While enjoying the flower gardens, Sailor Moon and friends encounter an old childhood friend of Mamoru's: an alien! He's come back to give Mamoru a special flower but doesn't like Usagi and the rest of the planet's inhabitants. Sailor Moon must defend the earth from the evil Kisenian Flower he's brought back... before the evil vines and blossoms overrun the planet!

One-time gangster Antoine is enjoying retirement on the coast, now managing a boating club. He receives a visit from a former accomplice who asks for a loan. The money will be repaid by a crook who is now in hiding; Antoine intends to recover his money.

Boston is being terrorized by a series of seemingly random murders of women. Based on the true story, the film follows the investigators path through several leads before introducing the Strangler as a character. It is seen almost exclusively from the point of view of the investigators who have very few clues to build a case upon.

Story of a schoolteacher's struggle to teach violin to inner-city Harlem kids.

Great Britain, 1944, during World War II. Relentlessly pursued by several MI5 agents, Henry Faber the Needle, a ruthless German spy in possession of vital information about D-Day, takes refuge on Storm Island, an inhospitable, sparsely inhabited island off the coast of northern Scotland.

Told entirely through social media and smartphone screens, this bold adaptation of Romeo and Juliet reinvents the world’s most enduring love story with style and lyricism, with black and brown youth at the heart of it all.

Lise (16 years old) is accused of murdering her best friend. As the trial starts, her parents stand right by her side. But once her secret life is revealed in court, the truth becomes indistinguishable.

Two men at a remote Arctic base begin mistrusting each other after an important radio message.

In 1825, English peer Lord John Morgan is cast adrift in the American West. Captured by Sioux Indians, Morgan is at first targeted for quick extinction, but the tribesmen sense that he is worthy of survival. He eventually passes the many necessary tests that will permit him to become a member of the tribe.

Aging sidekick Lefty Brown has ridden with Eddie Johnson his entire life. But when a rustler kills Eddie, Lefty is forced from his partner’s shadow and must confront the ugly realities of frontier justice.

Quinn Harris je drsný pilot, ktorý si bezstarostne žije uprostred rajskej prírody. Život ubieha presne podľa jeho predstáv až do chvíle, keď stretne Robin Monroeovú, bystrú, energickú a neurotickú Newyorčanku, ktorá tu trávi dovolenku so snúbencom Frankom Martinom. Ani počas nej nedokáže ambiciózna novinárka odmietnuť jednodňovú fotoreportáž z neďalekého Tahiti. Presvedčí Harrisa, aby ju tam dopravil lietadlom. Dvojica sa však počas letu ocitne v silnej búrke a musí núdzovo pristáť na opustenom ostrove...

Sonny je päťnásobným šampiónom rodea na odpočinku, ktorý dal pred prachom arény prednosť biznisu a nechal sa angažovať firmou na výrobu cereálií. Sonny vystupuje v kostýme s neónovými svetlami aby propagoval cereálne výrobky a väčšinu času trávi s fľaškou nejakého alkoholu. Keď má v Las Vegas vystúpiť na prestížnej akcii v sedle miliónového dostihového šampióna, dozvedá sa, že kôň je pod vplyvom narkotík, aby ho nezhodil. Vtedy sa Sonny rozhodne pozbierať posledné zvyšky svojej hrdosti a cti a priamo z pódia odcvála na žrebcovi kamsi do nevadskej púšte. Ale čoskoro mu je na stope šarmantná televízna reportérka.

Na uspesnu Blaznivu komediu 1 a 2 volne nadvazuje Blazniva komedia 3, ktora ma vdaka neodolatelnej komickosti Paola Villagia a Renata Pozzettiho velku sancu na divacky uspech. Paolo a Renato opat sposobuju katastrofy vsade tam, kde sa objavia. Divadlo, kde pracuju ako elektrikari lahne popolom. Dvoch sudcov, ktorych maju chranit pred zlocincami, privedu do viac nez trapnej situacie. Potom sa obaja "staraju" o dieta, ktore sa "nahodne" ocitne pred ich dverami. Zamiluju sa obaja do jedneho dievcata a zaroven skoncia obaja ako strazcovia majaku na pustom ostrove, kde sposobia poslednu a konecnou katastrofu. Blazni sa vracaju!

Fifteen years ago, Joanna Kennedy’s life was turned upside down when her three-year-old daughter, Chloe, went missing for six months before being returned. Joanna finds herself searching again for answers and determined to find out if her daughter left of her own volition or has she been kidnapped yet again, and if so, is it at the hands of the woman who abducted her all those years before or someone else…and why?

14-year-old Lulu moves to a small provincial town with her mother and younger brother. One night, her brother is struck by a beam of white light - actually the spirit of Herman Hartmann from the 19th-century. To her despair, Lulu realizes that Herman has possessed her brother, and the two of them are whirled into a fevered adventure.

Having seen the double murder of his parents, autistic youth Tim Warden is sent to therapy with controversial therapist Dr. Jake Rainer. Jake tries to probe the silent child about what he saw, but he gets more details about the Wardens' household dynamics from Tim's teenage sister, Sylvie. As he spends more time with the siblings, Jake learns that the Wardens' marriage was not as perfect as it seemed, and he uncovers other new details that might help solve the crime.

After a series of catastrophically failed marriages, Apple is single again. Blame on Apple's attachment is in her opinion, her mother Ingrid. Because this Apple has punished not only with her hippie name, but was in every way a raven mother. When Ingrid spends an All Inclusive vacation in Spain, her mother and daughter are confronted with a dramatic event from their past.

Robotic Officer Tactical Operation Research. A prototype robot intended for crime combat escapes from the development lab and goes on a killing rampage.

The Flag is a fictional short film that tells the story of a misunderstanding of Eylem, who lives alone in a conservative district of Istanbul. Film based on a true story and narrated with black comedy elements.