Fear chokes the free-wheeling underbelly of San Francisco's punk scene as a killer stalks the night to feed an unspeakable appetite. A writer probes the gruesome murders and the story hits close to home, as the web of death devours neighbors, friends, and lovers.

Chan on kova hongkongilaiskyttä, joka on saapunut Los Angelesiin ratkaisemaan kiinalaisdiplomaatin tyttären sieppausta. Mutta FBI ei kaipaa hänen apuaan ja määrää paikallisen suupalttipoliisin (Tucker) paimentamaan häntä. Miehet ovat täysin eri maailmoista ja kulttuurien yhteentörmäys on väistämätön, mutta on heillä sentään jotain yhteistä: keskinäinen inho. Aika rientää, ja heidän on pakko yhdistää voimansa rikollisten nappaamiseksi; elleivät he sitten tapa sitä ennen toisiaan!

A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

Yliopistotyttöjen oppilaskunnalle on tiedossa erilainen joulu – verinen sellainen! Joulurauhan julistuksesta ei ole aikaakaan ja tytöt ovat valmiit lähtemään ansaituille joululomille, kun tuntematon soittaja alkaa terrorisoida heitä. Ja kun eräs tytöistä katoaa, eikä poliisi kaikesta huolimatta kanna huolta, alkaa paniikki levitä oppilastaloon… Joku seuraa tyttöjen liikkeitä läheltä, eikä kyseessä ole joulupukki! Psykoottinen murhaaja on käynyt taloon pitääksen huolen, ettei tästä joulusta kukaan selviä hengissä! Musta joulu, joka tunnetaan myös nimeltä Silent Night, Evil Night, ohjasi Bob Clark, joka tunnetaan parhaiten komedioistaan, erityisesti 80-luvun nuorisokomediatrilogiasta Porky’s.

While her father is away serving in the military, Sadie battles to preserve his place on the home front when her mother takes an interest in the newest resident at the Shady Plains Trailer Park.

San Francisco, 1985. Two opposites attract at a modern dance company. Together, their courage and resilience are tested as they navigate a world full of risks and promise, against the backdrop of a disease no one seems to know anything about.

Faced with his own mortality, an ingenious alchemist tried to perfect an invention that would provide him with the key to eternal life. It was called the Cronos device. When he died more than 400 years later, he took the secrets of this remarkable device to the grave with him. Now, an elderly antiques dealer has found the hellish machine hidden in a statue and learns about its incredible powers. The more he uses the device, the younger he becomes...but nothing comes without a price. Life after death is just the beginning as this nerve-shattering thriller unfolds and the fountain of youth turns bloody.

Set in an apartment building whose occupants include Arthur Earthleigh, a meek and mild type married to the beautiful-but-domineering Mae; a Bohemian artist, David Galleo and his always-there model, Deborah Tyler; and Olive Jensen, a Greenwich Village type who is always slightly-but-continuously inebriated, and whose motto is "love and let love." She calls on George while his wife is out, and when she passes out during his attempts to get her out before his wife returns, he thinks she is dead and deposits her on Galleo's terrace. Galleo takes advantage of the situation by using it in a blackmail scheme against Arthur, which is shaky, at best, as Olive refuses to stay dead.

Between a four-year gap in the murder of a young girl, the daughter of a well-known sculptor is discovered dead, and her parents conduct an investigation, only to discover they are in over their heads as the body-count keeps rising.

In this compelling documentary, members of the Thai youth soccer team tell their stories of getting trapped in Tham Luang Cave in 2018 — and surviving.

In a boorish future, the government sponsors a popular, but bloody, cross-country race in which points are scored by mowing down pedestrians. Five teams, each comprised of a male and female, compete using cars equipped with deadly weapons. Frankenstein, the mysterious returning champion, has become America's hero, but this time he has a passenger from the underground resistance.

Eugenie, a beautiful but shy young girl, lives with her stepfather, a famous writer specializing in stories of erotica. One day she happens to read one of his "erotic" books and its power so affects her that begins to find herself sexually attracted to her stepfather. He notices this, and eventually brings her into his dark world of sexual perversion and murder.

Idylli rikkoutuu kun radiotoimittaja Stretch saa nauhalle erään Chop Topin ja Leatherfacen suorittaman tuplamurhan, jonka isä Drayton haluaa ymmärettävästi salata. Niinpä Strecth päätyy kokemaan sadistisia kauhuja sekä Sawyer-perheen, että myös heitä jahtaavan texas rangerin, Leftyn vuoksi

Kun yliopisto-opiskelija Natsumi Ueno (Aimi Satsukawa) joutuu siirtämään vanhempiensa häävideon VHS:ltä DVD:lle vuosipäivälahjaksi, hän pyytää apua teknisesti taitavalta ystävältään Yuri Kurahashin (Mizuki Yamamoto). Tytöt löytävät vanhan kasettisoittimen kaupasta ja kun he tuovat sen kotiin, he huomaavat että videonauhurin sisällä on nauha. Katsoessaan sitä uteliaisuudesta Natsumi kauhistuu kuullessaan, että kyseessä oleva nauha on surullisen kuuluisa "Kirottu video", ja hänet leimaa demoni Sadako, joka (legendan mukaan) tappaa nauhaa katsovan kahdessa päivässä. Natsumi ja Yuri menevät yliopiston professori Morishigen (Masahiro Komoto) luo, joka on erittäin kiinnostunut Sadakonin historiasta ja samalla tutkimaan että onko mahdollisuutta pelastaa Natsumin hengen.

An alchemist, Sendivius, comes to court, and transmutes base metal into gold.

Villit kuviot 2 on menestystrillerin seksikäs jatko-osa. Varaudu jännitykseen! Brittney Haversin hävyttömän rikas isäpuoli kuolee ja tytön luksuselämä saa uuden suunnan. Asiat kääntyvät päälaelleen, kun Brittneyn luokkakaveri alkaa vaatia kuolleen miehen rahoja itselleen. Tytöt aloittavat kaksintaistelun rahoista, joka vie heidät lakituvasta makuuhuoneeseen ja petoksen vaarallisiin syvyyksiin.

50 vuoden kuluttua siitä, kun viimeisetkin critterit on kukistettu Maassa, avaruusalus löytää kapselin, joka sisältää critter-munia. Ymmärtämättä, mitä he ovat poimineet kyytiin, aluksen miehistö päästää ihmislihaa himoavat otukset kuoriutumaan.

Europe, the late 19th Century: Janick is a brilliant but ultimately doomed young doctor in a remote town under the black cloud of a great Plague. His radical theories about life and death make him an outcast, driving him from his position at the medical college and from his beloved Esmeralda, into exile. Soon after Janick disappears Esmeralda becomes sick, and without his help, shortly dies. Enter a mysterious masked figure who exhumes her newly deceased body, takes her back to his remote lair and begins performing experiments upon it. Waking to find herself given a new life, Esmeralda slowly begins to re-learn the simple acts of life: eating, walking, dancing... all under the watchful tutelage of her mysterious savior. As awareness slowly creeps back into her psyche, she begins to wonder what his true motivations are.

A professor recruits a professional wrestler to protect his daughter from vampires intent on kidnapping her and marrying her to the devil.

Cindy and her beautiful friends are on vacation when they are assaulted by a ruthless gang of aliens attempting to take control of Earth. The friends join forces with Matt, a mysterious man they meet in the woods who turns out to be more than human. Together, Cindy and Matt launch a valiant attack against the alien ship and do battle with the murderous invaders from space.