Eren Yeager and others of the 104th Training Corps have just begun to become full members of the Survey Corps. As they ready themselves to face the Titans once again, their preparations are interrupted by the invasion of Wall Rose—but all is not as it seems as more mysteries are unraveled. As the Survey Corps races to save the wall, they uncover more about the invading Titans and the dark secrets of their own members.

America's coolest heroes Teen Titans head to Japan as they spring into action when a new threat, the dichromatic ninja Saico-Tek, appears in their city. A chase across the city ensues, ending at Titans Tower. Saico-Tek is interrogated by Robin with the aid of a translation program, and reveals the identity of the one who sent him. The ninja then escapes his bonds and vanishes after destroying a fire sprinkler, and the Titans' only lead is to search for his mysterious master - the shadowy figure known as Brushogun.

The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?

In 1812, Napoleon's Army invades Russia. Kutuzov asks Bolkonsky to join him as a staff officer, yet the prince requests a command in the field. Pierre sets out to watch the upcoming confrontation between the armies. During the Battle of Borodino, he volunteers to assist in an artillery battery. Bolkonsky's unit waits in the reserve, but he is hit by a shell. Both Anatol and Bolkosnky suffer severe wounds. The French Army is victorious and advances on Moscow.

Comedy icon Dave Chappelle makes his triumphant return to the screen with a pair of blistering, fresh stand-up specials. Filmed at the Moody Theater in Austin, Texas, in April 2015.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

"This piece, with the generic title Film, is a series of short videos built around one protocol: a snippet of news from a newspaper of the day, is rolled up and then placed on a black-inked surface. On making contact with the liquid, the roll opens and of Its own accord frees itself of the gesture that fashioned it. As it comes alive in this way, the sliver of paper reveals Its hitherto unexposed content; this unpredictable kinematics is evidence of the constant impermanence of news. As well as exploring a certain archaeology of cinema, the mechanism references the passage of time: the ink, whether it is poured or printed, is the ink of ongoing human history." –Ismaïl Bahri

Before he can get close to the real enemy, Manji faces challenges from two powerful opponents : Da Cang - a master of using body pulse, and Hai Wen Xiang - a sea witch who is extremely loyal to Kuiba. When Manji is unwillingly engaged in an intense battle with Hai Wen Xiang. Kuiba reveals its mysterious appearance.

Veselý výlet partie z „Príbehu hračiek“ sa zmení na nočnú moru, keď sú hračky nútené prenocovať v poloprázdnom moteli. Potom, čo sa jedna z hračiek stratí, dôjde k sledu záhadných situácií, ktoré bude treba vyriešiť skôr, než hračky stretne desuplný osud.

Ordered to teach a martial arts class of rambunctious bunny kittens, Po tells stories of each of the Furious Five's pasts.

Táto rozprávka nadväzuje dejom na seriálové diely z televízie. Keď sa Lilo a Stitchovi podarí nájsť a prerobiť k dobrému všetky stratené experimenty, náhle utečie doktor Hamstarviel z väzenia a prinúti Jumbu, aby vytvoril omnoho silnejší a „nenávratne zlý“ experiment, ktorý pomenuje Leroy. Je tak silný, že i Stich je na neho krátky a aby toho nebolo málo, tak je ešte naklonovaný na obriu armádu Leroy. Podarí sa Stitchovi a Lilo nájsť ich slabinu a opäť zvíťaziť nad diabolským doktorom Hamstervielem?

After inheriting the family mortuary, a pyrophobic mortician accidentally exposes hundreds of un-cremated bodies to toxic medical waste. As the corpses re-animate, the mortician's inheritance-seeking younger brother unexpectantly shows up, stumbling upon a full zombie outbreak!

Based on the original animated series Ben 10. Ben becomes targeted by an evil Mechamorph Warrior, named "Retaliator," who mistakenly blames Ben for something he did not do and attempts to destroy all aliens.

A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.

Zelda, zlá čarodejnica, sa rozhodla zničiť mierumilovnú krajinu Labutieho jazera a zmocniť sa ukrytého pokladu, ktorý dáva svojmu majiteľovi nekonečnú silu. Unesie princeznú Odetta a za jej vrátenie bude požadovať práve onen bájny poklad.

Ďalšie zábavné i napínavé dobrodružstvo krásnej princeznej Odetty, odvážneho Dereka a ich zvieracích priateľov. Je to práve rok, čo princezná Odetta a princ Derek oslávili svadbu na zámku na Labuťom jazere. Už dávno zabudli na zlého Calviusa. Jeho túžba po moci je nekonečná, a tak vymýšľa ďalší diabolský plán.

Erik Stifler je možno jediným Stifler, ktorý ukončí strednú školu a bude stále panic. Síce má cez dva roky priateľku Tracy, tá sa ale ešte na sex necíti pripravená. Jedného dňa sa Tracy rozhodne, že sa s Erikom pomiluje, zídu sa v suteréne ich domu, ale takmer v najlepšom je prekvapí Tracyin otec. Eric zase o panictvo neprišiel a Tracy sa vráti k svojmu názoru o nepripravenosti na sex. Eric usúdi, že už to takto ďalej nejde, a preto sa s kamarátmi Ryanom a Grahamen zúčastnia neslávne známeho závodu Nahá míľa, pri ktorom musia prebehnúť školský dvor bez oblečenia. Každý z kamarátov si nájde priateľku a tiež Eric sa začne baviť s pôvabnou blondínkou Brandy. Napriek tomu ale stále myslí na Tracy, a dokonca jej zavolá. Ona mu však opakuje, že tento víkend si môže robiť, čo chce ...

After rescuing Daniel from the terrorist Black Mask Organization, the team uncovers plans for a deadly bomb set to detonate in 36 hours that threatens world order. With no time to recover, Daniel must throw his life back on the line as he and his elite team of soldiers race against time to find the bomb and defeat their enemy once and for all. Outnumbered and overmatched, each soldier must find their inner strength and skill to overcome insurmountable odds.