nastojanja da se vrati u Chicago ne daju velike rezultate. Za to vrijeme Kevin uživa u svojoj nenadanoj slobodi sve dok kuća McCallisterovih ne postane meta dvojici provalnika, Harryju i Marvu, koji očekuju lak posao u kući koju čuva samo, po njihovoj procjeni, bespomoćno dijete. Ali procjena im se pokaže krivom.

A special CGI film made-for DVD summarizing the story of the Resident Evil 4 game, excluding a couple of scenes for narrative consistency. Leon S. Kennedy, now a federal agent, is hired to rescue the president's daughter from a sinister cult.

A David's classmate, Jochem, is harassed by three bullies, but nobody does anything at school, not even David, who feels guilty for not pointing out the culprits.

Ning Tsai-Shen, a humble tax collector, arrives in a small town to carry out his work. No one is willing to give him shelter for the night, so he ends up in the haunted Lan Ro temple. There, he meets Taoist Swordsman Yen Che-Hsia, and the beautiful Nieh Hsiao-Tsing, with whom he falls in love.

It is written among the limitless constellations of the celestial heavens, and in the depths of the emerald seas, and upon every grain of sand in the vast deserts, that the world which we see is an outward and visible dream, of an inward and invisible reality ... Once upon a time there was a golden city. In the center of the golden city, atop the tallest minaret, were three golden balls. The ancients had prophesied that if the three golden balls were ever taken away, harmony would yield to discord, and the city would fall to destruction and death. But... the mystics had also foretold that the city might be saved by the simplest soul with the smallest and simplest of things. In the city there dwelt a lowly shoemaker, who was known as Tack the Cobbler. Also in the city... existed a Thief, who shall be... nameless.

The Jungle Beat animals think it’s the best thing ever when an alien arrives in the jungle bringing with him the power of speech. They also surprisingly think it’s the best thing ever when they find out that he’s been sent to conquer them.

Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) je siguran da se riješio napornog para zločinaca, ali Harry (Joe Pesci) i Marv (Daniel Stern) doputovali su u New York s genijalnim planom pljačke velikog dućana igračaka. Ne znajući da su njegovi stari protivnici u gradu, Kevin uživa "peglajući" očevu karticu dok se roditelji bezbrižno odmaraju na Floridi. Susret ljutih rivala neminovan je... Ovoga puta, Kevin McCallister „sam je u kući“ u New Yorku. No neće ostati sam zadugo jer se u Velikoj Jabuci nalaze i ozloglašeni razbojnici Wet, Harry i Marv. Kevin McCallister ovog je puta u New Yorku. Razdvojen od svoje obitelji koja je na odmoru na Floridi, Kevin koristi očevu kreditnu karticu da bi se odlično proveo u Velikoj Jabuci. No Kevin ubrzo doznaje da su iz zatvora izašli blesavi razbojnici Wet, Harry i Marv, koje je već jednom uspio nadmudriti. I oni su u New Yorku i planiraju veliku pljačku trgovine igračkama. Kevin ih ponovno želi spriječiti, no ovog su puta i lopovi jednako odlučni da se riješe Kevina!

Bolne priče o beskućnicima na zapadnoj obali SAD-a uokviruju ovaj kinematografski portret sve veće humanitarne krize.

Temmuz is an openly gay sculptor living at a flat with his dog in Istanbul. He lives a bohemian lifestyle and has a happy go lucky, carefree, eccentric (such as believing in good luck charms) character, frequently distracting him from his work as a children's book illustrator, and eventually leading him to be abandoned by his boyfriend via e-mail. He is given solace and affection by her wealthy mother, who is fully supportive of him, and best friend and co-worker, Beste. In the meantime, he keeps seeing a young man in his dreams, who repeatedly calls him for help and rescue. One day he runs into this guy while getting on the bus, who is accompanied by his mother, and helps them get into their home as the young man was born without limbs. From then on, two lives would collide into each other, starting a brotherhood full of discoveries and mutual help.

