A man is sent back and forth and in and out of time in an experiment that attempts to unravel the fate and the solution to the problems of a post-apocalyptic world during the aftermath of WW3. The experiment results in him getting caught up in a perpetual reminiscence of past events that are recreated on an airport’s viewing pier.

Pe o insulă de la Marea Baltică patru membri ai unei familii își petrec vacanța împreună: un scriitor mediocru, fiul său de 17 ani, confruntat cu problemele adolescenței, fiica sa, care tocmai a ieșit dintr-un spital de psihiatrie și ginerele, care, deși e doctor, nu o poate ajuta. Aceasta are o nouă criză în fața căreia fiecare reacționează și gândește altfel, subliniind drama personajelor ce nu pot comunica între ele.

Este speranța care susține spiritul fiecăruia visul zilei în care se va întoarce în sfârșit acasă. Pentru trei veterani din cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial, ziua a sosit. Dar pentru fiecăruia dintre ei visul este pe cale să devină un coșmar.

Follows a youngster Kalai and his aspirations of becoming a 'Star' in the Tamil Film Industry. Born in a lower-middle-class family, will Kalai overcome all his struggles to emerge as a Star?

When disaster hits the Titanic, the Doctor uncovers a threat to the whole human race. Battling alongside aliens, saboteurs, robot Angels and a new friend called Astrid, can he stop the Christmas inferno?

The two brothers Trinity and Bambino are exchanged by two federal agents and take advantage of the situation to steal a huge booty hidden in a monastery by a gang of outlaws.

The life of the revered 18th-century Armenian poet and musician Sayat-Nova. Portraying events in the life of the artist from childhood up to his death, the movie addresses in particular his relationships with women, including his muse. The production tells Sayat-Nova's dramatic story by using both his poems and largely still camerawork, creating a work hailed as revolutionary by Mikhail Vartanov.

After the Combiner Wars ended, Cybertron started to be rebuilt. However, an undead Starscream has been reincarnated as Trypticon, wreaking havoc around him. To combat this menace, Windblade gathers up a ragtag team of Transformers, including Optimus Prime and Megatron, to resurrect an ancient ally. And while some may be forever changed by the events, others may not emerge with their sparks intact.

Chow returns to play Ko Chun, a skilled gambler who now lives in retirement in France. Wu Xingguo plays an evil gangster who forces Ko out of retirement by killing his pregnant wife. Ko is forced to team up with a variety of other people to win out in the end. Wu Chien-lien plays Chow's romantic interest, Chingmy Yau plays a Taiwanese femme fatale, and Tony Leung provides much of the laughs.

A group of young boys develops a crush on a girl, leading to jealousy toward her boyfriend. They scheme to disrupt their relationship, and when the boyfriend catches one of them spying, he punishes him harshly. In retaliation, the boys attempt to make the girl doubt her boyfriend's love.

Village of Artigat, southern France, summer 1542, during the reign of Francis I. Martin Guerre and Bertrande de Rols marry. A few years later, accused of having committed a robbery, Martin suddenly disappears. When, almost a decade later, a man arrives in Artigat claiming to be Martin, the Guerre family recognizes him as such; but doubts soon arise about his true identity.

Oronzo Canà is called to coach Longobarda, the football team of a small town of Northern Italy, newly promoted to the First Division. His only task is not to be relegated, but Longobarda's owner plots against him, finding the team's current ranking far too expensive, and his top Brazilian striker is affected by a deep saudade.

Până acum, celor care au plecat cu extratereștrii li s-a făcut dor de casă, dar au norocul să viziteze Pământul ca să-și revadă familiile. Însă Antarienii trebuie să recupereze din ocean coconii care nu au fost descoperiți de oceanografii curioși. Odată întorși în Florida, bătrânii se întâlnesc cu cei dragi. Reuniunile înduioșătoare îi fac pe unii dintre ei să decidă să rămână. Este cazul Almei Finley care duce dorul existenței sale pământești și care își ia o slujbă ca profesoară într-un centru de îngrijire. În mod miraculos, Art Selwyn și soția lui de vârstă mijlocie așteaptă un copil, deci ei vor să se întoarcă cu Antarienii ca să apuce să-și vadă copilul crescând. Pentru toți, dilema este dacă e mai bine să trăiască și să moară în această lume, dar să se bucure privindu-și nepoții cum joacă baseball sau să trăiască veșnic într-o altă lume complet detașată de familia și prietenii lor de-acasă.

Chow Sing-Sing returns, only this time he doesn’t go back to school. Instead, Chow goes undercover as the husband of a wealthy socialite, which doesn’t sit well with his fiancée, who tries to convince Chow to quit working as undercover.

Irene, a workaholic, is forced to re-evaluate her priorities after the suicide of her two best friends.

Several lonely hearts in a semi-provincial suburb of a town in Denmark use a beginner's course in Italian as the platform to meet the romance of their lives. The film, which unspools the connections and family drama shared between the students, complies with several aesthetic principles of Dogme 95 movement.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Five teenage girls navigate the twists and turns of their complicated emotional lives, and learn the secrets of the heart through their friendship.

În această continuare a aventurilor originale, Omul Întunericului își înfruntă iarăși eternul dușman Robert Durant, care s-a întors din morți și are planuri malefice.

TV Special converting a Disney fan's house into their dream home.