يكتشف بوس أن شغفه بالمغامرة قد تسبب في خسائر فادحة وذلك لأنه قضى على ثمانية من حياته التسع . فينطلق بوس في رحلة ملحمية للعثور على آخر أمنية أسطورية واستعادة حياته التسعة.
الاحتفال بالعمر على الرغم من الحظر المحير الذي فرضته عائلته منذ أجيال على الموسيقى ، يحلم ميغيل بأن يصبح موسيقيا بارعا مثل معبوده إرنستو دي لا كروز. في محاولة يائسة لإثبات موهبته ، يجد ميغيل نفسه في أرض الموتى المذهلة والملونة بعد سلسلة غامضة من الأحداث. على طول الطريق ، يلتقي المحتال الساحر هيكتور ، وينطلقان معا في رحلة غير عادية لفتح القصة الحقيقية وراء تاريخ عائلة ميغيل.
يجمع بروس واين مجموعة من الأبطال الخارقين من أجل الدفاع عن البشرية ضد داركسايد والحفاظ على تضحيات سوبرمان الراحل، ولكن سرعان ما تقع كوارث مروعة تدفع الفريق إلى فعل المستحيل.
بول أتريدس ، شاب لامع وموهوب ولد لمصير عظيم يفوق إدراكه، وعليه أن يسافر إلى أخطر كوكب في الكون لضمان مستقبل عائلته وشعبه. بينما تنفجر القوى الخبيثة في صراع حول الإمداد الحصري للكوكب بأثمن مورد في الوجود - سلعة قادرة على إطلاق العنان لقدرات البشرية العليا - فقط أولئك الذين يستطيعون التغلب على خوفهم سيبقون على قيد الحياة.
يتناول العمل قصة جولي، والتي تمر بفاجعة كبيرة حينما يموت زوجها وابنتها في حادث سيارة، فتدخل في محاولة للبحث عن بداية جديدة في حياتها على الرغم من خسائرها الكبيرة.
A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he attempts to persuade a girl to run away to Italy with him.
A young academy soldier, Maciek Chelmicki, is ordered to shoot the secretary of the KW PPR. A coincidence causes him to kill someone else. Meeting face to face with his victim, he gets a shock. He faces the necessity of repeating the assassination. He meets Krystyna, a girl working as a barmaid in the restaurant of the "Monopol" hotel. His affection for her makes him even more aware of the senselessness of killing at the end of the war. Loyalty to the oath he took, and thus the obligation to obey the order, tips the scales.
In the Sengoku period, a woman and her daughter are raped and murdered by soldiers during a time of civil war. Afterwards, a series of samurai returning from the war through that area are found mysteriously dead with their throats torn out. The governor calls in a wild and fierce young hero to quell what is evidently an Onryō ghost. He encounters the two beautiful women in an eerie, beautiful scene. After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight.
Mute Hee-Jin is working as a clerk in a fishing resort in the Korean wilderness; selling baits, food and occasionally her body to the fishing tourists. One day she falls in love with Hyun-Shik, who is on the run from the police, and rescues him with a fish hook when he tries to commit suicide.
Marion is about to divorce from her husband and takes her 15-year-old niece, Pauline, on a vacation to Granville. There, she meets an old love...
رجل كرنفال طموح يتمتع بموهبة التلاعب بالناس ببضع كلمات مختارة جيدًا يتواصل مع طبيبة نفسية أكثر خطورة منه.
Set during the Vietnam war, Firebase follows American soldier Hines through an ever-deepening web of science fiction madness.
Cast and crew from A Nightmare on Elm Street are terrorized by Freddy Krueger and his razor-fingered glove as he crosses over into the real world.
Disillusioned with his life in the suburbs of segregated Beirut, Omar's unusual discovery lures him into the depth of the city. Immersed into a world that is so close yet so isolated from his reality, he finds himself struggling to keep his attachments, his sense of home.
Norman McLaren made Scherzo early after his arrival in North America in 1939, but the film was subsequently lost. In 1984 the original materials were found and the hand-drawn images and sound were reconstituted. Picture and sound dance triple-quick in this animated version of a musical scherzo. A film without words.
Faced with sudden doubts about her marriage, a young New York mother teams up with her larger-than-life playboy father to tail her husband.
The interconnected circuitry. The aggregated flora. Alternating currents of the visual field.
A detailed look at the events leading up to the blacklisting of Hollywood writers and artists. In October 1947 nineteen Hollywood personalities were subpoenaed by the House Committee on Un-American Activities to testify about their knowledge or possible involvement in the American Communist Party. The first ten to be called refused to cooperate, claiming their first amendment rights, were cited for contempt of Congress and sent to prison. They became known as the "Hollywood Ten" and this is their story.
With school out for the summer, The Littles are vacationing in a cabin by the lake, and Stuart is so excited he could burst! But when Snowbell the cat is captured by a mean-spirited creature known simply as the Beast, it's up to Stuart and a skunk named Reeko to rescue him and a few other friends.
Starts off in the 15th century, with Connor McLeod training with another immortal swordsman, the Japanese sorcerer Nakano. When an evil immortal named Kane kills the old wizard, the resulting battle leaves him buried in an underground cave. When Kane resurfaces in the 20th century to create havoc, it's up to McLeod to stop him.