La India María must find at all costs in the recesses of a mountain the Magic Black Mirror of Tezcatlipoca, since the spirit of his great-grandfather Moctezuma II ordered her to find it in to prevent the destruction of Mexico. Alonso, a handsome Spanish archaeologist, Bianchi, an antiquities dealer and Brigida Troncoso - an ambitious governor, are aware of the existence of such mirror, of the mysterious treasure of Moctezuma and of María, so all undertake a frantic chase after her to seize the magic glass and the gold.

The social thriller starring a two year-old baby girl. She is living in a home where the adults are going through a complicated phase. Being a toddler, she is occasionally trapped in the accidental situations.

A lonely 40-ish man, likely to remain a bachelor, has a chance to find the love of his life when he falls for a vivacious young woman.

A young Norwegian boy in 1850s England goes to work as a cabin boy and discovers some of his shipmates are actually pirates.

Tobyho a koňa Flicku si najmú na ďalekú farmu. Kelly, dcéra majiteľky, si veľmi rýchlo obľúbi divokého koňa a napriek matkinmu zákazu sa ho snaží skrotiť a pripraviť na blížiacu sa súťaž. Avšak, čím bližšie je ku dňu súťaže, tým viac problémov sa hromadí. Kvôli nepoctivému trénerovi a rastúcim obavám musia majitelia farmu predať. Toby ale neváha zakročiť, aby zachránil nielen farmu, ale aj jej obyvateľov, zvieratá a blížiacu sa súťaž.

Animated Argentine film about a young girl turtle who gets lost on a balloon trip.

Jonathan, 11, usually spends his vacations alone with his grandfather who lives on the edge of a vast forest populated by mythical animals. This year his kid sister Sophie joins him. But it's not cool to be stuck with a little sister, so he does what he can to avoid her. He succeeds entirely too well: Sophie is kidnapped by a giant, 1000-year-old bear. Now, Jonathan has to venture into the heart of the forest to confront the strange beings that dwell there and rescue his sister.

V roku 1947 ľudstvo zistilo, že v galaxii nie sme sami. V nasledujúcich desaťročiach boli objavené desiatky mimozemských druhov, ktoré by mohli dosiahnuť Zem. Niektoré sú priateľské, iné nie. Spojené štáty zriadili mimozemské obranné sily, ktoré s nimi komunikujú, spolupracujú a v prípade potreby ich eliminujú. Môžu byť mocnými spojencami alebo desivou hrozbou. Keď prichádzajú v mieri, dávajú o sebe vedieť, ale keď pristanú tajne, môže to byť nebezpečné, a to sa stalo. V kalifornskej púšti havarovala mimozemská vesmírna loď. Mimozemská väzenská loď je plná zločineckých a nepriateľských mimozemšťanov. Vďaka havárii sa väzňom podarilo dostať z cely a teraz útočia na Zem, pričom si vyžiadajú prvé ľudské obete. Ľudia z jednotky na obranu proti mimozemšťanom majú jednu z najdôležitejších úloh svojej kariéry. Ak sa im nepodarí odraziť útok do súmraku, protokol požaduje operáciu Helion - termonukleárnu hlavicu vypustenú zo satelitu...

Kate & Humphrey and their three wolf cubs (Smokey, Claudette and Runt) are happily preparing to celebrate their first winter holidays together when their smallest cub, Runt, mysteriously disappears. They must now go on a new journey across the wilderness to find Runt before the winter festivities begin at home.

NYC, Central Park, 2010. Five young teenagers are violently assaulted. But they’re not your average teenagers… they’re prodigies. The trauma of the assault incites them to lash out against the world in a cold and calculating way. The five chillingly brilliant minds come together to concoct a perfect revenge. The only person aware of the pending doom is Jimbo Farrar, a sixth prodigy, who has gathered them. As long as he fights against his five counterparts with all his might, there’s hope for the world. But should he turn over to their side, it’s only a matter of time before a disaster of apocalyptic proportions ensues…

Rodrigo's life as a child was a noble and happy one, he entered school at a young age. Often he went on adventures with his best friend Sancho and often visited his beloved one Jimena, the daughter of the count of Gormaz. His happiness did not last forever, after the death of the King Fernando, Rodrigo is seen wrapped in a world of plots and conspiracies that to will put an end to the life of Sancho and the consequent coronation of the infant Alfonso. All of a sudden, Rodrigo loses all that that he has acquired, his best friend and the love of its beloved one, and is unjustly exiled to Castile without honor!

When Katie meets Paco, they fall in love. From this an extraordinary child is born; Ricky, who quickly develops into something wonderful and not so normal.

When trouble strikes at the Blue Mountain Quarry, Thomas is sent to help his Narrow Gauge engine friends. While shunting and hauling, he catches a glimpse of a small engine trying to hide, yet no one will provide any clues to the engine's identity. Thomas is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery but discovering the truth is harder than he imagined! Will Thomas be able to save his new friend? Or will the mysterious engine be sent away from Sodor forever? Travel on an exciting journey with Thomas and his friends in his biggest movie ever, tracking down clues, discovering lost engines, and revealing the power of friendship!

The scientists of Jurassic World create a captivating and terrifying new creature that loves hot dogs. But what happens when the hot dogs run out?

While scouting out apartments in London for her Venetian boyfriend, Carla rents an apartment that overlooks the Thames. There she meet the lesbian hyper-horny real estate agent Moira.

Krysten Ritter, Kate Bosworth a Rachel Bilson spoločne v hlavnej úlohe zábavnej komédie o priateľstve, živote bez partnera a životnej radosti napriek prekážkam. Keď láska na jednu noc vyústi v nečakané tehotenstvo, veci neberú rýchle obrátky nielen pre Kim ale aj jej spolubývajúce, Deena a Lauru. Ako samoživiteľka má Kim veľké obavy že teraz už je s randením koniec.

An ex-NYPD officer-turned-sheriff of a small rural Georgia town has to contend with a gang of thieves who have taken a wealthy doctor hostage.

Kate a Humprey sú dvaja vlci, ale úplne odlišní. Kate je z rodu Alfa a jej otec je jeden z vodcov svorky, takže sa mladá dáma musí chovať podľa toho - vznešene a zodpovedne. Humprey je Omega vlk, to znamená, že stojí na najnižšej priečke hierarchie. To mu umožňuje byť absolútne slobodný - celé dni trávi s kamarátmi a zabáva sa. Aby zaistil kľud vo svorke, rozhodne sa Katein otec zasnúbiť svoju dcéru so synom šéfa konkurenčnej Alfa svorky. Nič menej, čiaru cez rozpočet všetkým im plánom urobia práve ľudia. Pri love zasiahnú Kate a Humpreyho uspávacou strelou. Obidvaja vlci sa tak ocitnú ďaleko od domova v prírodnom parku Idaho, kde by podľa ľudí mali založiť rodinu. Oni sa ale rozhodnú inak - vypravia sa na cestu naprieč kontinentom späť domov, do Jasperovho národného parku v Kanade.

A group of young men dare a classmate to reach the porch of a legendary old house, said to be haunted by the thirteen victims of a family massacre. In hopes of making a viral video they arm him with a video camera to prove he was there or to capture him fleeing in terror before even reaching the house, as others have. When he doesn't return, the guys must go in to get him. Inside they discover the truth about the house, the fate of their friend and their own fate as well.

A look inside a tragedy through the eyes of a survivor. Based on actual events, April Showers is about picking up the pieces in the direct aftermath of school violence