A boy with Tourette's syndrome overcomes criticism and discrimination to achieve his dream of becoming a teacher.

Haunted by his mysterious past, a devoted high school football coach leads a scrawny team of orphans to the state championship during the Great Depression and inspires a broken nation along the way.

Prof. Walter Vale (R. Jenkins) predaje na fakultetu već dvadeset godina isti predmet. Izvan fakulteta ni s kim se ne druži. Osim mjesta u kojemu živi, ima i stan u New Yorku, u koji rijetko dolazi. Ovaj put stiže zbog znanstvenog simpozija i u svojem stanu neočekivano zatekne mladi par, Sirijca Tareka (H. Sleiman) i Senegalku Zainab (D. Gurira). Neki im je prevarant iznajmio Walterov stan i uzeo novac. Tarek i Zainab namjeravaju otići, no kad shvati da nemaju kamo, Walter im ponudi da ostanu u stanu dok se ne snađu. Uz Tareka uči svirati bubanj i prvi put nakon dugo vremena osjeća da je u nečemu dobar. Međutim, u jednoj od policijskih krontrola uhite Tarika, koji je odrastao u Michiganu i gdje mu živi majka (H. Abbass). Zainab se ne usudi posjetiti ga, pa je Walter jedini čovjek preko kojega može komunicirati s vanjskim svijetom. Walter se nakon dugo vremena osjeća potrebnim i korisnim...

The S.S. TIPTON embarks on a triple-length comedy crossover event when Justin wins a Teen Cruise to Hawaii – and a chance to meet London. Both Justin and Max do their best to win the heiress's affection, while Cody tries to win concert tickets for Bailey, and Alex accuses Zack of being a prankster. Between the kids' pranks (who turned Justin blue?!) and crazy schemes (Alex sneaks Harper on board to take her make-up science class?!), the excitement goes overboard when international superstar Hannah Montana checks in on her way to a sold-out concert in Hawaii. But when Miley Stewart loses her lucky charm anklet and her Hannah wig, are her days as the world's biggest pop star over forever?

Though a childhood bout with polio left him dependent on an iron lung, Mark O'Brien maintains a career as a journalist and poet. A writing assignment dealing with sex and the disabled piques Mark's curiosity, and he decides to investigate the possibility of experiencing sex himself. When his overtures toward a caregiver scare her away, he books an appointment with sex surrogate Cheryl Cohen-Greene to lose his virginity.

In 1997, the Belgian public was in shock when judge Koen A. was convicted for the S&M relationship with his wife. Although their life was destroyed by the verdict, Koen and his wife Magda remain together today. The film is a story about dark sexuality and true love, told from the lover's unique point of view

Nathalie teaches philosophy at a high school in Paris. She is passionate about her job and particularly enjoys passing on the pleasure of thinking. Married with two children, she divides her time between her family, former students and her very possessive mother. One day, Nathalie’s husband announces he is leaving her for another woman. With freedom thrust upon her, Nathalie must reinvent her life.

Doug Glatt, a slacker who discovers he has a talent for brawling, is approached by a minor league hockey coach and invited to join the team as the "muscle." Despite the fact that Glatt can't skate, his best friend, Pat, convinces him to give it a shot, and Glatt becomes a hero to the team and their fans, until the league's reigning goon becomes threatened by Glatt's success and decides to even the score.

U kafiću u Oregonu, u zajednici u kojoj se svi poznaju, lokalni profesor Harry Stevenson (Morgan Freeman) promatra kako ljubav izvodi nestašluke među stanovnicima grada. Od nesretnog u ljubavi, konzervativnog, romantičnog vlasnika kafića Bradleyja (Greg Kinnear) koji ima naviku tražiti ljubav na krivim mjestima pa tako i sa svojom suprugom Kathryn (Selma Blair), preko živčane agentice za prodaju nekretnina Diane (Radha Mitchell), koja se upustila u aferu s oženjenim muškarcem (Billy Burke) s kojim dijeli neopisivu povezanost, do prelijepe mlade pridošlice Chloe (Alexa Davalos), koja izaziva sudbinu petljajući se s problematičnim Oscarom (Toby Hemingway) i do samog Harryja, čija supruga koja ga obožava (Jane Alexander) pokušava prodrijeti kroz njegov zid od tuge koji je on postavio nakon bolnog gubitka voljene osobe. … svi se oni isprepletu u jednu jedinstvenu priču u kojoj nitko ne može pobjeći od toga da ga pokore, slome, smute, oduševe i na kraju iskupe ljubavne čari.

