Jackson Pollock said, “he makes the rest of us look academic,” Mark Rothko acknowledged him as a “myth-maker” and Clement Greenberg called him “a highly influential maverick and an independent genius.” Clyfford Still, one of the strongest, most original contributors to abstract expressionism, walked away from the commercial art world at the height of his career. Extremely disciplined, principled, and prolific, Still left behind a treasure trove of works like no other major artist in history. With a wonderful mosaic of archival material, found footage and audio recorded by the artist himself, Lifeline paints a picture of a modern icon, his uncompromising creative journey and the price of independence.

Human traffickers wipe out a young girl's family and village. She then seeks revenge on those responsible, eventually becoming first the hunted then turning into the hunters with the mercenary hired to eliminate her.

Get ready for one last romp of magical, musical shenanigans because Harry and his pals are back for their senior year at Hogwarts! The gang's in for their biggest adventure yet as they face off against old enemies, new foes and giant snakes! Will they win or will they lose? Either way, this is the end!

Fernanda is married to Tom, with whom she has a five-year-old daughter, Joana. The couple is in the midst of wear and tear caused by living together for many years, which generates constant friction. Who helps Fernanda to overcome the crisis is her partner Aníbal, inseparable partner during the arduous journey between saving the marriage or putting an end to it.

Tendo recuperado um baú do tesouro de um navio afundado, os Piratas do Chapéu de Palha mal podem esperar para ver que riquezas ele contém. Em vez de um tesouro, eles encontram uma velhinha. Ansiosa para voltar para casa (e evitar a ira de Nami por ter jogado fora o tesouro que ali estava), a velha senhora oferece uma grande recompensa se a tripulação a levar para sua casa na Ilha Mecha. A lenda da Coroa de Ouro que a senhora conta parece boa demais para ser verdade. Luffy se empolga para a aventura, e a tripulação não tem escolha. Em uma ilha cheia de incríveis invenções, a tripulação testará suas habilidades de resolver enigmas para desvendar o mistério da Ilha Mecha e seu tesouro. É localizado antes do Arco Water 7, após o Episódio 228.

Este filme desenterra um antigo conflito entre "Normies" e monstros, onde as coisas estão prestes a ficar assustadoras! Durante anos, os alunos da escola Monster High foram avisados que o Halloween era uma noite para ficar dentro de casa e evitar conflitos a todo custo. Mas Frankie e seus amigos descobrem que monstros e "Normies" adoram passar a noite de Halloween juntos! Todos decidem voltar atrás e aproveitar a noite para celebrar suas individualidades e provam que não há problema em ser única! ser você! ser Monster High!

The Sheffield family reveal and go through some home truths as their middle child inherits the Foxworth mansion. The family's ghosts looming over, and more tragedies are in store as the curse lives on.

If you have everything, you have everything to lose. John Rourke and his crew run the shiny new Maelstrom. But when Mr. Smith has a new job offer, everything changes and pushes New Eden again to the edge of chaos. JR, Charlie, and Sol are back for one more adventure, that takes them from a dull daily grind to trying to save an entire star system that's been taken hostage. Time to trust in rust for one last time.

Tom's cousin George, who's terribly afraid of mice, comes to visit. Jerry's confused, since Tom and George look alike.

Freddy, a Viennese Jew who emigrated to New York after Hitler's invasion, and Adler, a left-wing intellectual originally from Berlin, return to Austria in 1944 as soldiers in the U.S. Army. Freddy falls in love with the daughter of a Nazi, and Adler attempts to go over to the Communist Zone. But with the advent of the Cold War and continuing anti-semitism, the idealism of both characters is shattered as they find themselves surrounded by cynicism, opportunism, and universal self-deception.

The summer break is over and the twins returned to Lindenhof. That has now changed a lot. Because Mrs Theobald had to travel, Mademoiselle Bertoux has taken the lead.

A short animation by Haruka Suzuki based on the poem "Asa" by Ikuko Shirakuma

The untold and ultimately inspiring story of legendary singer, Teddy Pendergrass, the man poised to be the biggest R&B artist of all time until the tragic accident that changed his life forever at the age of only 31.

Follow the evolution of a small time juvenile delinquent hood to a big time racketeer. Based on the famous 1950 Brinks Robbery in Boston that netted the crooks $2.5 million. The story delves into the psychology of the perpetrators, as well as the intricate mechanics of the hold-up.

A court takes 9-year-old Mario away from his abusive family and entrusts him to a childless couple. For the three of them, living together is difficult and often painful, since they come from two different worlds. To cope with loneliness and displacement, Mario creates his own world, where he meets Schad Sky, an imaginary friend.

Max Andreev thought the best place to start a new life would be at the other end of the world. What he didn't know, is that you can't outrun your past.

Based on the true events that occurred in the Appalachian Mountains, Mountain Devil recounts the frightening events of the night Frank Peterson and his friend spent the night in a secluded cabin stalked by something they could not explain. With only a few clues and journal entries we try to piece together the shocking events, and attempt to shed insight into one of the greatest mysteries of our time

A group of people inside an underground complex which possesses high tech computers which tracks world events consider all options as nuclear war is at hand, air supplies may last only eight days and Biblical prophesy unfolds.