Fight Club ni le prispodoba o (samo)destruktivnem begu posameznika iz ujetosti potrošniškega nesmisla, temveč (tudi) parabola upora zoper nezmožnost poistovetenja s prvobitnim moškim/očetovskim principom — odraža se v sprevrženi percepciji psihosocialnih norm in nevrotični konfrontaciji ter boju (dobesedno "z golimi pestmi") s samim seboj. Dodajmo še patološke predstave o ljubezenski zvezi in vlogi ženske, metaforični upor maskuliniziranega segmenta potlačene moške dominantnosti, ki v ničemer ne najde prave identifikacije in opore, zato njegov dezorientirani razcepljeni um primanjkljaj kompenzira tako, da ustvarja namišljene alegorične osebnosti — ter izvrstno igralsko zasedbo (Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Helena Bontham Carter) — pa dobimo enega najbolj izvirnih (in vplivnih) produktov ameriške literature in kinematografije zadnjih desetletij.

Dramski triler režiserja Todda Phillipsa spremlja legendarnega stripovskega zlikovca v izvirni samostojni zgodbi o izvoru, kakšne še nismo videli na velikih platnih. Mučna in tragična pripoved se vrti okrog umsko trpinčenega komika Arthurja Flecka, v fantastični predstavi Joaquina Phoenixa, ki si prizadeva, da bi se uveljavil v razdeljeni družbi velemesta Gotham, ki ga zapostavlja in odriva na socialni rob. Živi sam z duševno bolno materjo, podnevi dela kot najeti klovn za oglaševanje lokalov in si želi postati zvezda komičnih stand-up predstav, vendar so vse šale ponavadi le na njegov račun. Ujet v krogu životarjenja med apatijo in krutostjo Arthur sprejme slabo odločitev, ki povzroči verižno reakcijo nasilja in smrti. Bolečina ga naposled pahne v soočenje s svojim drugim jazom, poznejšim Batmanovim največjim sovražnikom: Jokerjem.

A true story about Frank Abagnale Jr. who, before his 19th birthday, successfully conned millions of dollars worth of checks as a Pan Am pilot, doctor, and legal prosecutor. An FBI agent makes it his mission to put him behind bars. But Frank not only eludes capture, he revels in the pursuit.

Imate radi detektivske, misteriozne uganke? Predstavljamo vam detektivko, kot je še ni bilo posnete! Stopite v čevlje detektiva, ki poskuša razrešiti skrivnostno smrt v patriarhalni, ekscentrični in sprti družini. Zjutraj, dan po praznovanju svojega 85. rojstnega dneva, na tleh na svojem posestvu leži mrtev Harlan Thombrey. Priznani detektiv Benoit Blanc sumi zločin in v trenutku osumi vse prisotne na posestvu – Harlanovo družino. Bolj kot se bliža branje oporoke, bolj padajo maske in jasno postaja, da je vsak član družine nosil velike skrivnosti. Zapleti, preobrati in napetost vodijo v šokanten zaključek in s tem zaključijo detektivsko uganko, kot je še ni bilo.

Zgodba spremlja Paula Atreidesa iz hiše Atreides, sijajnega in nadarjenega mladeniča, rojenega za velike stvari, ki mora odpotovati na najnevarnejši planet v vesolju, da bi zagotovil prihodnost svoji družini in narodu. Znajde se sredi boja za ekskluzivno oskrbo najbolj dragocenega vira, ki obstaja, najdražjim elementom galaksije, ki se nahaja samo na Arrakisu in ki lahko odklene največji potencial človeštva, v katerem bodo preživeli samo tisti, ki zmorejo premagati svoj strah.

Chris and his girlfriend Rose go upstate to visit her parents for the weekend. At first, Chris reads the family's overly accommodating behavior as nervous attempts to deal with their daughter's interracial relationship, but as the weekend progresses, a series of increasingly disturbing discoveries lead him to a truth that he never could have imagined.

Film pripoveduje zgodbo o bivšem agentu Wadeu Wilsonu, ki po rigoroznem eksperimentu pridobi nadnaravno moč celjenja in se preobrazi v svoj alterego, Deadpool. Oborožen s svojo novo sposobnostjo ter temačnim smislom za humor se Deadpool odpravi iskati moža, ki mu je uničil življenje.

