Squadron Leader Veer Pratap Singh, a pilot in the Indian Air Force, rescues the stranded Zaara, a woman from Pakistan, following a bus accident, and their lives are forever bound.
Môže byť nevera základom šťastného manželstva? Šarmantný bonviván Rudolf je o tom presvedčený: „Žena má mať pocit, že o chlapa musí bojovať, musí sa snažiť, aby si ho udržala. A hlavne, ženská sa nesmie nudiť!“. Rudolf s úspechom uplatňuje svoju divokú teóriu v každodennej praxi a to s neutíchajúcim elánom, ktorý je u čerstvého šesťdesiatnika závideniahodný. O to viac potom nechápe naivitu svojho neznesiteľne korektného zaťa Ondreja, ktorý pre iste svedomité plnenie povinností nevníma, ako nebezpečne sa jeho žena Alice začína nudiť. Milujúci otecko a kamarátsky svokor Rudolf preto ponúkne Ondrejovi niekoľko preverených rád, ako vniesť do upadajúceho manželstva potrebný vzruch. Koniec koncov ide o rodinné šťastie jeho jedinej dcéry.
Compilation demonstrating the sequined glamour and diaphanous disco genius that was Boney M. Features 'Rivers of Babylon' and 'Rasputin'.
Na zámok jednej nemenovanej krajiny prichádza krásny a krutý princ so svojim doprovodom na svadbu prostrednej kráľovskej dcéry. Veštba víly z jazera hovorí o tom, že tri princezné sa musia vydať presne v intervale 13 mesiacov, tak ako sa narodili, inak svojimi slzami zaplaví kráľovstvo netvor z jazera. O rok a mesiac sa teda musí vydať aj najmladšia, najkrajšia dcéra, ktorá je však ešte dieťa, ktoré sa najradšej hrá s chlapcami. Keď ju princ prvýkrát zazrie, hneď ho očarí jej krása. Ona ho však nenávidí, pretože zlomil srdce jej sestre.
A thousand years ago, one boy with a dream of becoming a great warrior is abducted with his sister and taken to a land far away from home. Thrown into a world where greed and injustice rule all, Bilal finds the courage to raise his voice and make a change. Inspired by true events, this is a story of a real hero who earned his remembrance in time and history.
A comedic drama featuring two couples and two old friends in Mexico City. Tomas visits Carlos and Ana, while Miguel and Andrea are joined by Maria. The presence of guests triggers lust, rejection, infidelities, reconciliation and other consequences.
Chronicles Jack Harris, one of the pioneers of internet commerce, as he wrestles with his morals and struggles not to drown in a sea of conmen, mobsters, drug addicts, and pornstars.
Laura žije s manželom na predmestí. Keďže je však väčšinu času doma sama, prepadne kúzlu sympatického remeselníka, ktorý jej pomáha s rekonštrukciou kuchyne. Čoskoro si uvedomí, že urobila chybu. Neuvedomuje si však, že zdanlivo milý mladý muž si nesie ťažké bremeno z minulosti a svojej milenky sa nemieni vzdať...
Milo pracuje ako barman v Berlíne a jednej noci sa vďaka sérii náhod zoznámi so ženou svojich snov, Sunny. Títo dvaja sa stretnú na rande, ktoré je spočiatku dokonalým romantickým večerom.
Salaam Namaste is about two Indians who have left their houses to make a life on their own, and how they meet and how they tackle their own relationships and problems and overcome them themselves without their families
When her rather explicit copy is rejected, magazine journalist Kate is asked by her editor to come up with an article on loving relationships instead, and to do so by the end of the day. This gets Kate thinking back over her own various experiences, and to wondering if she is in much of a position to write on the subject.
Christian Thielemann and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra performing Beethoven Symphonies 1-9
V živote každého mladého muža nastáva raz trýznivý okamih, kedy začína premýšľať o sexe a než sa začne niečo reálne diať. Deacon sa zoznámi s Mattom a Fredom - traja typickí americkí tínedžeri - sú uprostred najhoršej fázy, majú pocit, že ak sa nestane niečo kľúčového ich život zostane na mŕtvom bode. Urobia čokoľvek pre zhliadnutie aspoň kúsku pornofilmu, ich rána sú vyplnené sledovaním načierno požičanými pornokazetami z Fredovej práce. Keď však Freda vyhodia z práce a traja priatelia si nemôžu porno požičať sami, prichádza spásna myšlienka: natočiť svoje vlastné...
Shame, the ape man of the jungle, is aghast when his woman, June, is kidnapped by a gang of giant penises. They take her to their queen, Bazunga, a bald woman with fourteen breasts. After tangling with a gang of great white hunters, a marauding lion and the Molar Men, Shame sets off to rescue her with only his faithful friend Flicka at his side. He heads for that darkest of areas
Young Felicity lives in a monastic school. The only way to live out her sexual fantasies is together with her girlfriend Jenny. But then she receives an invitation to her sister in Hong-Kong and can't wait to finally do the real thing.
Cooper is an actor who sees life as one big party, while Ed is in advertising and takes life too seriously. When Ed gets stressed over a deadline he has to meet, his brother Cooper works hard in trying to get his brother hooked up with a girl, thus a long weekend of stress and beautiful women, culminating in Ed meeting, and making love to, the woman of his dreams.
Mickey, a free-spirited New York cabbie, and Francis, a materialistic Wall Street stockbroker, are extremely competitive and confused about women as a result of their father's influence. Though they disagree about everything, they have one thing in common: Mickey's ex-fiance Heather is Francis's secret love. Though both brothers have beautiful wives, Heather triggers their longtime sibling rivalry
A family of sadistic butchers lives deep inside the backcountry. From the dead of winter to the dog days of summer, anyone who crosses their path is dead meat.
Felix, a young advertiser, is down on his luck. Ridiculed by his boss and suffering from unrequited love he knows that something has to change, when the chance of a lifetime appears completely out of the blue. He acquires "The Midas Touch" - the ability to conquer every woman with a mere touch. Enjoying life to the fullest for a brief period of time, Felix quickly notices that evil forces are after his new "talent" and "The Midas Touch" soon gets completely out of hand.
Mary Walshová sprevádza svojho priateľa Kevina do nemocnice, kde ho čaká rutinný chirurgický zákrok na ortopédii. Mary na Kevina počká v nemocničnom bufete. Tam sa dievča zoznámi s postarším Cooperom, ktorý si tu kráti čas pri čakaní na svoju manželku. Mary sa vráti na ortopédiu, po Kevinovi však nie je nikde ani stopy. Nemocničný register pacientov neeviduje žiadneho Kevina Petersona a nikto z ošetrujúceho personálu tohto mladého muža nikdy nevidel...