Nabrijani čuvar zoološkog vrta (John Cleese) sukobljava se s australskim medijskim tajkunom Vinceom McCainom (Kevin Kline) koji traži restrukturiranje zoološkog vrta. Sve se zahuktava kad se ekipi pridruži tajkunov sin, Rod McCain (opet Kevin Kline) sa zahtjevom da životinje moraju biti opasnije i nasilnije da bi se privukli posjetitelji. Na scenu stupa Willa Weston (Jamie Lee Curtis), marketinška genijalka koja isprva pomaže u operaciji preobrazbe zoološkog, ali onda shvaća da Roda treba zaustaviti.

A romantic comedy that brings together three disparate characters who are learning to face a challenging and often confusing world as they struggle together against a common demon—sex addiction.

Juliet, a beautiful doctor, has found the perfect New York apartment to start a new life after separating from her husband. It's got spacious rooms, a spectacular view, and a handy, handsome landlord. But there are secrets behind every wall and terror in every room as Juliet gets the unnerving feeling that she is not alone.

Alberta, a mousy young woman with the survival skills of a snail, loses cash that isn't hers, so she runs from her small town to Seattle where her old babysitter, Celene, lives - a dominatrix with a classy apartment and a life plan. She lets Alberta stay. Alberta gets a job as a checker at a supermarket and becomes fascinated with Celene's work.

Kad Allison, djevojka popularnog srednjoškolskog sportaša Berkea, prekine njihovu vezu, on napušta sport i pridružuje se školskom mjuziklu u pokušaju da je ponovno osvoji, ali ubrzo shvaća da ima osjećaje prema drugoj djevojci.

Four couples, all friends, descend on a tropical island resort. Though one husband and wife are there to work on their marriage, the others just want to enjoy some fun in the sun. They soon find, however, that paradise comes at a price: Participation in couples therapy sessions is mandatory. What started out as a cut-rate vacation turns into an examination of the common problems many face.

When a psychotic Santa tries to destroy Chanukah by hypnotizing Jewish children with bootlegged copies of the Christmas classic "It's a Wonderful Life," it's up to the Hebrew Hammer to save the day. Together with Mohammed, head of the Kwanzaa Liberation Front, the Hammer takes no prisoners in his quest to hunt down the renegade Santa and make the holiday season safe for all.

Poznati skupocjeni dijamant Pink Panther ponovno je ukraden. Taj slučaj uspješno može riješiti jedino inspektor Clouseau (P. Sellers). On slijedi tragove u drugu državu, ali pritom nestane zrakoplov kojim je putovao. Svi su zabrinuti jer nitko ne zna što se s njim dogodilo, jedino je inspektor Dreyfuss (H. Lom) presretan što je Clouseau napokon mrtav. Novinarka Marie Jouvet (J. Lumley) pokreće niz intervjua s njegovim bivšim suradnicima i poznanicima kako bi gledateljima otkrila nešto više o tome kakva je osoba bio i u čemu je bila tajna njegovog uspjeha.

Jacob Bradley wakes up in a warehouse in the midst of a tactical raid, with no memory and no idea who he is. He is found by a young woman who helps him escape, and tells him that no matter what happens, he must survive. A terrorist organization is on the cusp of releasing a virus. They have provided the antidote to only a select few, to ensure the recreation of a utopian world and before he lost his memory, Jacob was one of the few people who had discovered the details. If they are to survive, he needs to rebuild the pieces of his past. They find themselves in a race for survival, for themselves and the rest of mankind, that will demand everything they have, and reveal that Jacob has always been closer to the truth then anyone ever thought.

Almost rich, almost thirty, he never lies or cheats, even when his beautiful fiancé orders him around and his ball-busting boss uses threats as motivation. John never makes a sound, eager to do right. Rick Carlson is not. A smooth talking and coercive, Rick turns John's life upside down when he not only moves into his building, but starts working at his competitive law firm.

Two friends travel from town to town taking jobs as dishwashers until they both find love and must choose separate paths.