Batman mărește miza în războiul lui contra crimei. Cu ajutorul locotenentului Jim Gordon și a procurorului general Harvey Dent,Batman se pune să dezarmeze organizațiile criminale rămase care distrug străzile.Parteneriatul se dovedește a fi efectiv, Dar ei se găsesc repede pradă a unei guvernări a haosului dezlănțuită de un geniu criminal în ascensiune cunoscut de cetățenii terorizați ai Gothamului ca Glumețul (Joker).

Comedie neagră, construită eliptic, nonliniar, pe câteva povești principale, ale căror personaje interacționează sub o formă sau alta. Doi găinari care vor să jefuiască un magazin întâlnesc doi asasini care au de recuperat un obiect miraculos pentru șeful lor, care are o înțelegere cu un boxer, pe care acesta n-o respectă. Există, desigur, o seamă de povești „secundare”, care le susțin și le întregesc pe cele principale, într-o perfectă sferă „tarantinească”.

În contextul în care existența omenirii pe Pământ este amenințată, un grup de exploratori se folosesc de o gaură de vierme nou descoperită pentru a depăși limitele spațiului și a cuceri imensele distanțe ale unei călătorii interstelare.

Han Solo se vede prins într-o misiune de salvare, strâmtorat fiind de o datorie către Jabba, binecunoscutul „mafiot”. În urma salvării prințesei Leia el este prins în hățișurile Rebeliunii și ajunge încet să o ajute în a distruge fabuloasa Stea a Morții. Leia este prințesă și spion de elită a Rebeliunii, ea fiind un personaj principal în întreaga trilogie. Tânărul Luke Skywalker este cel ce se dovedește a fi ceea ce Obi Wan Kenobi a căutat

Ted Crawford, un bărbat acuzat că a încercat să-și ucidă soția, își măsoară inteligența cu un tânăr procuror.

Zack Mayo is an aloof, taciturn man who aspires to be a navy pilot. Once he arrives at training camp for his 13-week officer's course, Mayo runs afoul of abrasive, no-nonsense drill Sergeant Emil Foley. Mayo is an excellent cadet, but a little cold around the heart, so Foley rides him mercilessly, sensing that the young man would be prime officer material if he weren't so self-involved. Zack's affair with a working girl is likewise compromised by his unwillingness to give of himself.

Lisa (Diane Kruger) si Julien (Vincent Lindon), un cuplu fericit si indragostit, duc o viata normala alaturi de fiul lor Oscar. Existenta lor este data peste cap intr-o dimineata cand politia apare complet din senin la usa lor si o aresteaza pe Lisa pentru crima. E judecata, gasita vinovata si condamnata la 20 de ani de inchisoare. Profund afectat, Julien se dedica exclusiv dovedirii nevinovatiei sotiei sale. Dar este Lisa cu adevarat inocenta si cat de departe …

After discovering he's not really black like the rest of his family, likable dimwit Navin Johnson sets off on a hilarious misadventure that takes him from rags to riches and back again. The slaphappy jerk strikes it rich, but life in the fast lane isn't all it's cracked up to be and, in the end, all that really matters to Johnson is his true love.

An Olympic hopeful marathon runner hopes his success will be the answer to his marriage woes and other personal problems.

Rey își dezvoltă abilitățile nou descoperite, cu îndrumarea lui Luke Skywalker, care este neliniștit de forța puterilor ei. Între timp, Rezistența se pregătește să lupte cu Primul Ordin.

Beverly is the perfect happy homemaker, along with her doting husband and two children, but this nuclear family just might explode when her fascination with serial killers collides with her ever-so-proper code of ethics.

During World War II, Salamo Arouch, a passionate boxer, is arrested and sent to a concentration camp. Soon, he is forced to box against his fellow prisoners for the sake of entertainment.

A gallery of characters in Brooklyn in the 1950s are crushed by their surroundings and selves: a union strike leader discovers he is gay; a prostitute falls in love with one of her clients; a family cannot cope with the fact that their daughter is illegitimately pregnant.

Two brilliant research scientists have invented a device capable of recording and playing back sensory experiences only to have devastating results when one of them records their own death.

Jay Austin is now a civilian police detective. Colonel Caldwell was his commanding officer years before when he left the military police over a disagreement over the handling of a drunk driver. Now a series of murders that cross jurisdictions force them to work together again. That Austin is now dating Caldwell's daughter is not helping their relationship.

Neil Shaw is both agent and weapon - a critical line of defense for the Secretary General of the United Nations. He does not even officially exist. As an international security expert, he must uncover an international plot in which ruthless terrorists threatened to bring down the United Nations on the eve of an historic summit with China. A mysterious chain of events leads to the murder of the Chinese U.N. Ambassador and the terrorists frame Neil Shaw, the one man they believe can stop them. Accused of the crime, Shaw goes underground — in effect, vanishing from his own life — as he tries to stop what could become World War III.

When two friends return from a girls weekend vacation in Mexico, they find themselves stranded at the airport. Trying to get home safely, they board an airport shuttle for the short trip. But once their feet cross the threshold of the shuttle, a night that had started like any other turns terrifying, and the ride home becomes a descent into darkness.

One man's journey to disprove the theory of astrology leads him to answer some bigger question about life, love, fate and destiny.

TV child star of the '70s, Dickie Roberts is now 35 and parking cars. Craving to regain the spotlight, he auditions for a role of a normal guy, but the director quickly sees he is anything but normal. Desperate to win the part, Dickie hires a family to help him replay his childhood and assume the identity of an average, everyday kid.