Moscow writer ordered a story for the collection. At this time, his wife is going on a business trip to St. Petersburg. Writing imagination awakens jealousy in the main character.

A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.

Archi, a local politician’s daughter, and Parshya, a fisherman’s son, fall in love resulting in violence between the families due to the stringent casteism in the village.

Ellen (Jeanne Balibar), stewardessa, podróżuje po całym świecie, próbując utrzymać związek z Florianem (Georg Friedrich), swoim towarzyszem. Rewelacje, którymi się z nią dzieli, powodują jednak, że ta kobieta, przyzwyczajona do zachowywania spokoju w każdych okolicznościach, załamuje się. Spanikowana Ellen ucieka w trakcie nabożeństwa. Rozumie, że zostawia za sobą dawne życie, co bezkompromisowo potwierdza jej przełożona. Rozpoczyna się wówczas nowa, pozbawiona wszelkich więzi egzystencja, w której Ellen stopniowo szuka swojego miejsca. Obserwuje tych, których spotyka lub tych, którzy ją witają, jak na przykład tę grupę młodych działaczy antyglobalistycznych wściekłych na przemysł rolno-spożywczy…

It's a summer weekend in a country house near Sintra, in Portugal. Fourteen-year-old Nicolau is spending a couple of days with his older brother Simão and his friends, all of them in their late twenties. Everyone is drawn to the beautiful and quiet Maria do Mar, but Nicolau will see his life the most deeply shaken by her. Between homework and tree-climbing, stories about a deceased philandering grandfather and the origins of the tortellini's shape, a friend in a costume nursing a broken heart and seduction games, Nicolau observes this group of young adults.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Playboy bachelor poses as a woman's husband to protect her daughter's reputation at a private school. Remake of El Mil Amores (1955).

A portrait of Arthur "Peg Leg Sam" Jackson --black harmonica player, singer, and comedian who made his living "busking" on the street and performing in patent-medicine shows touring southern towns. Footage includes excerpts from one of his last medicine shows, videotaped at a county fair in 1972, and material filmed near his home in South Carolina in 1975. The performance includes harmonica solos, songs, a parody of a chanted sermon, folktales and reminiscences, and three buck dances.

What it's like to drive the once vandalized now famous, 'Fagbug' to all 50 states in the USA.

A young girl who plays a trick on a friend, unaware or uninterested in the possible consequences.

At the news that his best friend is going to move, Luis debates whether or not to confess his feelings towards her. Meanwhile the silence seems to distance them more and more.

Hong Kong, the present day. With the lithium market in a dip, UA Capital Investment Banking, led by hotshot managing director Derek Lee (Stanley Huang), brokers a merger offer to Brandon Mining, one of the world's big three lithium producers along with Anchor Exploration and Clayton Global. Investigative journalist Henry Ma (Aarif Lee), who runs financial blog Golden Touch, gets wind of the plan and makes it public. UA';s client is believed to be Anchor, and Brandon';s CEO Owen (Michael Wong) considers it a hostile takeover. His financial advisor is Derek';s onetime lover, Amy Liang (Xu Jinglei), associate managing director of Global Alliance Investment Banking, who finally split up with Derek

Short science fiction film with footage from Willi Tobler und der Untergang der 6. Flotte.

Sten Stensson Stéen has been challenged by a professor of law in a TV-game-show. Stensson, always fighting against immorality, comes to Stockholm a few days before the the broadcast to teach the young generation how to behave. A gang of crooks mistakes him for a famous dynamiter that they've been waiting for.

In the most dangerous country in the world for journalists, Newsweek Middle East editor, Janine di Giovanni, risks it all to bear witness, ensuring that the world knows about the suffering of the Syrian people.

The geometry of circles and ellipses is explored using the Roman Colosseum as an example. Using the Pantheon as another practical example, this program explores the concepts of central and intercepted angles, arc segments and chords. The Etude du Cinéma de l’Ecole de Barcelona (a short-lived group that appeared in Spain in the 1960s) offers the opportunity to consider the distrust of the avant-gardes with regard to narrative. The lacunar narration whose principle the School of Barcelona adopts goes against the traditional narrative and its quest for coherence and continuity. She invites the viewer to make the disconcerting experience of unbinding and emptiness. Such an approach involves an ethical posture. The Barcelona School follows in the footsteps of a modernity that intends to move away from an alienating authoritarian discourse and claims to make the spectator a partner in creation.