After the Japanese defeat to the Russians, Kaji leads the last remaining men through Manchuria. Intent on returning to his dear wife and his old life, Kaji faces great odds in a variety of different harrowing circumstances as he and his fellow men sneak behind enemy lines.

As the Russian invasion begins, a team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggle to continue their work documenting the war's atrocities.

Cartman's deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. Meanwhile, the adults in South Park are wrestling with their own life decisions, as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down.

Jacek climbs into the taxi driven by Waldemar, tells him to drive to a remote location, then brutally strangles him, seemingly without motive.

Бруно пътува с камион за мебели, поправяйки прожекционни машини в кината в малките градове. Една сутрин той вижда как Роберт кара криволичейки и катастрофира в реката. Бруно го спасява и го качва в камиона си. По-късно Роберт му признава, че съпругата му се е самоубила. След като прекарват нощта в стар американски бункер, Бруно обвинява Роберт, че е бил страхлив в поведението спрямо жена си, а в отговор Роберт се присмива на самотния му живот. На сутринта Роберт си е тръгнал, като е оставил бележка: "Всичко трябва да се промени". Бруно продължава по пътя си.

Wataru Hirayama's outwardly liberal views on marriage are severely tested when his daughter declares that she is in love with a musician and is adamant to live life her own way, instead of agreeing to an arranged marriage. Outwitted by his female relatives, Hirayama stubbornly refuses to admit defeat.

Follows a teenager who claims that there is an entity in his closet.

Филмът е полу-биографична драма, написана и режисирана от палестинският режисьор Елия Сюлейман. В продължение на четири епизода, Сюлейман разказва семейни истории, вдъхновени от дневниците на баща му Фуад. Те започват от момента, в който той започва да воюва на страната на Съпротивата през 1948 год. Сценарият е направен и по писмата на майка му, адресирани до членовете на семейството й, които са принудени да напуснат страната по време на същия период. В допълнение, Сюлейман също представя собствените си спомени, в опит да изгради портрет на ежедневния живот на палестинците, които са етикетирани като "израелски араби", следа като избират да напуснат страната си и да се превърнат в малцинство.

Trapped in a bunker during World War I, a group of soldiers are faced with an ungodly presence that slowly turns them against each other.

Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.

Rome, AD 303. Emperor Diocletian demotes his favourite, Sebastian, from captain of the palace guard to the rank of common soldier and banishes him to a remote coastal outpost where his fellow soldiers, weakened by their desires, turn to homosexual activities to satisfy their needs. Sebastian becomes the target of lust for the officer Severus, but repeatedly rejects the man's advances. Castigated for his Christian faith, he is tortured, humiliated and ultimately killed.

Feeling unhappy with his gun, Jigen is looking for the world’s best gunsmith. He finally finds out that Chiharu, who runs a watch shop, is the person he’s been seeking. Then, Jigen meets Oto, who comes to Chiharu’s shop looking for a gun. Jigen finds out about Oto's secrets and the mysterious organization that’s after her. After Oto is kidnapped, Jigen gets into a desperate battle to save her.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

Following the disappearance of the glamorous and secretive Evelyne Ducat during a blizzard in the highlands of southern France, the lives of five people inextricably linked to Evelyne are brought together to devastating effect as the local police investigate the case.

Знатни мъже изгарят от страст по прекрасната Анжелик в третия филм от легендарната поредица. Самият крал на Франция Луи XIV е безнадеждно влюбен в нея. Приказно богат бей също я желае до полуда. Унгарски принц е готов да й даде сърцето си. Но се случва нещо, което драматично преобръща историята.

In a medieval castle, a dark magician thought to be Mephistopheles conjures up a series of bizarre creatures and events in order to torment a pair of interloping cavaliers.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

Изминали са 5 години след смъртоносна епидемия поразила 85% от населението на света. Войната между чуждоземните нашественици Re An и човешките създания продължава. Дали човечеството ще успее да оцелее при втора подобна епидемия, която може да го сполети всеки момент? Солидна доза кръв, насилие и ужаси. Филмът е част от култовата хорър поредица "After Dark", а на режисьорския стол е един от най-добрите български режисьори на видеоклипове Валери Милев.

As teenagers, Blandine and Magalie were inseparable. Years passed and they lost sight of each other. As their paths cross again, they decide to take the trip together that they have always dreamed of. Direction Greece, its sun, its islands but also its galleys because the two former best friends now have a very different approach to holidays... and to life!

A dystopian coming-of-age movie focused on three kids who find themselves in an abandoned amusement park, aiming to unite whoever remains. With dangers lurking around every corner, they will do whatever it takes to survive their hellish Neverland.