After a failed swindle, two con-men end up with a map to El Dorado, the fabled "city of gold," and an unintended trip to the New World. Much to their surprise, the map does lead the pair to the mythical city, where the startled inhabitants promptly begin to worship them as gods. The only question is, do they take the worshipful natives for all they're worth, or is there a bit more to El Dorado than riches?

Several friends travel to Sweden to study as anthropologists a summer festival that is held every ninety years in the remote hometown of one of them. What begins as a dream vacation in a place where the sun never sets, gradually turns into a dark nightmare as the mysterious inhabitants invite them to participate in their disturbing festive activities.

Jack je inteligenten moški, ki v sedemdesetih letih v ZDA postane serijski morilec. Njegova zgodba je podana s prvoosebne perspektive in nas vodi skozi pet najpomembnejših umorov na njegovi "razvojni" poti. Jack vsak umor pojmuje kot umetnino, pa čeprav mu ta očitna disfunkcionalnost povzroča težave v odnosu do zunanjega sveta. Njegovo končno soočenje s policijo je neizogibno, toda Jack vseeno z vsakim umorom tvega vedno več.

Režiser z oskarjem nagrajenega filma Igra imitacije nas popelje v vesoljske širjave, na ladji, namenjeni proti oddaljeni koloniji. Med 120-letnim potovanjem pride do računalniške napake, kar povzroči, da se novinarka Aurora in mehanik Jim zbudita iz hibernacije 90 let prezgodaj. Preostanek življenja sta prisiljena preživeti v osami, toda kmalu ugotovita, da plovilo pestijo številne druge težave. Med izogibanjem številnim smrtnim nevarnostim, ki prežijo iz vesolja, se z njima poigrajo tudi ljubezenska čustva, kar jima da novih moči za spopad z neskončno razsežnostjo prostora in časa.

When a reporter goes undercover as a nanny to get the inside scoop on a playboy prince, she gets tangled in some royal intrigue and ends up finding love - but will she be able to keep up her lie?

Šest najstnikov potuje z avtom, ko nenadoma morajo iti s poti, ko najdejo cesto, ki jo je nesreča blokirala. Toda mladi se izgubijo v gozdnih gozdovih Zahodne Virginije, kjer jih bo zasledoval človeški rod kanibalov, grozno onesposobljen s svojim nenaravnim hranjenjem skozi generacije ...

Ray is a fledgling entrepreneur who specializes in high-end simulated abductions. He jumps at the chance when a mysterious client contracts him for a weekend kidnapping with a handsome payday at the end. But the job isn't all that it seems.

A troubled group of children living on the same block are haunted by a talking dog named Labby who brings them on surreal hell-rides between different dimensions and time periods.

A mother and her son plan a surprise visit to Los Angeles to see her husband/his father. Halfway there they get into a terrible accident in the middle of nowhere and now must fight to survive.

Guy moves to an old farm in Princeton with his wife Jeanne Cooley and their two daughters, Molly and Lucy to build eight windmills to generate clean power to the city. The Cooley family has a cold reception in town, and while voting for the approval of the project, the old woman Gretchen Caswell votes against the construction with many followers and mentions the historic importance of the spot and the name of Martha. Jeanne researches and discloses that two hundred and fifty years ago, a girl called Lucy Keyes got lost in the woods and in spite of the efforts of her mother Martha Keyes and the locals, she was never found. When the ghost of Martha comes to the fields around their property calling for Lucy, Jeanne realizes that the legend is true and that there are many hidden secrets in that location.

A group of friends must confront their most terrifying fears when they awaken the dark powers of an ancient spirit board.

When a party bus on it's way to the Burning Man music festival breaks down in the desert and in the middle of a group of Satanic devil worshippers, all hell literally breaks loose. A massacre leaves seven survivors trapped in the bus, fighting for their lives while wondering if someone or others are not who they seem.

The teenager Madison McBride is traumatized by the loss of her deranged father when she was nine years old and the suicide of her beloved brother Brandon one year ago. She decides to join the Richard Miller University, where Brandon committed suicide, to overcome her demons. While walking to her dorm, she meets the weird janitor Wilbur Mackey that tells her that the place is haunted.