Shigematsu Shizuma, who lives with his family in a village near Fukuyama, was in Hiroshima with his wife and niece just after the devastating atomic bombing, a tragedy that cruelly took the lives of thousands of people and forever marked the harsh existence of the survivors.

Working in Dr. Cranley's laboratory, scientist Jack Griffin was always given the latitude to conduct some of his own experiments. His sudden departure, however, has Cranley's daughter Flora worried about him. Griffin has taken a room at the nearby Lion's Head Inn, hoping to reverse an experiment he conducted on himself that made him invisible. But the experimental drug has also warped his mind, making him aggressive and dangerous. He's prepared to do whatever it takes to restore his appearance.

Two lost souls visiting Tokyo -- the young, neglected wife of a photographer and a washed-up movie star shooting a TV commercial -- find an odd solace and pensive freedom to be real in each other's company, away from their lives in America.

Author P.L. Travers looks back on her childhood while reluctantly meeting with Walt Disney, who seeks to adapt her Mary Poppins books for the big screen.

Composer Gustav von Aschenbach travels to Venice for health reasons. There, he becomes obsessed with the stunning beauty of an adolescent Polish boy named Tadzio who is staying with his family at the same Grand Hôtel des Bains on the Lido as Aschenbach.

Film prikazuje vzpon na prestol in zgodnja leta vladavine kraljice Elizabete I. Osredotoča se na nenehne poskuse njenih svetovalcev, da ji najdejo moža, sovraštvo katolikov do nje in ljubezenskega razmerja z lordom Robertom Dudleyjem. To je Anglija leta 1554, toda maska tradicionalnega angleškega samoobvladovanja in ponosa je padla. V državi vlada nemir. Ker se boji svoje tekmice za prestol, kraljica Marija I. zapre svojo polsestro princeso Elizabeto Tudor (hčerko kralja Henrika VII. in Anne Boleyn) v londonski Tower. Toda leta 1558, ko "Krvava Marija" umre, na prestol sede prav Elizabeta, ki jo pri petindvajsetih okronajo za kraljico Anglije. Že samo da bi preživela, kaj šele vladala, mora spregledati številne prevare: dvor je prežet s spletkami, vojaški strategi tvegajo življenja mladih angleških mož, verski voditelji doma in v tujini ne verjamejo vanjo in moški, ki ga ljubi, morda ni vreden njenega zaupanja.

Mlada cesarica Sissi biva v palači Gödölle na Madžarskem z majhno hčerko in nekaterimi dvorjani. Tukaj je lahko sama, osvobojena vseh strogih dvornih pravil v Avstriji. Dneve preživlja z grofom Andrassyjem, v vožnji po gozdovih. Na plesu v svojem gradu izkazuje svojo ljubezen do nje. Zaradi tega je Sissi prisiljena, da prekine svoj odnos z njim in se vrne na Dunaj. Kmalu je ugotovila, da je resno bolna, ima namreč tuberkulozo. Dr. Seeburger je prepričan, da ne bo preživela zime, vendar bi lahko pomagala sprememba podnebja. Po nekaj mesecih na Madeiri se Sissi bolezen še poslabša. Njena mati, vojvodkinja Ludovika, se odloči, da odide na Madeiro, da bi pomagal Sissi, da ponovno pridobi veselje do življenja. Ko Dr. Seeburger več mesecev kasneje preučuje Sissi na Krfu, ugotovi, da je popolnoma okrevala. Avstrijski ministri predlagajo, naj cesar Franz Joseph združi svojo srečanje s Sissyi na uradnem obisku v Lombardiji-Venetiji. Avstrija je tam sovražna, ampak ...

A non-narrative voyage round Sedlec Ossuary, which has been constructed from over 50,000 human skeletons (victims of the Black Death).

A little girl goes down to the basement cellar to fetch some potatoes, and finds all her hidden fears about the cellar depicted in animated form.

Based on the autobiographical novel, the tempestuous 6-year relationship between Liberace and his (much younger) lover, Scott Thorson, is recounted.

Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.

A prim and proper schoolgirl goes against her society grandmother's wishes when she dates a motorcycle-riding juvenile delinquent.

Two puppets, Punch and Judy, do battle to the death over the custody of a live guinea pig.

After the Civil War, a former Union colonel searches for the two traitors whose perfidy led to the loss of a close friend.

David, a struggling comedy writer fresh off from breaking up with his boyfriend, moves from New York City to Sacramento to help his sick mother. Living with his conservative father and much-younger sisters for the first time in ten years, he feels like a stranger in his childhood home. As his mother’s health declines, David frantically tries to extract meaning from this horrible experience and convince everyone (including himself) that he's "doing okay.”

A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.

Fletch is a fish out of water in small-town Louisiana, where he's checking out a tumbledown mansion he's inherited. When a woman he flirts with turns up dead, he becomes a suspect and must find the killer and clear his name.

Tom Leezak and Sarah McNerney fall in love and plan to get married, despite opposition from Sarah's uptight, rich family. When they do get married, and get a chance to prove Sarah's family wrong, they go on a European honeymoon and run into disaster after disaster. They have to decide whether the honeymoon from hell and a few pre-marital mistakes are worth throwing away their love and marriage.

A narrator relates a variety of peculiar stories involving characters with the initials HC and their dealings with telephones. These are interspersed with artistic shots of telephone boxes in a variety of locations.

A joint task force operation between the Drug Enforcement Administration and the U.S. Army has been formed to dismantle one of the largest drug cartels operating in South America. Multiple attempts to assault the cartel's mountainous compound have been thwarted by a Scorpion-attack helicopter piloted by a cartel leader, Eric Stoller (Bert Rhine). After having several aircraft shot down, most notably a pair of UH–60 Black Hawks and their AH–1 Cobra escorts, the army turns to the new AH–64 Apache attack helicopter, which can match its enemies' maneuverability and firepower.