In 1965 Mexico City, Flavia, a wealthy yet lonely schoolgirl, befriends Veronica, a young orphan girl who has a fascination with witchcraft. Veronica convinces Flavia that she is a real witch and forces her to be her assistant. The children's games gradually become more serious and Veronica demands more from Flavia.
A sixteen-year-old boy insinuates himself into the house of a fellow student from his literature class and writes about it in essays for his French teacher. Faced with this gifted and unusual pupil, the teacher rediscovers his enthusiasm for his work, but the boy’s intrusion will unleash a series of uncontrollable events.
In 1909, the Rigau brothers are the owners of the most important textile factory in Feixes. When Francesc dies, Julià, a dark and ambitious ex-military man, takes over the steamer and confronts everyone to make uniforms for the Spanish army that is fighting the war in Morocco.
Klasikinių Holivudo vesternų įkvėptas filmas vykusiai balansuoja tarp veiksmo bei komedijos žanrų, įsukdamas į smagių nuotykių bei šmaikščių dialogų karuselę. Jos epicentre - trys pagrindiniai personažai, trys skirtingi charakteriai. Filmas pasakoja apie nusikaltėlių trijulę, kuri, bėgdama nuo įstatymo, 1930 m. atsiduria neramumų apimtoje Mandžiūrijoje. Norint išlikti, draugams tenka bendradarbiauti su Japonijos armija, Kinijos ir Rusijos banditais, suktis iš sunkiausių situacijų.
Shows the devastation caused by the atomic bomb, and by use of a fictional storyline, portrays the struggle of the ordinary Japanese people in dealing with the aftermath.
Paslaptingas raitelis slaptu keliu atvyksta į nedidelį miestelį, esantį aukštai Alpėse. Miestelio gyventojai nežino, iš kur atvyko nepažįstamasis ir kokie jo tikslai. Tačiau visi nori, kad jis kuo greičiau iš čia dingtų. Vienišo raitelio keršto parako dūmai miestelyje, pilname banditų. Sukrečiantis vokiečių vesternas “Tamsusis slėnis”.
Victor, a Lower East Side teenager, as he deals with his eccentric family, including his strict grandmother, his bratty sister, and a younger brother who completely idolizes him. Along the way he tries to win the affections of Judy, who is very careful and calculating when it comes to how she deals with men.
When a tough yakuza gangster is betrayed by his bosses, it means all out war. Bodies pile up as he takes out everyone in his way to the top in a brutal quest for revenge.
Composed of 6 unconventional short stories, each one dealing with the late communist period in Romania, a narrative is told through its urban myths from the perspective of ordinary people. The title refers to the alluded "Golden Age" of the last 15 years of Ceauşescu's regime.
A catalan manufacturer of intercoms travels to Madrid, accompanied by his mistress, to attend a hunt that he has organized. Its main purpose is to mix with people of high society to improve their business. All seems well until the owner of the farm shows full authority over James, who is the real organizer of the meeting. The celebration is diverse characters who live next to absurd situations.
Bennie travels to Buenos Aires to find his long-missing older brother, a once-promising writer who is now a remnant of his former self. Bennie's discovery of his brother's near-finished play might hold the answer to understanding their shared past and renewing their bond.
Psychiatrist Caruso is arguably as nutty as his patients. He can remember at two years old being completely besotted by the charms of a naked girl. Even today, he can think of little else besides sex, sex, sex.
Tai istorija apie du kunfu meistrus: jis kilęs iš Pietų Kinijos, ji – iš šalies šiaurės. Ip Mano ir Gong Er keliai susikerta vyro gimtajame mieste Fošane japonų invazijos išvakarėse 1936 m. Kinijoje kyla sąmyšis, o pietinei šalies daliai gresia būti atskirtai nuo šiaurinės. Gong Er tėvas yra didysis kovos menų meistras. Jis taip pat atkeliauja į Fošaną. Mat legendiniame miesto viešnamyje „Auksinis paviljonas“ turi būti švenčiamas jo išėjimas į pensiją. Ši istorija apie išdavystę, išbandymą, garbę ir meilę vyksta chaotišku karo ir okupacijos laikotarpiu. Filmo nuotaika artima ankstesnei režisieriaus dramai apie kovos menus „Laiko pelenai“. Švysčiojantys kardai, kumščiai ir akrobatiški kūnai neatsiejami nuo vidinių herojų kovų. Jausmai virsta judesiais ir atvirkščiai – judesiai virsta emocijomis.
Lord Shiva wakes. A convocation of magicians in the guise of figures from mythology; a masquerade party at which Pan is the prize. The wine of Hecate is poured: Pan's cup is poisoned by Shiva. Kali blesses the assembly as a bacchic rite ensues.
A Serbian engineer falls for a younger woman, but he is inept at courtship.
When elderly mother Edna inexplicably vanishes, her daughter rushes to the family's decaying home, finding clues of her increasing dementia scattered around the house in her absence.
Jauna įsimylėjėlių porelė – Oksfordo dėstytojas Peris ir teisininkė Geilė – atostogų Karibuose metu susipažįsta su žavingu, įdomiu ir nepadoriai turtingu vyriškiu, vardu Dima. Netrukus paaiškėja Dimos turtų kilmė: jis - pagrindinis Rusijos mafijos nešvarių pinigų „plovėjas“. Atostogoms baigiantis, rusas prisipažįsta baiminantis dėl savo šeimos saugumo ir paprašo Perio padaryti jam paslaugą – perduoti Didžiosios Britanijos žvalgybai USB diską su itin vertinga informacija apie nelegalių mafijos pinigų judėjimą.
The stones of the title are the dreams and burdens carried by these five women with interlinked lives. This story of decision and transformation was nominated for the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival.
The worst teachers of France landed in England for an ultra-secret mission. With Boulard, the King of the Dunces, they are parachuted in the best school of the country, and they will apply their famous methods on the future of the nation.
Iraq, 2003. Pablo, a Spanish army doctor sent on a peacekeeping mission, is involved in an attack on his convoy during a routine trip through the desert.