Zoe Ball and Rick Edwards get the party started for the celebration of 50 years of Doctor Who, with Doctors and companions past and present, celebrity fans and special surprises.

When three beautiful young nurses from Jalisco, afflicted with a rare disease called "sexappealitis", create commotion among the patients in a hospital, they are forced to resign. They travel to Mexico City following the suggestion of a crazy scientist, who tells them they will be cured when they get married. But they are attracted to three men who are indifferent to their sexy looks, being themselves sick with "lovetitis".

A group of friends struggle for survival as they are faced with the ancient, demonic evil of - the killer carnivorous coat.

Fang, une étudiante récemment diplômée, prend régulièrement des rendez-vous galants avec des hommes inconnus. À chaque fois, elle commande une tasse de thé vert afin d'y voir si sa nouvelle rencontre est compatible avec elle. Chen, un de ces prétendants, trouve que tout cela est bien vain. Il ne sait pas lire les prédictions dans le thé vert mais pense bien connaître les femmes. Fang et Chen, chacun avec leur passé propre et leur certitude sur l'amour, se suivent et s'épient. Mais Chen découvre rapidement que leur destin est entre les mains d'une tierce personne, la mystérieuse Lang...

When Maggie is asked to babysit for her boss' wife, an unfortunate incident alters her outlook on love, life and an old relationship. A wonderfully engaging short film that examines the transformative nature of human relationships.

Dans une nature accueillante, des enfants s'amusent. Survient un magicien qui transforme les animaux en jouets mécaniques et la nature joyeuse en une cité grise. Les enfants devront l'affronter pour retrouver leurs champs et leur jeux.

After surviving a car crash in the middle of Lebanon's isolated Beqaa Valley, an amnesiac man finds himself held hostage on a local farm that doubles as an illegal drug-production facility.

The romance between two young people is threatened when an island begins to appear in a river that separates two communities.

From 1939 to 1942, in the village of Chabannes in central France, more than 400 Jewish children were hidden, schooled, and ultimately saved through the heroic efforts of the school's director and teachers and of Jewish rescue organizations that first got the children there, and then, as war closed around them, got all but a handful out safely. In 1996, two aged teachers and the children and their families reunite. Lisa Gossels, whose father and uncle were among the children, records it. Survivors' comments, photos and drawings from the war, footage of the school and town, and a celebration of the heroism and leadership of the school's director, Felix Chevrier, comprise the film.

Traffic rushes by as if nothing has happened. But beside the road, the rubble is smoldering, and firefighting helicopters are circling overhead. Ten minutes in, this is the first specific image we see of the devastating explosion that took place on 4 August 2020 at the Port of Beirut. Until this point, its presence in the film has been indirect—a man smoking beside a broken window, the distant sounds of ships’ horns and sirens.

The encounters and relationships that a brothel hotel witnessed, from a well known man in power, ambitious cunning youngster, to chivalrous college professor, despite such corrupt business ,true love found a place in some hearts.

Oklahoma mechanic Pike Peters finds himself part owner of an oil field. His wife Idy, hitherto content, decides the family must go to Paris to get "culture" and meet "the right kind of people." Pike and his grown son and daughter soon have flirtatious French admirers; Idy rents a chateau from an impoverished aristocrat; while Pike responds to each new development with homespun wit. In the inevitable clash, will pretentiousness and sophistication or common sense triumph?

Animated figure Talkie gets a visit from his friend Mutie in search for a job. Talkie takes him to the Western Electric sound lab...

In an inhospitable place, a boy and his family struggle for survival.

Dans une société qui autorise ses citoyens à mettre fin à leurs jours, un fleuriste suicidaire obtient la permission qu'il attendait avant de tomber amoureux.

A young woman with supernatural gifts escapes captivity, only to be hunted down by a group of mercenaries whose lives she will change forever.

Etienne makes a good living out of marrying off poor but titled young men to rich but untitled young ladies. Millicent is now in his sights on the Riviera, and Grand Duke Gaspar is the bait. But what if Millicent starts to fancy planted chauffeur John instead, and Gaspar takes a shine to Etienne's secretary Janine?