Andrea, a successful veterinarian who loves her job and is in a relationship with Lucio, an up-and-coming lawyer who grew up in the country. Lucio has some news for Andrea: his mother is turning 60 and is throwing a big party to celebrate. Andrea visits the town where Lucio was raised for the first time and would like to become very close to his family, especially her new Mother-in-law Blanca, who is an overprotective mother, ultra-conservative and always thinks she’s right about everything. Andrea tries to fit in by tolerating all her quirks and harsh treatment during the torturous weekend.

Pasitikinti savimi moksliukė 13-metė paauglė Mei Lee blaškosi tarp noro likti pareiginga dukra, ir prasidėjusios paauglystės chaoso. Paauglystė – keistas metas: nebesupranti, ką mėgsti, ir ko nori; draugai, atrodo, nebedraugiški; o kūnas pradeda skleisti keistus kvapus ir garsus... Visiška katastrofa! Tarsi šių pokyčių nepakaktų, netikėtai Mei Lee įgauna dar vieną „paauglišką gebėjimą“: per daug susijaudinusi, ji – „puf“ – ir pavirsta didžiule raudona panda! Būtų juokinga, jei nebūtų… super juokinga! Pamokanti ir svarbią žinutę nešantis pasakojimas sklidinas patarimų bei linksmų juokelių, kurie padeda drąsiau pažvelgti į paauglystės tikrovę, o tėvams – labiau suprasti paauglystę išgyvenančius savo vaikus.

Sounds as witnesses. They blurr into memories, half-dreams, it is undecided if they are real or not. A fluctuation between imagination and reality.

After a blood- soaked jujitsu match in Dubai, fighting legend Mickey Kelley falls to superstar Blaine. But years later, an online video proves that Blaine cheated, and the world demands a rematch. Can the aging underdog get back into shape in time to vanquish his foe, get revenge, and claim his prize?

Kešas gyvena kuklų ir taikų gyvenimą, padėdamas savo velionės sesers vyrui užauginti dukterėčią Savaną ir vadovauti ūkiui mažame Apalačų miestelyje. Tačiau kai Ket, vietinės gaujos lyderė ir sadistė, pradeda grasinti jo šeimai, Kešas supranta, kad yra pasirengęs padaryti bet ką, kad juos apsaugotų. Ir kuo ilgiau trunka konfrontacija, įtraukdama Kešą į smurto sūkurį, tuo labiau nyksta riba tarp gėrio ir blogio.

Gurus in the late Goryeo dynasty try to obtain a fabled, holy sword, and humans in 2022 hunt down an alien prisoner that is locked in a human's body. The two parties cross paths when a time-traveling portal opens up.

Eva, an ex-dancer, is now living in a wheelchair, unable to walk. When her friend Sophie gives her an old wooden antique advent calendar before Christmas, she realizes each window contains a surprise that triggers repercussions in real life: some of them good, but most of them bad... Now Eva will have to choose between getting rid of the calendar or walking again… even if it causes death around her.

Po netikėtos nelaimės jauna mergina su dviem draugais atsiduria atviroje jūroje. Juos išgelbėja žvejybinio laivo kapitonas, tačiau jie dar nežino, kad tai ne pabaiga.

Alpinistė, įstrigusi kalno priekyje, kovoja su keturiais žudikais, stovinčiais ant iškyšos, esančios 6 metrai virš jos.

Jau pačioje kelionės pradžioje Erkiulį Puaro užkalbina žavinga dama. Prisistačiusi Linete Ridžvei-Doil, moteris sekliui papasakoja savo istoriją – apie tai, kad iš savo geriausios draugės Žaklinos nuviliojo sužadėtinį Simoną ir už jo ištekėjo. Žaklina tokios skriaudos negalėjusi atleisti ir prisiekusi atkeršyti Linetei. O dabar ji yra šiame pačiame laive! Atostogų nuotaikų apimtas Puaro iš pradžių neteikia daug reikšmės tokioms, jo nuomone, nereikšmingoms moterų peštynėms, tačiau kitą rytą Linetė randama nužudyta. O Žaklina turi puikų alibi. Iš pradžių tai atrodo kaip tobula žmogžudystė – jokių įkalčių, jokių liudininkų. Tačiau akylasis seklys mato tai, ko nepastebi niekas kitas. Kruopelytė po kruopelytės ūsuotasis detektyvas renka įkalčius, kuria prielaidas, atmetinėja neįmanomus scenarijus ir pamažu, bet neišvengiamai artėja prie paslaptingo nusikaltimo išaiškinimo.

To earn extra cash, Mickey helps couples break up — but life gets complicated when he falls for Tinni, a career woman with an independent streak.

Captured by a ruthless gang of bank robbers, foes Diabolik and Ginko find themselves facing certain death. While Eva Kant and Altea forge an unlikely alliance to rescue their lovers, Diabolik reveals his mysterious past to the Inspector.

Based on True Events: Suffering from sleep paralysis, a medical student falls prey to a demonic force that wants to rip her apart from within. Torn between sanity and the unknown, she's left with no alternative but to contact a local priest for help.

An elite DEA agent returns home after a failed mission when his family makes an unexpected discovery in their house – a stash of money worth $3 million. They soon face the danger and threat of a newly released criminal and his crew, who will do whatever it takes to retrieve the money, including kidnap the agent’s daughters. Stakes are high and lives are at risk in this head-to-head battle as the agent stops at nothing to protect his family against the money-hungry criminals.

Just as the disheveled and alcoholic filmmaker Ismaël embarks on a difficult new film project, his life is sent into a tailspin. His wife Carlotta, presumed dead for 20 years, come crashing back into his life creating chaos in his work and his current romantic relationship with the starry-eyed astronomer Sylvia.

When a small-town con artist joins the local mafia with his manipulative brother, his obsession with balancing his karma gets hilariously brutal.

Ūkininko ramų gyvenimą sudrumsčia pasirodęs policininkas ir pora pavojingų nusikaltėlių.

Two people, a man and a woman, wake up naked and with their abdomens attached to each other.

An elder brother who lived a life of crime but left to show his younger brother the lifestyle is not fit for anything. Years later his younger brother takes his footsteps in the life of drugs/crime, to a deal gone wrong his younger brother is murdered, his elder brother steps back into his crime ways and to find and avenge his younger brother's death.