In an uncertain time and place, a group of animated shy rock cubes come out from the anonymity of their quarry to mate. Powerful and indescribable forces made them move towards others in the sky, in a sort of dance that attracts some cubes to others, until those compatible latch on each other and produce a fresh new rock cube.

As teenagers gather at a popular diner, a mysterious enigmatic girl enters town in her little white Figaro. Although her intentions are unclear; her aura is utterly irresistible.

An American serial killer suspected by police to have murdered as many as 60 people; David tortured and presumably killed his victims in a $100,000 homemade torture chamber he called "The Toy Box."

Jack Kempson started out as an idealistic cop. Thirty years on, he remains relentless in tracking down villains, but has lost confidence in his moral barometer. He turns a blind eye to the dubious methods employed by some of his contemporaries — prepared to let dodgy means be justified by the noble end.

People say that she is a criminal, that she is a unique grifter. Others say that despite her eighty years, she still rips people off. Most people believe that she lives in Nice, and that she is now very rich. People say a lot of things... Who she really is, no one will ever know, but she appears to be a great seductress, a woman so cunning that she seems unstoppable, even though she has been convicted many times during her long career. Now it seems that she’s disappeared without a trace. But not quite.

  供职于某杂志社的女编辑上野薰里(黒谷友香 饰)与同僚相恋,展开了一段长达9年的不伦之恋。对方有家有室,无法时常分身与之相处,33岁的薰里时中过着孤独的生活。为缓解工作压力,她经常写下自己撰写的短歌,还报名参加了阿拉伯舞舞蹈班。在舞蹈班,薰里结识了年轻的小提琴手阿圭(黄川田将也 饰)。在冰冷的都市里,这对姐弟相互触摸到对方心中的孤独,由此展开一段火热的恋情。然而随着时间的流逝,薰里和阿圭直接的差别渐渐凸现,彼此的热情也开始转淡。另一方面,薰里对不伦恋人的也迟迟无法忘怀。摇摆的感情,无处搁放……   本片根据歌人俵万智的处女作小说《トリアングル》改编。

A biopic by the dramatist Trevor Griffiths of Aneurin "Nye" Bevan, the British Labour politician who founded the country's National Health Service in the 1940s.

Filmmaker Majid Al-Remaihi ruminates on the experience of witnessing his mother’s terminal memory loss over the course of many years.

Leon has a crush on Ofelia, so he decides to steal money from his father and cross the country looking for Ofelia who traveled to Guadalajara. On his journey, Leon goes through many adventures and takes the final step from childhood into adolescence.

Kochubaby, a blind man, falls in love with Mary, a blind orphan girl, and gets married to her. Unfortunately, Mary dies in an accident and Kochubaby struggles to look after their only daughter.

“The Forgotten Faces (1961), a film reconstruction of the Hungarian revolution of 1956, won Watkins another amateur Oscar, and to this day, the film is praised in England as "one of the most memorable amateur films ever made".

The life of the famed Mexican bullfighter Luis Procuna, from his boyhood through his training and the triumphs that followed as Procuna rose to the peak of his profession. Written by Jim Beaver

Set in Great Shanghai - two rival gangs, the Furious Fox and the Black Eagle are fighting to establish domination in the territory. Only one force can stop the never-ending killings... The Ninja Dragon!

Gustavo will try to take revenge for the betrayal of Luis and Edgar, obtaining help from the person he least expects. Two antagonistic cartels will work together so that the drug business continues in the same way.

Jane Seymour makes a six-course meal of her starring role as a magazine editor in Obsessed With a Married Woman--indeed, her performance is the only tangible reason for sitting through this artistically bankrupt TV movie. The story contrives to have Seymour, happily married and the mother of a wise-lipped son, fall into the sack with her star reporter Tim Matheson. It seems that Jane has assigned Matheson to do a series of articles on mistresses. He does his homework so well that Jane takes him on as her own "male mistress."

A studio finds itself in the middle of a bizarre murder mystery when an exploding teddy bear kills the latest star. Soon more actresses get violently eliminated as the desperate search for the killer begins.

A newlywed couple moves into a house in the middle of woods only to discover that the surrounding forest is host to sinister supernatural powers which turn them against each other.

45,000 sections of reinforced concrete - three tons each.
 Nearly 300 watchtowers., over 250 dog runs, twenty bunkers.
 Sixty-five​ miles of anti-vehicle trenches—signal wire, barbed wire, beds of nails. Over 11,000 armed guards.
 A death strip of sand, well-raked to reveal footprints. 200 ordinary people shot dead following attempts to escape the communist regime.
 96 miles of concrete wall. Families divided, loved ones lost…