U kafiću u Oregonu, u zajednici u kojoj se svi poznaju, lokalni profesor Harry Stevenson (Morgan Freeman) promatra kako ljubav izvodi nestašluke među stanovnicima grada. Od nesretnog u ljubavi, konzervativnog, romantičnog vlasnika kafića Bradleyja (Greg Kinnear) koji ima naviku tražiti ljubav na krivim mjestima pa tako i sa svojom suprugom Kathryn (Selma Blair), preko živčane agentice za prodaju nekretnina Diane (Radha Mitchell), koja se upustila u aferu s oženjenim muškarcem (Billy Burke) s kojim dijeli neopisivu povezanost, do prelijepe mlade pridošlice Chloe (Alexa Davalos), koja izaziva sudbinu petljajući se s problematičnim Oscarom (Toby Hemingway) i do samog Harryja, čija supruga koja ga obožava (Jane Alexander) pokušava prodrijeti kroz njegov zid od tuge koji je on postavio nakon bolnog gubitka voljene osobe. … svi se oni isprepletu u jednu jedinstvenu priču u kojoj nitko ne može pobjeći od toga da ga pokore, slome, smute, oduševe i na kraju iskupe ljubavne čari.

Miracle at St. Anna chronicles the story of four American soldiers who are members of the all-black 92nd "Buffalo Soldier" Division stationed in Tuscany, Italy during World War II.

Jessica Darling – a smart, witty, opinionated girl heading into 7th grade – was never too concerned about where she'd fit in the middle school hierarchy. But before her first day of school, her older sister — the super popular Bethany, now in college—decides to help out by giving her the “It List”—a cheat sheet on how to navigate the middle school maze and rise to the top of the popularity chain. The instructions appear simple enough to follow, but, like life, nothing is as easy as it seems.

Inspired by the true story of University of Virginia basketball star Lamont Carr, the film centers on a group of young Jewish basketball players who search for a coach to help them out of a slump. The main character Alex Schlotsky is inspired by the true story of Alex Barbag and Chad Korpeck.

Big Enos i Little Enos Burdette, nakon što su prisluškivali razgovor guvernera Texasa, ponude Cledusu Snowu zvanom Snjegović dvjesto tisuća dolara da preveze specijalan teret iz Floride u Texas u roku od tri dana. Snjegović se ponovo poveže s Boom Darvilleom zvanim Bandit, koji se prepustio samosažaljenju i pijančevanju nakon raskida s Carrie zvanom Žabica. Bandit nazove Žabicu i ona ponovo napusti šerifova sina Juniora pred samim oltarom kako bi se pridružila Banditu i Snjegoviću. Stigavši na Floridu, trojka shvati da je specijalni teret zapravo slonica Charlotte za koju Burdetteovi žele da se pojavi na republikanskoj konvenciji.

Kada banda zločinaca ukrade supertajni kompjuterski čip i skrije ga u igračku automobil, naletjet će na osmogodišnjeg Alexa Pruita koji je sam u kući jer ima vodene kozice. Grupa međunarodnih zločinaca ukrala je supertajni kompjuterski čip iz Ministarstva obrane SAD-a. Krađa prođe bez ikakvih problema, no zbog pogreške s prtljagom u zračnoj luci, čip koji je skriven u automobilu na daljinsko upravljanje završava u mirnom predgrađu Chicaga. Tragajući za svojim „vrućim ulovom“, zločinci i ne slute da njihovi problemi tek počinju. Autić i njegov sadržaj dospjeli su u ruke jedine osobe dovoljno bistre i hrabre da ih zaustavi – osmogodišnjeg Alexa Pruita koji je sam u kući jer boluje od vodenih kozica.

Kud god otišli za Božić, nema mira. Baxterovi se sele iz Kalifornije u Maine. U novom domu desetogodišnji Finn Baxter uživa igrati videoigrice, dok njegova starija sestra Alexis ne ispušta telefon iz ruku. Njihov otac Curtis i majka Catherine žele da im se sin druži s vršnjacima pa se Finn sprijatelji sa susjedom Masonom, koji Finna uvjerava da duh gangstera Gravana opsjeda novi dom Baxterovih.

Paul Reubens stars as Pee-wee Herman in his second full-length film about a farmer who joins the circus after a storm drops a big tent in his front yard. Pee-wee, along with an outlandish cast of animals and circus performers, puts on the best show ever.